


Well, what I am about to tell you is quite controversial, and that is also one of the biggest fear of men.


Maybe you’ve experienced these moments with your GF, or during a date, or a girl you’re attracted to.


That is, when she starts to “act crazy”, you as a man think “Why the F did she do that? That doesn’t make sense! That is irrationally! I don’t get it!”


#1 But what I want to tell you is that often when you say this to yourself,


it’s NOT that women are crazy, but it’s HER way of showing HER EMOTIONS, which is by definition NOT about logic/rationality.


Why is it good that a girl shows you her CRAZY side?


It’s because she is giving you a shit test, an opportunity to see if you are a man who can handle her in her FULLNESS.


#2 Understand: No girl will shit test you if she isn’t interested in being intimate with!


If she is always polite, composed, elegant, rational, logical like a motherfvcking judge or government voice, guess what?


There’s NO fvcking passion/sexual tension/arousal/excitment that exists between a man and a woman!


So if a girl shows you her emotions, at least she is comfortable enough with you to see if you can handle her emotionally and sexually.


#3 Why sexually? Because when a woman let go SEXUALLY and really feel the pleasure, she HAS to trust you that you can handle her in the bed and you’re not scared away by her real raw animalistic desires during orgasm!


So next time a girl go “crazy” on you, that’s a compliment.


Handle the shit test well, know that she is interested in you, and have even more passionate sex later when you get together 🙂


Do you know why rejection is such a BIG FEAR for us?


If you want to study more, you can watch a Ted Talk by Guy Winch “Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid”


Reason #1 Rejection feels so bad because it PHYSICALLY HURTS.

MRI study: The part of your brain that lights up when a man gets rejected = same part of the brain that lights up when he experiences physical pain.


So rejection = being punched/stabbed, your body tells you it HURTS.


Reason #2 Our brains are wired this way because of evolution

Back in caveman days, if a man gets rejected by social circle = he is alone to defend against wild animals = unlikely to survive


So evolution makes us FEEL the rejection pain so that we change our behavior and remain in the tribe to stay alive.


Reason #3 We tend to imagine that everyone notices our rejection/ppl are watching, thus exaggerates the painful experience.


In reality, most ppl are just stuck in their own thinking, and that’s why no one actually pays attention to what you do.


Solution #1: Stop all self-criticism

Stop saying “she doesn’t like me/ damn I said sth wrong/ I am not good enough.”

=> Instead, reframe this as “Haha, she likes me and that’s why she gives me shit tests.” Have this “she likes me”frame 100% time.


Solution #2 Write down the Top 10 Qualities every day

– Reinforce and speak out aloud everyday why you are WORTH IT to build your self-esteem.


Solution #3: Proactive Socializing

– Always be meeting new people, new women. Don’t be passive and let your frds find you. Be proactive weekly so that you always find people who accepts and loves you.


A lot of guys assume women want sex to last for HOURS “marathon sex”, but in reality it is NOT true.


Longer sex is NOT always better sex.


If you can give her orgasms, she is likely to love it no matter the duration of sex.


According to researchers in Penn State University/賓夕法尼亞州立大學  Eric Corty and Jenay Guardiani,


they conducted a survey of 50 sex professionals (doctors, psychologists, sex researchers) 1-2 mins is TOO SHORT,  3-7 mins as adequate, 7-13 mins as desierable, and 13-30 mins as too long


They are referring to PENETRATIVE sex without including foreplay.


So if you can last for 10+ mins, that’s already good to most women.


Conclusion: The key is to focus on the QUALITY of your sex, rather than quantity (how long it lasts).


Different women want different things in different situations, so STOP using a clock while fvcking!!




#1 Distance yourself

Create an absence so that her perception of you changes. You are no longer always available, so this forces her to think about you.

Right now, she only sees you as a sexless platonic guy. Such vacuum will slowly eliminate the old perception of the beta you


#2  Reconnect

After you eradicate the weak nice guy image, you need to come back with a new image and let her see your change subtle or indirectly.

However, you MUST NOT play nice to her like you used to, don’t listen to her relationship problems, don’t be her friend again!

When you stop being a doormat, she will see you in a different light.


#3 Spark Attraction

Now it’s time to do what you have been learning: teasing, challenging, be a fun guy to hang around with, have your passions, not always being available, continuously seeing other women, making extended eye contact and physical touches to increase sexual tension etc.

You never did these things b4, you tried to remain neutral b4, and that’s why you were in the FZ.

Now that you have a new image, it’s time to try again with a much more attractive version of you!


Full details here:



Clients ask me all the time: When is the right time to make a move? When is the right time to touch her, kiss her, date her, text her, fuck her etc?

The truth is the escalation moves are NOT time-based, it’s based on the COMFORT level of a girl.

In this episode, I’ll answer this common Q for you.



WTF is friendzone? Although we have talked a lot in the past, most guys still have no clue what that is.


FZ = When you think you’re being intimate with a girl, but in reality she already deems you as “just another guy” who she will NOT has sex with.


Why you can never get out of FZ per se?


It’s because you’re investing so much time/energy/effort treating her AS IF your gf, but she is NOT giving you the most important thing a GF would do: SEX!


What are they key signs that you are in the FZ?


#1 She spends “a lot of time” with you talking about her EX-bf, or even worse her current BF.

You are already “too nice” sacrificing your priorities/passions/interests and trying to accommodate a girl and be her emotional tampon, and that’s a guaranteed path to a platonic sexless r/p.


#2 You are helping her do nice things  with your SKILLS

E.g. fix computer, fix her car, buy stuff online, buy concert ticket


#3 She always acts like a nice, good girl around you

Even when a girl chats with you on the phone after midnight, occasionally helping you do stuff, making snacks for you…

If everything is keep at a very neutral platonic level, if she doesn’t bother to feel any sexual tension from you, and if there’s no sex, you are still in a FZ.


Note that there’s nothing WRONG with being FDs with girls,


but remember that if you stay in the FZ hoping that one day she will be touched and see how good you are and beg you to become her bf?


That’s just bullshit fantasy that never happens!


Full episode here: