講呢個字馬上提升女人的服從性!One Strange Word That Gets You More Compliance [溝女x成功]

Yo! 我喺MTFU嘅Man神啊,歡迎嚟到新一集嘅ManTheFvckUp,














我同你都係活喺一個因果關係/cause and effect 嘅世界,好多嘢都係因為A事件,之後導致B事件發生。






如果你見到心儀嘅靚女,你嘅心就會卜卜咁跳 etc.  
















就係由Dr. Robert Cialdini所寫嘅《Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion》。




















點解當你能夠加一句少少嘅『because XYZ/因為XYZ』,其他人就會比較願意去服從你嘅指引呢?






























男女傾計最致命的錯誤!(Part 7 of 7) [溝女]

Yo! 我喺MTFU嘅Man神啊,歡迎嚟到新一集嘅ManTheFvckUp,




男女傾計最致命錯誤 Mistake #7 :




Conversation is a SKILL,


getting good with women is a SKILL,


being a great speaker is a SKILL,


being great at anything is a SKILL!


Do you still want the PAIN of not knowing what to do?


Do you still want the FEELING of indecisiveness because you are too afraid to make a mistake?


Do you want that FEAR of talking to women because you think what you say isn’t “good enough”to impress her?


Secret #1: 機會喺留畀有準備嘅人,


make it your LIFETIME mission to improve your conversation skills, just like always be improving 1% daily with a worthy skill.


Do you talk every day?


Do you speak every day?


So do you think it’s a worthy skill to practice?


Your choice.


Secret #2: Drop all your STANDARDS of a good conversation with women.



Your standards of “what to say to girls” is too high.


From now on, London bridge is falling down, ZERO standards.



=> Say whatever you want to say,


say whatever that AMUSES you,


makes you feel good,


say whatever you find FUN to say.




男女傾計最致命的錯誤!(Part 6 of 7) [溝女]

Yo! 我喺MTFU嘅Man神啊,歡迎嚟到新一集嘅ManTheFvckUp,




男女傾計最致命錯誤 Mistake #6:


嘗試扮搞笑,嘗試扮funny,而忘記咗自己享受去玩嘅過程/having fun。



Understand: Most girls don’t get guys humor, that logical intellectual humour doesn’t mean shit to them.


Comedians are funny, but do you think they are sex symbol?


Fvck no!


Trying to be funny -> make you OVERTHINK things, funny lines put pressure on you to always be stuck in your head.


-> When you think it’s not funny, you think the sentence is NOT good enough to say, and you think you don’t know what to say.



TRUTH: Women prefer FUN over funny.


=> Because FUNNY makes her laugh at the jokes, FUN gets her laughing because she likes you.


=> Jokes make her laugh at the THING,


but when you two do sth that’s FUN (roleplay, teasing her), she laughs because she is having a good time with you!



FUN is easier to transition to sexual.


-> It’s hard to get from being scarastic to sexual


-> VS you tease her, being playful, being silly,


it’s much easier to transition to SEXUAL stuff and lead to passionate romantic connection.



男女傾計最致命的錯誤!(Part 5 of 7) [溝女]

Yo! 我喺MTFU嘅Man神啊,歡迎嚟到新一集嘅ManTheFvckUp,




男女傾計最致命錯誤 Mistake #5:


太過親戚恭敬mode/太過謹慎小心『得體』/Being Too Safe!


Because you always want to find sth to talk about, you are attached to certain safe topics and you are AFRAID to change subject.



E.g. find that you both loved fitness, then spend 1 fvcking hour talking about health/fitness/food/nutrition/workout, THINKING the conversation well fantastic.


E.g. find that you both are passionate about dogs/cats/pets , then kept talking about pets stuff



TRUTH: You only display that you both are fitness enthusiasts /pet lovers, BUT nothing else in common.


At the end, yes you share mutual interest.


BUT you also display that OUTSIDE that mutual interest, you two CAN’T just chill and enjoy each other’s company, talking about nothing!


=> Girls want to be with a guy who they can have FUN with, being not SERIOUS all the time,


being SILLY around, talking about nth and just chilling in the moment, a guy she can lays on the couch with laughing and having fun


=> Sunday morning, laying on your chest, just FEELING, not always have to talk about serious stuff


There are 1 million guys out there who also love fitness/dogs/whatever passion you have,


but there are only a few guys whom she can imagine herself having fun with,


the two of you just enjoying each other company exploring different activities, adventures and LIFE.


Takeaway: Do NOT attach to certain topics.


As always, your goal of conversations is to have fun, help others have fun (experiencing wide range of emotions),


and then screen & qualify to see if she is the kind of person for you to bring her into your life.




7種男女傾計最致命嘅錯誤!(Part 4 of 7) [溝女]

Yo! 我喺MTFU嘅Man神啊,歡迎嚟到新一集嘅ManTheFvckUp,






Mistake #4: 進入面試/Interview Mode!


Conversations should NOT feel like a job interview,


that’s why dinner dates as the first 1-2-1 date SUCKS,


it puts so much pressure on both of you to keep the conversation going.


Then you start asking Qs


e.g. what do you do for a living?


What do you do for fun?


Where do you grow up?


What kind of music do you like?


It’s not the questions themselves that KILL you, it’s the rapid firing of questions after questions after questions.


The stream of fact-based answers DESTROY any chemistry you have.


Conversations should have a FUN vibe back and forth.


Creating Chemsitry?


-> Imagine there’s a spotlight shining over the conversation, chemistry happens when the spotlight happens BOTH of you.


-> So when you keep ask Qs, you put the spotlight on her answering Qs, and that’s uncomfortable.

e.g. just like speaking in front of a camera


Don’t put her in that spotlight,


keep it focused on BOTH of you for as long as possible.


Tip: Questions are great for coaching/helping/inspiring, but Questions never lead to chemistry.


Statements DO!


Action Step: Change from asking Qs to making statements


E.g. What she does for a living?


->So, I bet you are a nurse


=> Why do you think I am a nurse?


=> etc.


Now you two are vibing and makes things back and forth,


more emotional, more fun, more interesting, more chemistry.




7種男女傾計最致命的錯誤!(Part 3 of 7) [溝女]

Yo! 我喺MTFU嘅Man神啊,歡迎嚟到新一集嘅ManTheFvckUp,






Mistake #3: 太落力去扮晒cool/扮晒型/扮晒冷酷


Sometimes you have this little voice in your head that says you may not deserve her,


and you’re thinking how you can STAND OUT from other guys in the environment,


and you try to offer sth SPECIAL that others can’t.  


=> This makes your brain paralyzed,  


Brain freeze, you search for things to SAY that make you seem COOL, seem FUNNY


=> This makes you so damn NERVOUS, can’t even compose a normal sentence, mind go blank;


OR you try too hard to be funny


Trying to be cool = try hard


TRUTH: You DON”T always have to be cool


If you can manage to show her in the first few mins of talking to her, that you are at least the SAME social level as her, you  don’t need to pretend to be COOL,


you can just focus on  having a FUN, NATURAL conversation that makes YOU feel good, which will makes her FEEL good.


Imagine: If you don’t need to wear this social mask of being COOL,


how easy, effortless, relaxed will conversations be?


Concentrate on staying in the MOMENT, and HAVE FUN with small talk.


Rmb: Women don’t need you to be COOL all the time,


as long as you are having FUN yourself, they want to hang around you because of the good positive emotions.


You are just being yourself having FUN for yourself.


That’s sexy!




7種男女傾計最致命的錯誤!(Part 2 of 7) [溝女]

Yo! 我喺MTFU嘅Man神啊,歡迎嚟到新一集嘅ManTheFvckUp,






Mistake #2: Being too agreeable/過份同意佢講嘅嘢


Some men commit this when they go on dates with girls, tried so damn hard to be agreeable


e.g. a girl mentions a band/movie/book, they search their mind trying to find sth positive about it;


OR even if you mention sth you like, when she says she doesn’t like,


you change your mind and says “Yeah, maybe it’s not that good.”


=> almost afraid to DISAGREE with women!


OR if your female friends badmouth a good frd of you,


you don’t stand up for your friend and take her side, saying your frd is a jerk!?


That’s NOT the way to win a girl over!


If you don’t tell her your true opinions, because you think that might mean you two are incompatible…


…if your goal is to show her how much you two HAVE IN COMMON, you are so perfect…


…if you hide how you feel/ changing your personality to please her…


It’s time for you to MAN THE FVCK UP, this NEVER works!


Understand this: Liking you is DIFFERENT than attraction,








事實上,she doesn’t have to like you to be attracted to you,


女仔係冇需要去鍾意你,之後先至被你吸引。(talk about this in later episodes)


Counterintuitive TIP: Disagreement/ asserting your different opinion, CAN be an attraction switch.


Because you disagree = push her away, agreeing = pulling her in.


So blindly agreeing with women = keeping pulling a girl towards you= make her suffocated and run away


The more uncertainty, the more intrigued, the more drama she feels during an interaction, the more ATTRACTION she can feel.


Hence, push-pull, confusing her, sparking intrigue.


ACTION STEP: Do not be afraid to express your opinions, disagree with her, call her out on her bullshit


-> differentiate yourself from other guys


-> Sub Communicate: I am not afraid to lose you, this is ATTRACTIVE to women.


They want things a lot more if she isn’t sure if she can have you.


Also this is much easier to begin flirting with a girl when you disagree with her, disagreement provides the ammunition you need to TEASE her


E.g. if she tells you she likes a movie that you thought SUCKS,


you can make fun of her “Wow, that movie? You have such bad taste, no wonder we won’t get along with each other.”


Another danger of being too agreeable:


You’re so UNSURE of yourself, you’re almost looking for women to give you permission/approval for you to lead the conversation.


=> super unattractive! Attraction disappeared!


***Women will follow whatever TONE you set for the conversation.


If you set a fun flirty vibe, she will follow.


Even if she isn’t interested in the topic YOU CHOSE to discuss,


she still RESPECT you more for taking initiative THAN if you sit there and only talk when she wants!




7種男女傾計最致命的錯誤!(Part 1 of 7) [溝女]

Yo! 我喺MTFU嘅Man神啊,歡迎嚟到新一集嘅ManTheFvckUp,






-> these things kill momentum, attraction,


+ leave girl think that you’re just another boring guy


If you can’t talk, you can never get the hot girls – whether you are rich, handsome, have big muscles etc.


There are certain types women respond to, also certain types that bore them and turn them off.


Below = mistakes + tips, what to do about it


Mistake #1: Not Assuming Rapport 無一早假設大家有rapport/融洽關係


Don’t wait for rapport to happen naturally, you ASSUME it even if it’s first time.


Talk to her in the same laid back way as if you’re talking to an old friend


Most guys Too stiff, too formal, as if strangers

-> If you assume you are stranger, you are a stranger random guy.


She puts her guard up. Create this uncomfortable awkwardness.


Jump right into rapport


-> more natural feeling conversations, feeling of having known you forever



HINT: Chemistry is a feeling; so you jump in and talk to her as if you’ve known her forever


1st way to kill rapport: salesman mode


-> you’re trying to sell yourself to her vibe


i.e. taking survey, ask you to sign petition, sell you plan, converting sb into religion on streets


2nd way to kill rapport: getting into hairdresser mode


-> weather, super restricted and formal, super PG-13 shit


-> solution: talk to her like she’s an old friend




女人唔想同你傾計的4大原因 4 Reasons Why Girls Don’t Want To Talk To You [溝女]

Yo! 我喺MTFU嘅Man神啊,歡迎嚟到新一集嘅ManTheFvckUp,




Quick Announcement: Do you want quick 1-min dating tips on IG Story/ videos;


If yes, like this video and leave a comment for me 🙂
























如果你學識點樣正確地同女人傾計,學識點樣同佢調情flirt,學識點樣turn her on,






#1 要永遠永遠記住呢句說話,


『A man’s attractiveness is directly proportional to his level of non-neediness』,


































感覺到你try so fvcking hard去impress奉承佢,令到佢對你感到厭惡。


#2 女人唔想同你傾計嘅原因,






但係女人都想要一個powerful,有自信,對自己secure, 有信心嘅男人;




#3 第三樣女人唔想同你傾計嘅原因,就係好簡單因為你好撚悶!






而唔係淨係一味用邏輯悶爆嘅logical conversation同佢講嘢!








#4 最後女人唔想同你傾偈嘅原因,就係因為你太過缺乏social intelligence,一啲社交嘅智慧。




所以佢哋係好識得點樣跟從social norms,好快地觀察到某個場地嘅社交潛規則。


所以如果你唔能夠察覺到當時環境有乜嘢係socially acceptable,












你都可以幾肯定自己係缺乏Social Intelligence!











邊兩種男人係女人最想要?2 Contradictory Qualities Women Want [溝女]

Yo! 我喺MTFU嘅Man神啊,歡迎嚟到新一集嘅ManTheFvckUp,




#1 Brand new idea: Want 1-min IG story/video tip of the day?


#2 Coaching last week inspired me: 2 qualities women want from a man


– Father Figure Lower Energy: I like you, but I don’t like this behavior.


Authoritative; Decisive;


Dominating; Leadership;


Boundaries; Loving but not supplicating;


Wisdom to learn from; Protection;


Challenge her to be better;


Pleasure and Punishment; Adventurous;


– Little Boy Upper Energy: Her mother instinct wants to take care of the cute little you.


Playful; Carefreeness;


Curiosity; Innocent;


Kind; Light;


Strong but needs caring


#3 Ideal man?


A bad boy warrior who doesn’t give a fvck what others think,


who chooses his own path,


who has a strong opinion,


who lives in a thrilling dangerous adventure,


who fights for what he believes in,


WHILE allowing his woman to take care of him,


be vulnerable and gentle at times,


letting his girl take care of this wounded warrior.


Picture: Warrior 300 leader,


a man fights his battle, and chill out allowing his woman to wash his wounds.

