

#1 Stop taking dating so seriously!

#2 Stop wasting time overthinking text game

#3 The so-called “dates” are supposed to be FUN activities YOU love to do!

#4 Even if first date sucks, so fvcking what?

#5 Always date MULTIPLE women until you feel that one qualifies to be exclusive  to be with you.



hi manson, 我A1, 但未扑過野,  最近鍾意左個女仔, 佢之前都拍過好幾次拖,  所以我相信佢唔係處

雖然我明白21世紀扑野係好正常, 但個心都唔係太舒服,  想問下有咩方法可以改變自己對呢方面既諗法??


#1 Fully accept your VIRGIN self first


#2 Be HONEST and proud instead of shameful of your sexuality/ sexual status, DO NOT boast about your experience


#3 Meet, attract, seduce and fvck girls ASAP!  Until you have fvcked, it’s impossible to really know what sex is.


#4 Don’t worry about anything about performance, just enjoy it


#5 Do your research in advance about female anatomy, buy condom and lube



Q&A Hi man神,睇完你d片之後,我既人生的確有好大轉變,我好容易同囡囡玩到。但同時我發覺自己開始比人背後中傷,比人話我中意食女,我feel到開始有人對我反感,我怕再係咁落去會畀人話我狗公,排擠我。


究竟我係咪做錯d乜?我只不過係ocamp同d組mate玩,ocamp本來就係用黎玩架啦,我又唔係淨係同女玩。究竟我應該點做?繼續去同女女玩?定收斂d好? Thanks! By rex


#1 Are the girls MORE or LESS attracted to you now? If it’s MORE, then who gives a fvck of what other jealous dudes say? You’re not pleasing to suck their dicks, so who cares?

Don’t let the fvcking crabs pull you down.


#2 That’s good that you’re playing with EVERYONE, not just girls. So you’re good, keep that action momentum going and let haters hate you. Withstand that pressure and you’ll become an even more attractive man!

Full answer here:




Q&A: Man神 我都follow左你 幾日你呢封信對我黎講好有用 每日都需要有d必經步驟。


搞到呢幾晚訓唔著 而且個女女係同事黎 宜家關係已經totally fuck up。而且我又係個冇咩女仔fd ge男仔 可以話我係死毒撚。我男女fd比例係1:9 男係9。


好希望可以透過你教授ge技能,搵到終身伴侶,唔想再尋尋覓覓,我亦都唔想再收到仆街好人卡,雖然我係好人。請問身高唔高係咪冇女溝 在下165cm 冇錢係咪唔會搵到真心好ge女朋友。而且靚女係咪應該只好j 唔好溝?

在下 啊熙,  期待你回信!祝工作順利 man神 永不fuck up。


man神, 想補充一d野 我比個女女完全睇透,就好似開左寫輪眼完全被睇透,完全知道我想點。



啊熙, 祝man神 生活愉快!


Full answer here:

世界有咁多正妹,點揀好!? (Q&A)


Q&A: Hi Manson,

Me again. Keep listening to your channel. I found that you recently started some topics about personal growth rather than purely pick up techniques. I found that really inspiring and hope more like that will come out in the future!

Just back from Switzerland to see the girl I just mentioned in my last email!


This trip is quite fascinating and I had fun and relaxed. I discovered something about my inner self that may need improvement. Europe has a lot of hot girls compared to Hong Kong, I discovered myself whenever hanging out with my woman I always feel like the girls walking on the street are hottier and younger…..and that somehow gives me a resentful feeling…


Have you experienced something similar before?


And what if when hanging out with your sex partner or girlfriend and her single hot friends are way hotter than her? I cannot conceal that “evil” and depressive feeling wanting to fuck her friends too (of course I didn’t as my rational sides helped me calculated the risk and consequences) but I keep finding myself in situation like this (the girl I am dating with, her friends are way hotter)


What things can I do to address these feeling rather than just keep telling myself “be grateful” ? Or can I actually include them as sex partners too?


Regards, Alex


Full details here:




Q&A: Hello Man神, 有一個問題諗左好耐都諗唔通。








好多人都話結婚果個唔會係你鐘意果個,其實呢句說話係咪真既? 依家呢個年代有幾多人會係咁? 會揾一個唔係自己最鐘意既人結婚?


同一個適合自己既人結婚真係咁重要? 但如果同一個我鐘意既人結婚,為左少D嗌交,所有野就哂佢、最多自己辛苦少少咪得囉,起碼呢個人係自己鐘意,每日都想見到佢。另外,Man神如果你係我,你會點揀呢? 好多謝你既解答~ Eric