⚔️Strength. Courage. Action. 力量. 勇氣. 行動.🥊 We become the MAN she wants to f💰ck and love by penetrating our Big 3.🥇 🔥 ManTheFvckUp 的使命🔥 = 建立100,000名男士組成的勇士軍隊,打拼出人生3大範疇,成為女人想🔞又想愛的男人!
WTF is friendzone? Although we have talked a lot in the past, most guys still have no clue what that is.
FZ = When you think you’re being intimate with a girl, but in reality she already deems you as “just another guy” who she will NOT has sex with.
Why you can never get out of FZ per se?
It’s because you’re investing so much time/energy/effort treating her AS IF your gf, but she is NOT giving you the most important thing a GF would do: SEX!
What are they key signs that you are in the FZ?
#1 She spends “a lot of time” with you talking about her EX-bf, or even worse her current BF.
You are already “too nice” sacrificing your priorities/passions/interests and trying to accommodate a girl and be her emotional tampon, and that’s a guaranteed path to a platonic sexless r/p.
#2 You are helping her do nice things with your SKILLS
E.g. fix computer, fix her car, buy stuff online, buy concert ticket
#3 She always acts like a nice, good girl around you
Even when a girl chats with you on the phone after midnight, occasionally helping you do stuff, making snacks for you… If everything is keep at a very neutral platonic level, if she doesn’t bother to feel any sexual tension from you, and if there’s no sex, you are still in a FZ.
Note that there’s nothing WRONG with being FDs with girls,
but remember that if you stay in the FZ hoping that one day she will be touched and see how good you are and beg you to become her bf?
接著開始接觸你既channel,雖然用左好多你教我既F+C係呢位女仕身上,但因為始終自己既low esteems and needly失去左呢個人,差不多剛好一年,我自己既圈子真係比以前擴大左,同埋自己開始去照顧到身邊既人,靠自己既經驗去幫助我既朋友,幫佢地搵自己人生目標,亦都係圈子內唔難認識新既女性。
今日既我真係明白到兩性吸引力,但係認識左唔少女性and spark到佢地attraction 同時,我發現一樣野,好影響到我自己今日同未來。原來我仲有一種感覺,係每當認識新既女仔同佢地有講有笑建立緊sexual and rapport同時,我發現自己成日不自覺諗起個位一年前既女仔。
#1 It’s good to have feelings of regret, that you had been immature and said hurtful things to the girl, THAN being a cold blooded manipulator.
#2 Long D without a specific deadline is HARD to maintain, and you shouldn’t even think about it until you two have been together for 2+ years.
If the long D will be YEARS, then break up and stop wasting each other’s time. Stop exploiting ppl’s opportunity from others to give what they want.
#3 Whatsapping apology is quite a pussy move, the best way is to admit your flaws face-to-face, eye-to-eye as a man, which requires extreme courage.
#4 But, no matter how you do it, you are doing it FOR YOURSELF, NOT for the girl or trying get her acceptance/recognition, or trying to do this to reattract her again.