
Welcome to another episode of 溝女Q&A, where I help MTFU fans weekly to briefly solve their dating problems.

If you want more comprehensive answers AND 1-2-1 interaction with me,

you may consider joining our Insider family because you will get all the dating/sex/relationship training materials inside.

If you are interested, go to www.manthefvckup.com/joininsider for details. Any Qs, just email us.


Jacky W: 你好!我最近同女朋友分左手,我好想挽留她但她的性格比較任性,或者我在她身上沒吸引力了。她話唔想在比任何野束博,她覺得拍拖會阻住她做不到她想做的野。


#1 You can NEVER force a woman to stay in a r/p. If she doesn’t want to stay in your world, let her go. Be totally OPEN and always let them have options to leave.

That’s the most contradictory way to KEEP a girl who has genuine desire with you.

#2 Stop making women like you, start making them RESPECT you. Women don’t always fvck a guy they like, but they always fvck guys they RESPECT.

The real reason you FAIL is because you ONLY treat her well, and I bet you treat her well even when she did nothing to EARN IT or DESERVE IT.

From now on, if you ONLY treat women well when they have earned it,

AND if you only choose women who OBEYS to your rules/boundaries, I guarantee you will be able keep most quality women.


Gag L:你好!Man神,我呢排就透過ig page到識到幾個女仔,但係問題就係交換到電話傾左幾句之後,就吾知講咩好,因為我又吾想好似見工甘係甘問佢問題,所以對於一個未見過既女仔可以講啲咩吾會令到佢反感呢? 令到佢更加會對我有興趣而會出黎我?感謝.


Purpose of meeting girls online/real person and getting their # is to get her out on a quick date to see if you two vibe and meets your standards.

So once you have some basic info about her, and she seems interested in you, then you gotta get her out for a quick short coffee or drink.

You’ve not met her yet, you don’t know what she is like in real person, doesn’t make sense to waste time chatting because you IMAGINE she is cool.

So after a few exchanges of whatsapp, you’re teasing her and making her laugh, then seed for date by asking if she likes XYZ or not.

Regardless, invite her out and you will see if she REALLY is interested in you.


Ken K:  Manson 上個月 我同一個拍左拖一個月既女生分左手 因為我經常唔信任佢 管住佢, 仲有我同佢一齊既時候唔會拒絕其他女仔同我傾計。

–> That’s good. If she is not entering your world and accepting your rules. She is gone. No girls is worth changing yourself for her.


—> Wrong move. Stop being friends with girls, they don’t deserve your attention. Ignore girls who are NOT giving you want you want.

之後佢就將我block左 但我依家仲有聯絡方法可以聯絡佢(例如IG) 但搵佢既時候佢會已讀唔覆我

—> Told you. IGNORE HER. You are LOSING

所以我都冇chur住佢 但係我依家都仲係好鍾意佢 好愛佢,真係很想佢繼續做我女朋友。我應該點做先可以令佢做番我女朋友呢 係咪應該要製造真空期 (但我平時番學都會見到佢 雖然唔同form) 唔該manson幫下我 pls

—> That’s not fucking love, that’s neediness. And you say you like her BECAUSE the reality is that you DON’T have other girls as options.

What you do is to COMPLETELY IGNORE HER and DISAPPEAR, get OTHER girls, get her jealous, let her finds you again, give her minimal attention UNLESS she obeys, and you will WIN the battle.



有private coaching client曾經問我:『Man神,我有次因為條女做咗某啲我唔鍾意嘅嘢,我勁嬲跟住爆咗佢一鑊,同佢鬧交。






但有一點你要注意:就係,你做呢樣嘢之前,你必須確保你已經建立咗一條baseline/基線,你要比佢feel到你本身喺一個『控制到情緒』嘅cool guy先;







但係女人嘅心理,喺需要其他好好壞壞嘅strong emotions,例如講八婆嘢,例如妄想下啲浪漫小說或者白痴肥皂劇,又或者透過佢嘅男人去比啲drama自己令自己生命無咁悶。




當然有,我喺YT/newsletter裡面都教過其他巴打:『學識說不,你溝女先得!』唔好為咗『和諧/和平』呢啲概念而下下對女人say yes,因為女人其實喺鍾意你對住佢say no!







歡迎你去加入我哋MTFU Insider嘅內部兄弟幫,因為我喺裏面每日都教導內部巴打比起今日更加高階嘅題材。

你有興趣話,就腥email去support@manthefvckup.com 索取章程啦,下集見!

點解男人鍾意大波大籮?與其他奇怪性癖好… [十億個邪惡的念頭 Ep.06]

Welcome to <A Billion Wicked Thoughts/十億個邪惡的念頭> Ep.6, 今集我哋會講埋呢本書Ch.3嘅下半部份,承接尋日所講關於『critical period/關鍵期』嘅嘢。

尋日講到:幾乎所有嘅性癖好,都係出現喺男人青春期嘅時期,科學家稱果段黃金時間之為『critical period/關鍵期』。

重點#1 科學家發現:當雄性綿羊被山羊湊大嘅話,年輕嘅綿羊就會喺『關鍵期』被山羊『性印記/性印隨』(即sexual imprint現象),將來會淨係想同山羊交配。



喺出生後頭幾個月至到一年期間會出現sexual imprint,令到雄性珍珠鳥將來會想搵返『似老母個樣』嘅雌性珍珠鳥。

換句話來講:當大腦對特定信號產生自然反應,令到大腦對擁有特定信號嘅對象產生『性印記』,就會產生cued interest嘅現象。

亦姐係話:如果男人嘅大腦直覺地迷戀女人嘅腳部,咁樣迷戀絲襪或者細頭高踭鞋嘅性慾望就會係男人嘅cued interest,因為兩者都係符合男人迷戀女人腳嘅信號。


重點#2 點解男人咁鍾意大波有曲線籮友嘅女人呢?






最後關於『裝飾物』嘅重點,就係雌性『裝飾物』都包含一種女人獨有嘅脂肪,叫做gynoid fat,通常儲存係胸/屁股/大腿附近。


因為肥妹雖然其他身體部位都肥,但至少佢有夠多嘅gynoid fat;


呢本書Ch.3嘅總結喺:男人嘅大腦設計,就係對於一系列嘅『視覺信號』(e.g. 絲襪) 產生性慾,然後根據佢之前嘅『性印記』,迷戀女人身體嘅特定部位 (e.g. 長腿)。









男人的性慾是怎樣煉成?物化女人是正常![十億個邪惡的念頭 Ep.05]

Welcome to <A Billion Wicked Thoughts/十億個邪惡的念頭> Ep.5, 今集我哋會講下呢本書嘅Ch.3:男性嘅性慾喺點樣形成,究竟有咩因素令男人產生性慾等等。








Well,作者舉出咗個日本例子(zettai ryouiki/絕對領域),顯示男人對身體部位可以有幾瘋狂。



而『絕對領域』嘅fans,就會量度『短裙:大髀肌膚:膝頭以上嘅絲襪』嘅比例,劃分E-A等級,E = 太多肉太多裙,A = 少少肉極短裙;





重點#3:有兩位心理學家 Joseph Plaud +James Martini,佢哋做咗一系列實驗,將一個叫plethysmograph嘅儀器,綁喺男人嘅陰莖;


實驗目的喺去睇下男人嘅性慾望,係咪好似Ivan Pavlov/巴夫洛夫嘅古典制約/Classical Conditioning嘅原理一樣,可以慢慢將無關痛癢嘅嘢condition落男人嘅性慾到,令佢對一啲原本無性慾嘅嘢,都會變得有性慾。

最後發現:2/3嘅男人,最後會對錢罌產生性慾,顯示視覺嘅制約喺會影響男人嘅性慾。至於social conditioning/社會制約,就大部份時候唔會。



而且,幾乎所有嘅性癖好,都係出現喺男人青春期嘅時期,科學家稱果段黃金時間之為『critical period/關鍵期』。





女人摧毀了你的夢想?其實是弱男咎由自取! [溝女]









#1 喺現今社會裡面,你仲係廿幾歲尋找緊自己道路,鋪緊路實現理想期間,你喺無可能有足夠時間同精神去維繫一段monogamous嘅關係。




#2 男人嘅價值/吸引力喺需要透過時間同effort賺取返黎。


如果佢有growth mindset嘅話,佢就會喺自己事業上/嗜好上/性格上/能力上/兩性經驗上,多方面地有幾何級嘅增長。





#3 重點喺:女人喺想要一個其他男人會羨慕想成為+其他女人想爭奪去屌嘅男人。




#4 所以年輕嘅你,唔好太擔心某條女而家唔show你,唔好太擔心你而家唔似其他人咁『表面好似同條女好開心』咁。

女人永遠都係男人嘅點綴,喺你嘅add on,而唔係主要focus嘅首位。我絕對唔係叫你放棄溝女,亦唔係叫你等到30歲時業有成之後先開始game囡。



另一方面以non-exclusive casual嘅態度去同女人對弈。見多啲女,date多啲女,同時同多啲女親密先,你先至識得點揀女人。


如果你明白我今日所講嘅說話,而你又想學習點樣鋪路創造咁樣嘅lifestyle嘅話,就email我哋support@manthefvckup.com 索取關於Insider嘅詳情喇,因為我喺裏面喺會教導各位內部巴打嘅。

Any Qs, LIKE + SUBSCRIBE and then leave a CM below!


Welcome to another episode of weekly 溝女Q&A, where I help MTFU fans weekly to briefly solve their dating problems.

If you want more comprehensive, 1-2-1 interaction with me, you may consider joining our Insider family because you will get all the dating/sex/relationship training inside AND you can interact with me LIVE in our coaching calls and secret FB group.

If you are interested to get this 360 degree of help, go to www.manthefvckup.com/joininsider for details. Any Qs, just email us.


Alex L: 我最近中意左個細1年既女同學 之前有次集體活動同佢吹左一陣水 覺得佢好啱我口味 嗰日我同佢由差唔多系陌生人變成左fd 應該系比較淺層既嗰種fd  佢間唔中系我ig都有投下票咁 有次同佢見面仲對住我甜笑

咁係呢個禮拜2,我屎忽痕whatsapp問佢英文名(因為平時叫開佢中文名)問完之後我個fd 就用我部機打「哼哼我以後就咁叫你架喇😊佢之後whatsapp覆得有啲冷漠

之後個日咁啱坐小巴坐佢前面 咁冇理由唔把握機會搭下訕啦 我feel到氣氛好似有啲尷尬 冇乜嘢講 我系咁搵嘢講 佢又有應既 都唔算冷淡

但其實自從星期2 佢再冇系我ig 投過票 佢系咪知道左我對佢有興趣 ?咁糸咪好大穫?我應該點做去挽救?Thanks man


#1 Not sure how old you both, but I bet that’s F.2-3. It’s good that you had chatted with her and got her IG/whatsapp, you had done most kids won’t.

BUT, what would you let your frd type shit to a girl you like? He is destroying your chance with her. That “I’ll call you XYZ” with a smily sound creepy.

#2 It’s super normal girls turn cold after being warm. That’s part of their game to shit test guy. But the real reason you’ve lost her is because you don’t ESCALATE to get a date with her + you keep talking random boring shit with her like a FRIEND.

Who cares if she votes on your IG? Who cares about these stupid 小學雞 game?

Rmb: Every time you give attention to girl, you need to pave way to escalate to the next stage. If you are not getting her out a date, you shouldn’t be contacting her. Got it?


Denny Y: Yo Man,Follow咗你都一段時間 覺得你講啲嘢都好有用 好正!

我有個問題, 其實Take imperfect action 同indifference嘅態度應該去到幾盡? 定係需要一個平衡點? 以上兩個方法…其實有少少似, 人無恥便無敵 . 因為佢可以無視自己本身一切, 而作出不斷的嘗試及練習 .但如果自己本身的條件未符合, 只是靠不斷的嘗試和練習, 亦未必會成功.

你教我哋的東西, 好多都不是能夠在一時三刻內完成的. 例如 self love 去完全接受自己唔完美的一切, 又例如朋友唔多, 冇自己嘅social circle, 又例如有時自己都唔係咁開心, 出去玩都未必可以話好自娛自己, 又例如最近身體比較差成日都病, 基本上要成日休息, 所以連出去玩的能力都. 如果呢啲問題未解決, 係咪唔好識女仔住呢? Thanks


Good Qs, I like that you’re self-reflecting on what you learn.

#1 “Taking imperfect action” = Understand we NEVER have perfect information to take a 100% perfect action. If we wait for the perfect day, we will NEVER accomplish anything – meet girls/build businesses.

It’s inevitable to make mistakes, so the best way to make sure you are making progress in life is to know 60-70% info of “what/how to do sth” and then take imperfect action to try it. Until you try, you never know what else you need or whether you will succeed.

#2 Indifference = care what you think about yourself MORE THAN what others think about yourself.

If you entertain everyone’s opinion about what you should/shouldn’t do, people will pull you into 360 directions and you will get TORN and get NOTHING done.

Indifference doesn’t mean you’re being 無恥 and exploiting others. Instead, it means you understand the importance of self-care, that you cannot HELP others before you help yourself, AND you can’t help others AS WELL before you help yourself.

#3 As regards “many things aren’t immediate”, OF COURSE. If everything is so easy and immediate, everyone will be a 千萬富豪 with 10 girls behind him.

However, difficult things don’t mean they are complicated. Every HARD skills or accomplishments can be broken down into basic fundamentals that you can learn, train and master.  

If there are so many good advice you learn from MTFU and don’t know which one to start with, just pick ONE THING to do that fits your current schedule most and improve your life the most.

E.g. If you’re physically weak, of course you need to get healthy and train yourself to have a strong body/mind first. If you’re broke and worry about money all the time, of course you need to get that handled before you have basic stability to game girls.

Know your priorities, make small changes and you’ll slowly UNFUCK your life.





One of my Insider brothers asked me what does a frame/框架 means and how we can apply that in our dating/relationship life.

If you don’t know, Insider is our private VIP brotherhood where I give ALL the necessary training, coaching and personal attention to help bros attain their ideal dating/sex/relationship life while building their empire.

If you’re also interested in that, feel free to send an email to support@manthefvckup.com to ask for Insider details.

While I’ve answered him in detail inside, let’s briefly discuss why men must always control the 框架 and let women walk into in.

#1 What is 框架? 每當兩個人交流時,某個人嘅框架總會係較強,佔主導,而另一人嘅框架喺會被吞噬然後被消滅。

所謂嘅框架 = 心理上潛意識嘅現實,講緊我哋以『邊個人嘅現實』去運作

所以你控制到框架 = 你擁有上拍位 = 你控制到大家之間對弈嘅『架構/骨架』

= 你個人嘅決定/慾望/信念,就會較容易影響對方

= 對方較容易『聽你話』

簡單講,框架本身並唔係力量,但你控制到兩性之間嘅框架就係你間接攞到力量嘅方法。因為邊個擁有框架 = 我哋以男人 OR 女人嘅現實去運行大家嘅關係。

#2 What influences our frame? 我哋個人嘅成長經歷,社會灌輸比你嘅concepts,個人心理狀態,我哋受到咩教育等等。


#3 點解框架咁重要呢?


咁所以如果巴打你感覺好似條女lead緊大家關係,條女特登控制性愛嘅yes/no,條女要求你做咗某樣嘢先會肯同你XYZ (e.g. 出街/食飯/陪你/搞嘢)嘅話,你被佢以任何原因friendzone,你接受大家暫時以無性朋友關係相處嘅話,





#4 This is the exact reason why I said that 表面上拍緊拖/結咗婚好似好幸福嘅男人,唔代表佢哋就係擁有健康理想男女關係嘅Alpha。

=> 因為大部份男人都係以女人嘅frame去運作,而佢哋亦都好無awareness地覺得『女人話事呢樣嘢喺好正常』,所以甘願做牛做馬做一個『唔被尊重嘅好奴隸』。



#5 點解女人其實暗地裡想你嘅框架強過佢,想你凌駕佢嘅現實?

原因喺:當女人唔能夠從一個masculine/雄性陽性男人之中得到支配性嘅框架,條女 就會失去安全感,佢就迫住捨棄佢feminine/雌性陰性女人嘅特質,自己去WTFU去做男人嘅角色,自己比安全感自己。

意思係:女人喺呢段關係之中唔可以放鬆返一個溫柔體貼聽你話嘅小女人,佢就會迫住除咗喺繁忙嘅工作之中『做女強人』之外, 返到屋企都要『做女強人』:


再聰明再成功再獨立嘅女人,喺感情之中其實都唔想做咁樣嘅角色;所以如果你咁廢唔願意step up去話事去支配呢個框架嘅話,你其實並唔係真正『愛你嘅女人』。

點樣去建立框架?其實由你Day 1 見面開始甚至認識佢之前已經可以開始做。

如果巴打你想學得更加深入嘅話,我喺會透過Insider教導各位內部巴打嘅,你有興趣嘅話,就email我哋support@manthefvckup.com 索取詳情喇。

Any Qs, LIKE + SUBSCRIBE and then leave a CM below!

女人竟然無興趣大JJ !? 終於有真相…[十億個邪惡的念頭 Ep.04]

Welcome to <A Billion Wicked Thoughts/十億個邪惡的念頭> Ep.4, where we will explore the CRAZY visual cues that arouses men. We’ll explore the remaining few points of WHAT kind of things men like to see in sex.

#1 Breasts are the most popular body part in sexual searches in every country, and the most popular category exclusive to heterosexual men.

A study in France used a padded bra to test how often men would approach the same researcher with an ABC cup when she was at a bar: A: 18 B: 28 C: 60

Although no mention of D-G cup, normally larger breasts are popular.

However, there are NO nipple-size websites or COLOR of nipples. Those are not influential visual cues in men.

#2 Men from a broad array of cultures prefer small feet on women. There are 276 foot sites on the Alexa list, and only one hand-focused one (Glove Mansion).

Why are men attracted to feet even though women decorate their fingernails with manicure to draw attention? -> Maybe searching for foot erotica are highly correlated with searches for bondage and submission porn. e.g. some men fantasize licking a woman’s feet

#3 Now, the common Q comes: Do women prefer bigger dicks?

Well… the answer from data is: men are more interested in penises than women + men are much more interested in large penises than women !

Academic Survey: 15% of women are dissatisfied with their partner’s penis size. 45% of men are dissatisfied with their own penis size.

Eye tracking study: When men and women looked at non-erotic images, men consistently direct gaze to male crotch, women rarely do so.

In romance novels, it’s rare to detail a man’s penis size. Only in porn does the penis is always under the spotlight.

9% of women wish they had smaller breasts; just 0.2% of men wish they had smaller penises. -> For men, penis can never be too big.

Why men care penis size so much, check out others and show off their own?

-> In apes, penis is a social tool. The erect primate penis is used as a sign of male-male aggression, to mark territory, and as a sexual invitation to females.

#4 One very popular erotic art in the world is Japanese anime porn (“hentai”).

The typical anime female is a high school teenager. Her voice is extremely high-pitched. She frequently wears school uniforms, complete with pleated skirts, vests, and saddle shoes.

She is often sexually inexperienced and reacts with embarrassment at the mention of sex (indicated by reddening cheeks).

Yet, despite all these vivid cues of youth, she is drawn with impossibly large breasts, a perfectly round and firm butt, a low waist-to-hip ratio, and small feet.

It’s most popular visual erotic art because is SUPERCHARGE all male visual cues, so that’s why men love to watch animated porn.

Now that we have a better understanding of what men like to look at, we can ask—why? That’s what we will attempt in the NEXT video.

If you like this series, LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to MTFU to avoid missing out!

男人鍾意的性幻想…變態嗎?[十億個邪惡的念頭 Ep.03]

Welcome to <A Billion Wicked Thoughts/十億個邪惡的念頭> Ep.3, where we will explore the Main visual cues that activate male desire i.e. WHAT kind of things men like to see in sex. There are 6 major points of this section.

#1 Male 獼猴 are willing to trade juice to view pics of female monkey’s butts (monkey porn), rather than powerful males or friendly female faces.

Similarly, the most popular adult pay sites attract 75% men, 25% women. BUT

Only 2% of porn subscriptions are billed to credit cards with female names.  

Meaning: Willingness to pay for porn indicates men’s motivation to see images is STRONGER than woman. E.g. many high level management or government staff us taxpayer money to see graphic sex, even it risks public shame or lose jobs.

#2 AGE dominates sexual searches, adult website content, and porn videos.

Most common ages = 16 + 18. Then 50, 40 (MILF) 60 (GILF).

The single most popular search term in Pornhub is “Mom”

Why males desire older women!? -> It’s said that cougars are more aggressive at pursuing sex than younger women.

2010 study found that women age 27-45 have more sexual fantasies, a greater willingness to have one-night stands, and a greater willingness to have casual sex than women in other age ranges.

So 1/4 men who search for teens also search for moms.

How about GILF? 2 countries showing the highest interest in “granny porn” are Kenya (where young people are encouraged to discuss sexual matters with their grandparents rather than their parents) and UK (where many schoolboy’s first contact with a grown woman occurred when older schoolmarms spanked them).

#3 Bro, you do like slim women instead of fat chicks right? In fact, many sex scientists believe that a woman’s waist-to-hip ratio (0.7) is most appealing.

HOWEVER, data says that for every search for a “skinny” girl, there are three searches for a “fat” girl.  On the Alexa Adult List, there are 504 sites dedicated to heavy ladies, and only 182 to skinny ones.  

Why? It might be because  Many BBW (Big, Beautiful, Women) pornhave low ratio due to their excessive hip size.

But one thing is clear: toothpick-thin model women are rare in male targeted porn.

Q: Do you like play with breasts, legs or ass? Do you know which ONE body part that you’re paying attention to when you watch porn that might make you gay?

We’ll reveal some even more crazy data next time that may shock you!

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Bro, if you have been learning from MTFU’s videos/trainings, you are someone who actively seeks CHANGE in your life because you are NOT satisfied with certain aspects of your life i.e. mostly dating.

However, in this active growth path, have you heard people (family, guy friends or women) around you telling to “just be yourself” and you’ll attract the girls who like the real you?  

On the surface, JBY is a very attractive idea, because it SOUNDS like you’re just being real and you have no problems that needs to solve.

However, the truth is that JBY is a VERY DANGEROUS idea that can fuck up your life. Why?

Because it implies the idea that “you just need to be patient, WAIT, and eventually you will meet sb who loves you.”

It implies that you DON’T have to actively ACTION to get what you want, it implies women/dating are sth that automatically FALL ONTO your lap, it implies you have ZERO responsibility on your sex/love life because God has already a romantic plan for you.

So doing NOTHING about it and you’ll get your dream girl. How Disney & romantic is that?

Some ppl may argue that if you are not JBY, you are being a faker, you try hard to be sb you are not, you are wearing masks. These all sound legit right?

Well, think about these questions bro:

#1 WHO has the ultimate authority to decide who you are? Who decides whether it is a “real you” or a “fake you”? Who has the right to decide whether your personal change is genuine or not?

#2 When you’re changing your appearance/style/behaviors/circles of friends/ attitudes towards women/mindset about dating, sex and relationships, do you think there’s a conflict of interests where you might make others feel uncomfortable?

Do you think your change will doubt other ppl’s personal belief system about certain things? If yes, what do you think is the easiest way to handle that for most people? To self-reflect deeply & challenge oneself, OR to doubt the changer’s intention/sincerity and persuade him to STAY THE SAME?

#3 Transformation by default is change.

It’s about doing something you normally don’t do, thinking in a way you never did, learning to be comfortable with sth you normally aren’t, and expanding your personality/capabilities you normally don’t have.

So what does JBY really mean? Who determines who you are and who you slowly become? Who judges if this version of you is real or the previous version of you is real?

OR you are ALWAYS being FAKE since you’re born because right now you are NOT thinking/behaving/acting like a baby? Should you just go back and be like that?

I know I asked you a lot of Qs today, but if you get logic behind the true meaning of JBY, you will now understand what those who tell you to JBY is actually doing to your FUTURE.

If your current SELF isn’t doing well in dating/sex/relationship and you need more help, i teach you how to CHANGE that in our Insider family.

If you are interested, email us support@manthefvckup.com and let us know that you want to join.

LIKE this video and COMMENT below your thoughts and let us know how this JBY idea has been affecting your life all these years.