
Yesterday, we talked about COMFORT is the No.1 enemy that kills your passion with women, and why you should always maintain TENSION to keep her attracted to you.

Today, let me ask you a quick Q:

Why do you think that the MORE you chat with a girl, the MORE you two “know each other”, the MORE you two 好好傾, the less she has DESIRE for you?

#1 Well, if you have gone through our 7 day free course, you will understand:

好熟 actually means you are no longer a mystery a woman is curious to figure out, and women actually NEVER want you to tell them 100% about yourself, their secret desire is to find out about yourself by their intuition.

So, the more you verbally tell her about your story, the more CERTAINTY you give her about who you are,

the less she has to mentally figure you out, the less she feel excited/curious/anxious, the less she feels attracted to you.

#2 In short, 同條女越嚟越熟 is actually the worst way to seduce her and the best way to get yourself into friend zone.

That means if you are single, STOP vomiting about yourself on first dates and talk about her most of the time.

#3 Next, ALWAYS enter a relationship according to your rules and boundaries.

While it’s politically incorrect, healthy men-women relationships are created when a woman willingly submit herself to a man and follow him,

NOT a pussy beta male following a woman’s lead.

Everytime when you enter a woman’s world, you end up a little bitch whom women lose respect and don’t geniunely want to fvck.

#4 Finally, when you are in a relationship, you must NEVER be complacent, feel too comfortable or settle!

As men, it is YOUR lifelong responsibility to keep growing, to keep pushing limits, to keep becoming stronger sexier & more attractive as a man.

Being a reliable guy make her feel only safe, but being an unpredictable, constantly evolving man will make her feel EXCITED and that’s how you keep a r/p passionate.

Don’t think getting a gf/wife means you have secured a forever pussy.

Every time you settle or stop growing, you risk her losing respect attraction and eventually cheat on you!

(If you want to learn more about to maintain that passion, visit www.manthefvckup.com/7dayfreecourse to study it. It’s FREE.)


Bro, no matter how old you are, I bet you have once thought about how to get your ex girlfriend/ ex wife/ ex SP/ random girl you nearly seduced back.

Bro, no matter how old you are, I bet you have once thought about how to get your ex girlfriend/ ex wife/ ex SP/ random girl you nearly seduced back.

The reason you have such thought is because you want to return your relationship BACK to the good old days when she was so passionately in love with you.

However, after a few months of intense passion, or a few years of comfort, you realized that she doesn’t want to fvck you anymore. What happened?

#1 90% of these cases are due to the fact that you’ve become complacent.

You have enjoyed too much COMFORT, you two have become too FAMILIAR, too ALIKE like the same person.

And because of this, there is no more SEXUAL POLARITY. You have become like a woman and she has become like a man. No polarity = no passion.

#2 Worse still, most men try to become even more pleasing and tries to DO MORE for the girl hoping that will make her want to eagerly fvck him again.

However, you’ll notice that more favors/effort will not exchange more great sex… because she just didn’t feel like to fvck you (even if she tries to).

Why this happen?

#3 It’s because you can never use LOGIC to convince a woman to genuinely desire you. You cannot negotiate terms to make her eager to fvck you.

When you overtly ask a woman what you can do to make her want to fvck you, that already KILLS sexual tension.

It’s like you asking how much a night to a chicken, she accept your money and fvck you, but she is just doing out of obligation, but NOT genuine desire.

#4 So what this means to you is that: When a woman feel OBLIGATED to have sex with you, she will NOT truly get wet and desire to fvck you.

Instead, you should understand that along the relationship you have done some MISTAKES that have killed the TENSION, thus lost attraction and genuine desire.

(If you don’t know how to create TENSION and use it in seduction or r/p, visit www.manthefvckup.com/7dayfreecourse to study it. It’s FREE.)

When you know how to create tension, you will know how to attract and keep a woman who genuinely desires you.

情緒不穩人如何變態玩殘你?[FBI教你危險人物 Ep.012]

Book Ref:

<Dangerous Personalities> Joe Navarro

#1 Since they are extremely needy + worship you, you will feel mentally & emotionally drained by their constant ups and downs outbursts.

The closer you get with them, the more they will ATTACK you while they say they love you.  => 焦慮症,嚴重抑鬱。

#2 They may escalate verbal to physical violence E.g. destroy things, hit/slap you, harshly punish children.

Why? Because they are extremely afraid of being ABANDONED.

If you can’t have you, they will make sure others can’t have you…CREEPY!

#3 They really wish to merge with you, so they flirt heavily and SEX might be mind blowing and you as a man might get addicted.

But again, they are super emotionally needy, they want you to be extremely loyal so they might HARASS you via parents/frds/social media. They will stalk you, they will scold you public to make sure you don’t leave.

So narccissts want 主導地位,but emotional unstable ppl want STABILITY and want to feel ADORED. But even if they get what they want from you, they still have an EMPTINESS you cannot fill. Thus super demanding.

#4 Bro, have you experienced anyone like that? Parents? Boss? Girl?

Parents -> damage kids psychological health -> Effect: repressed emotions, ignored needs, expect to be hurt, can’t say no, won’t stand up for himself, feel useless and worthless…-> might become bully to 先發制人 -> might want your parents die

Boss -> Devil Wears Prada Miranda -> Impossible to work with, because you can’t please her, you can just survive. -> you never get acknowledgement, you are scared to report bad news…

Girls -> She might give you crazy sex, you might want to stay there to fvck her. But you’ll find that she is super unstable, almost crazy emotionally, you want to fix her problems but it is NOT possible. So when you encounter these crazy bitches, LEAVE & don’t even fvck her. She will find ways to destroy you when you stay.

#5 Conclusion: Most cases happen in private closed doors, so they are relationship destroyers.

If you notice sb who violates social boundaries, is super temperamental, causes people to feel inferior, who easily argue & fight for small stuff… ALERT!

情緒不穩有咩症狀?174個關鍵字![FBI教你危險人物 Ep.011]

Book Ref:

<Dangerous Personalities> by Joe Navarro

Abnormal, alluring, aloof, angry, ass, asshole, atomic, beguiling, bewildering, bitch, bitter, borderline, calamitous, catastrophic, chameleon, chaotic, clingy, cold, complainer, complex, conflict, confusing, conniving, consternation, controlling, coquettish, crazy, creepy, critical, criticizes, cruel, cunning,

dangerous, deceptive, dehumanizing, dejected, delusional, demanding, demeaning, denigrating, depressed, depressive, desperate, despondent, destructive, disconnected, disillusioned, disorganized, disquieting, distant, diva, draining, dramatic, dysfunctional, emotional, empty, envious, erratic, exasperating, exciting, exhausting, explosive, fearful, flirt, flirtatious, freaky, frightening, frustrated, frustrating, histrionic, horrendous, horrible, hysterical,

imbalanced, impossible, impulsive, inappropriate, incomplete, inconsistent,incredible, instability, intense, intricate, irrational, irresponsible, irritable, irritating, lascivious, lecherous, lethal, liar, lies, lively, loca, loco, lustful, malevolent, malignant, masochistic, mean, mercurial, miserable, moody, morbid, nasty, negativistic, neglectful, neurotic, nuts, nutty, nymphomaniac,

odd, painful, perplexing, pitiful, prick, problematic, psycho, queen, rage, relentless, resentful, risky, sadistic, salacious, sarcastic, scary, schemer, seductive, seductress, seesaw, seething, sexual, sexy, short-fused, sick, sickening, special, stalker, storm, suffocating, suicidal,

tantrums, temperamental, tempestuous, tense, threatening, tiresome, tormented, tormentor, torn, tornado, trainwreck, tumultuous, turbulent, unappreciative, unbridled, uncaring, undependable, unforgiving, ungrateful, unhappy, unhinged, unpredictable, unreasonable, unreliable, unstable, untrusting, unyielding, vengeful, victim, vindictive, violent, vixen, volatile, weird, whirlwind, wicked.


Hey bro, if you have gone through our 7-day free course,

you should have a much deeper understanding on female psychology and why their behaviors are often difficult to understand for men.

(If you haven’t and if you want to know more about how to get them, go to www.manthefvckup.com/7dayfreecourse to study it. It’s FREE.)

So if you were a woman, how would you choose a man as a mating partner?

#1 Well, given the fact that women are often the physically weaker sex and they have a psychological need to feel safe,

the BEST MAN must have 1) good genes and 2) providing abilities to raise the child, and 3) she has enough sexual attractiveness to get this ideal man.

So in short, every woman’s mating strategy is to have a hot enough Alpha guy to fuck her, and a good enough Beta guy to provide for her, and ideally these qualities exist in the same man.

#2 You probably have heard of stories where a RICH OLD man’s wife cheat on him with some hot broke guy who fixes her car, but never want to have anything serious with him, right?

This is the typical example that women will fvck an Alpha but stay with a rich Beta.

#3 Of course Alpha isn’t just about physical hotness, it also includes his attitude and mindset when interacting with women

E.g. his not-give-a-fvck I don’t care what you think attitude, his non-exclusive non-needy attitude, his shameless about sex, his “I go get what I want” attitude etc.

#4 So what does this mean to you bro, especially when you are working hard on your mission?

Well, 1) Please don’t become that stable, loyal, rich doctor/businessman, get married with the wrong woman and then get divorced and have half of your assets STOLEN!

2) Yes, go create massive value and get fvcking rich.

But also level up your sexual appeal and attractiveness, upgrade your mindsets & attitudes towards women, increase your options at all times, adopt a “I deserve hot girls in my life” attitude, play the field non-exclusively to know the truths about women etc.

If you develop BOTH short term and long term sexual attractiveness as a man, you will have the highest chance to get MOST quality women in your life.

That’s how you win the game of sexual dynamics.


Yesterday, we talked about WHY using the 1-2-many strategy instead of the default 1-2-1 beta strategy to get girls will help you slowly get rid of your 真命天女症.

Today, let’s address one of the most common fears that “同時溝幾條女唔道德 and girls will not like that”.

#1 Bro, if you do think that “dating multiple girls is unethical or disrespectful”,

you need to understand how society has succeeded to brainwash most natural alpha men who are sexual selectors TO GIVE UP THEIR INHERENT POWER, become a weak submissive BETA to give women the choice as sexual selectors!

You have to understand:

Men are evolutionarily hardwired to spread his seeds and it is natural for us to WANT to fvck girls after girls.

If you are feeling BAD about this sexual urge,

it only means you have been heavily brainwashed by ideas imposed by authorities on you when you didn’t have the intelligence & maturity to distinguish truths and falsehoods!

#2 ALSO, If you feel shameful that “seeing more than 1 girl at a time”, go OBSERVE what women are doing everyday!

Women naturally adopt a 1-2-many mating strategy and all hot girls are ALWAYS trying to get as much male attention as possible.

They are always messaging different guys, meeting different guys, dating different guys and maybe even fvcking different guys.

Are you still so naive to believe that “My faithfulness to one girl will make me stand out and ultimately make woman want to fvck me?”

#3 Finally, 同時溝幾條女 is the ONLY way to shape you as an attractive Alpha.

One, you must have a lot of non-committed sexual relationships with women in order to truly know the pretty/ugly truths about women, your preferences of women, and to find & keep the loyal quality ones.

Second, 同時溝幾條女 will give you a lot of social proof as if you were a sexy celebrity.

This will help you get even more girls as other girls will want to compete for your attention.

#4 So brother, stop reinforcing those toxic shame installed by society on you!

Alphas are dangerous powerful men who can change things, so society and the authorities will always do things to control that.

Betas are those weak submissive say-yes agreeable dudes who can’t do shit, so they are always encouraged by the mainstream.

Pick a side today because that will be your destiny tomorrow.

(If you want to know more about the psychology of women and how to get them, go to www.manthefvckup.com/7dayfreecourse to study it. It’s FREE.)

Any Questions, like & leave a comment below and let me know.


Last week we talked about the importance of needing a woman less than she needs you and why your faithfulness won’t generate her sexual desire to you.

Today, let’s talk about one of the most toxic beliefs all beta males have: The she-is-my-only-true-love syndrome真命天女症.

#1 Most guys try to attract girls on a 1-2-1 basis.

They use ALL of their time/effort/energy/resources to loyally and patiently WAIT for the PERFECT condition to meet his targeted girl,

WAIT for the PERFECT timing to “know each other well enough”,

and WAIT for the PERFECT day to “finally confess his undying love to her” as if his attraction is something shameful not to be admitted in Day 1.  

Sometimes this means a few weeks, but many even waits for YEARS to finally have the courage to get the girl.

So if you are using this 1-2-1 strategy to get girls, you have 真命天女症 because

1) You mistakenly think she is the ONLY compatible woman in the world

2) You mistakenly believe that all these WAITING means romance to her

3) You mistakenly waste your fucking life & sacrifice yourself to hopefully one day the girl “will finally see your goodness” and choose you after she has fucked enough Alphas.

Such default beta way of getting girls is due to DECADES of social conditioning from your parents, TV programs + movies since the 80s, song lyrics, church and religion, Alpha shaming by the newspaper & magazines, and the political correct governmental structure.

#2 So if you truly want to get rid of your Beta mindset, how could you do so?

The super easy behavioral change you must adopt is to change your 1-2-1 strategy to 1-2-many strategy.

Meaning: Instead of fishing with just one fish hook and line, you cast a fucking net like a fisherman and SELECT only the best quality fishes and throw away those who don’t qualify!

#3 Now, as a default beta, you probably have concerns like “What if she thinks I am a 狗公?What if she doesn’t like the fact that I have lots of women? What if she wants my complete devotion to her?”

Well, apart from the obvious fact that “What girls say they want usually don’t reflect what they want in behaviors”, there are of course ways to handle those situations which is out of scope in this video.

(If you want to know more skills on how to do so, go to www.manthefvckup.com/7dayfreecourse to study it. It’s FREE.)

#4 The point is: Once a woman has become your ONLY SOURCE of sex/intimacy/love, her attraction towards you will definitely decrease because she realizes that she has no more competition from other women anymore.

If you want a woman to be attracted to you for decades, she MUST conclude from your behaviors that “You ALWAYS have other options,

OR You always have the ability to walk away IF she doesn’t behave well and GET other girls.”

Again, women always want a guy that other women want.

If you still maintain a 1-2-1 mindset or strategy to get girls, you are DOOMED to compete with other 80% of majority beta males for the bottom 20% of ugly bitches.

So tell me, what strategy are you using to get girls from today’s onwards?


How’s your Chinese New Year so far?

Are you being a “good husband/bf” accompanying your wife/gf to greet some unknown relatives that you don’t care about to get some red packet money?

Well, it’s totally fine to say hi, pretend to be interested in them and get maybe $20 from strangers,

but are you doing sth that you don’t want but succumb to your girl’s will just to please her?

More importantly, do you sincerely believe that being loyal to girls will create attraction that eventually makes her want to fvck you?

#1 Most beta men believe that their faithfulness/loyalty to women can somehow exchange her sexual desire and love.

While it might true that women will “like” your unconditional love & attention, loyalty/faith will NEVER create sexual desire or urge for her to fvck you.

Why do women actually NOT want her to be your only choice of sexual options?

It is because women ALWAYS want a man that other women want

AND your fvcking absolute faithfulness SCREAMS that you actually lack other sexual options

AND you chose her only because you couldn’t get other girls! (which is true to over 80% of any current relationships)

So what should you do to be more attractive if you are single now or are already in a relationship?

#2 If you are starting out, you should ALWAYS aim to have multiple (5-10 min.) potential women to flirt, date and fvck.

You need this to build your confidence around women so that eventually you can truly believe that “I am the man who always has options with women.”

Until you do that and stop being so loyal at the beginning, women can almost always sense that you are a desperate beta who lacks options.

#3 If you are in a relationship and your gf is treating you like shit and not giving you sex on demand, break the fvck up.

I guarantee you that you have fvcked things up along the way and have been tolerating her bullshit behaviors,

that’s why you are being treated like a fvcking slave holding bags for her and getting annoying complains all day long.

It’s almost impossible to change that if you keep giving her UNDESERVING ATTENTION, so drop her and get a better girl.

#4 The point of today is that: Faithfulness to women will NOT create genuine sexual desire for her to fvck you.

Your faithfulness MUST be earned.

And it must be earned through a PROCESS,

where you date & sleep with a ton of women, KEEP only the best of the best, and from that reality, you maybe CHOOSE to be faithful to a few of them.

And even if ultimately you choose to be faithful to one (monogamous),

you MUST always have a solid mindset that “Even if I choose to be with her for now, I always have other women I could date & fvck at any time.”

That’s the key to HER attraction to you.

So be faithful to your own self, NOT her.

Give her attention ONLY IF she deserves it.

(If you want to know more skills on how to do so, go to www.manthefvckup.com/7dayfreecourse to study it. It’s FREE.)