
Have you wondered why for hundreds of years, women have been such a mysterious unknown to men and even the brightest scientists like Freud or richest successful people in the world like Elon Musk can’t figure out?

Why do you think it’s always okay for women to suddenly change her mind based on her intuition but men must be straightforward and stick to his words forever?

Well, it’s because if women can’t gain control over men on the invisible psychological underground world, they will LOSE ALL THE POWER.

#1 Understand: Most men are physically stronger than women so it’s almost impossible for women to confront/bargain with men physically.

As you might remember what I taught in the 7-day free course, men used to go out hunting animals and women stay at home with other bitches to pick cherries.

So it is evolutionarily required for women to use SUBTLE, PSYCHOLOGICAL weapons to gain power over each other (men or women) in order to have the highest chance of survival/get most resources.

#2 Do you really think men are controlling the world?

Well, on the surface maybe. But most successful beta men are motivated by their women behind the scene, and it’s women who are secretly controlling how the next move is.

The truth is that women have been TRAINED for nearly 2 million years to naturally play psychological games and their weapons are always invisible, secretive and have a layer 神秘面紗 about them.

When they add their sexual power as weapons, most men will just succumb to them and be manipulated without knowing wtf is happening.

#3 The point is: Women need to be “unknowable/hard to get/mysterious” in order to have social power between 2 sexes .

If they behave in a man’s overt 坦蕩蕩 way, they will lose every advantage they have over men and be easily exploited.

The reason why women are obsessed with 宮廷鬥爭 TVs is because that’s what they fvcking do and GOOD AT in real life!

Now that you understand this, will you STILL worship women like pure 乖乖 Goddess OR will you be more REALISTIC about why they behave in a way they do?


Do you feel frustrated that sometimes you think women say sth but actually they mean an entirely different things?

Are you angry that women mostly don’t tell you upfront what they want from you and keep letting you guessing?

Are you tired that you have to use so much energy and effort to carefully observe her behavior to find out the true meaning of her communication?

Well brother… that’s the reality of the difference between men and women.

#1 Men’ communication: Straightforward, efficient, exchange facts & information, focuses on the CONTENT, say what they mean and mean what they say, logically/rationally analyze and solve problems just like what I’m doing for you here.

Women’ communication: It’s more about sharing FEELINGS, it’s like a kids-talk driven by emotions, it’s about getting ATTENTION, so on the surface the words/content are more dumb/confusing/random/pointless.

#2 Why do we have such difference?

It’s because male and female brains are wired differently according to brain scan.

They did 1,000 brain scans -> Greater connectivity between the left and right sides of the brain in women, while the connections in men were mostly confined to individual hemispheres, and connections were typically stronger between the front and back regions.

Meaning: men’s brains apparently wired more for perception and co-ordinated actions i.e. direction, and women’s for social skills/memory, making them better equipped for multitasking.

So communication to men, content > context but to women, context > content.

Men find women’s form of communication illogical, pointless, waste-of-time, evil and hard-to-get! Women find men’s form of communication BORING.  

#3 Now that you understand this: What does it mean when women are hot and cold to you?

Well, her behaviors already have told you.

She is NOT that interested in you anymore – WHETHER it’s because you’re too boring because you wait too long building rapport like a frd OR you’ve become needy & approval-seeking beta male who can’t get her wet.

Women use body languages, subtle facial expressions/look, hand gestures, innuendos, appearance to communicate with her girls, they don’t have to say it out loud to understand what each other mean.

#4 But most men don’t get what women mean by their words, so I recommend you to always observe  women’ behaviors as better indicators of what they actually mean.

So yeah, she is NOT interested in you when her behaviors turn cold … because if women want to fvck you, they will always find excuses to fvck you.

For now, the best thing to do is NOT chasing for more, but to cut your attention, cut that loss, focus on other girls.

You can only win when she pursues you back, otherwise you need her more than she needs you and that means you become her bitch when you stay in such relationship!

This is just the tip of an iceberg of what I teach my MTFU Insider warriors.

If you want to understand more about women and stop being blind to what women are telling you… feel free to email us that you’re interested in the paid community.

Otherwise, check out the 7-day free course.

點解偏執型人格咁痴線?4大原因![FBI教你危險人物 Ep.016]

Book Ref:

<Dangerous Personalities> by Joe Navarro

#1 永遠以猜疑眼光看待世界

These ppl are always full of suspicions. They think ppl are trying to harm him.

So when they interact with you, they want you to listen and VALIDATE his/her beliefs/信仰, and when you don’t, they suspect you are a threat as well.

They may be quiet/reserved/shy, but they can also be loud/好勇鬥狠,they may show up in demonstrations and become violent e.g. damage cars & properties.

Again, what drives them is irrational fear/毫無理性嘅恐懼。To Tthem,高度仇恨與恐懼,就係令生命有意義同目標。

#2 疑神疑鬼,怕東怕西,遮遮掩掩



They can fear anything e.g. ppl from certain countries/ethnicity, food source, neighbor, animals, technology, government, boss, new colleague, insurance company, emails etc.


#3 堅持己見,好勝爭論

健全健康嘅人 -> 可以適應新情況,擁抱新觀念,因環境改變,可以理解別人不同的立場與信念

Paranoid -> 不理會邏輯與實證,只會憑自己的洞察力去爭論;When you disagree, you are an enemy


Dangerous distorted beliefs:

E.g. If I kill enough scientists, I’ll stop the advance of technology.

E.g. 拉登 “If I kill enough Americans, the US will leave the Middle East.”

#4 難以平復舊傷患,好記仇



So these paranoids 一點一滴收集舊傷患,然後利用呢啲材料為報仇藉口。

E.g. Laden used 十一世紀十字軍東征,合理化911

E.g. Hitler used 2000年前嘅猶太人嘅歷史傷口,作為報仇。

Next week,

We’ll talk about the 關鍵字 + how they affect us.

你條女邊個都唔相信?佢有偏執型人格![FBI教你危險人物 Ep.015]

Book Ref:

<Dangerous Personalities> by Joe Navarro

Have you ever encountered girls who are extremely fearful, always be on the guard, super protective about herself, always thinking “world is ending”, and no matter how close you are with her, she just NEVER TRUSTS you?

If yes, congrats because you’ve met a person with Paranoid Personality, which is the 3rd type of dangerous personalities in this book.

#1 In short, people with paranoid personalities are those 充滿非理性嘅懷疑同恐懼。



#2 You are surrounded by these people:

E.g. Driver thinks you cut him off intentionally, then  keep horning/headlight flashing or even follow you home.

E.g. Your friend who thinks every guy is trying to fvck his gf/wife, and keep mate guarding her.

E.g. 勁抱怨其他人升職加薪,但自己冇份嘅人

E.g. 每個星期都喺政府部門抱怨大罵,威脅要訴訟嘅人

E.g. 網上匿名嘅攻擊,指控你做某啲嘢立心不良

E.g. 過去舊同事或舊女友因為不滿待遇不公,無啦啦身懷兇器上office搞大件事嘅人

E.g. 覺得自己懷才不遇嘅知識分子,跟住向世界報復嘅人

#3 簡單講,呢啲人唔單止性情古怪,佢哋更會被非理性嘅恐懼與懷疑而驅使自己行動;


If + narcissism, 暴力就會提升,『擋我者死』地清除威脅。

So they are hard to treat, because they don’t think they have problem; and they SUSPECT people’s intentions who try to help.

That’s the intro to paranoid personality.

In our next video, we’ll talk about the 4 big traits of how they behave so that you can be ALERTED when they appear in your life!


Bro, I have a Q for you and I want you to answer yourself HONESTLY: 為咗做愛,你可以去到幾盡呢?了

Are you willing to force yourself to become interested in the things girls like such as watching romance novels/movies or gossiping shit?

Are you willing to give up your academic or career route, follow the girl to another University or company, or even give up your dreams to SUPPORT that girl pursue her dream?

Are you willing to RESPECT her “I-am-not-ready-for-a-r/p” yet rationale,  stay friends with her, happily spend hours listening & solving problems for her, hoping that one day she will finally be touched by your care, effort and patience and choose to marry you?

Or are you willing go for a Long Distance Relationship with a girl for a few years because you believe “As long as we try hard, our love can conquer all”, and wait for the day when the day she comes back and fvck/love you again?

#1 Well, if you answer YES and you are WILLING to sacrifice like that, you are the typical kind-hearted, romantic beta guy who thinks that women’ desire & affection can be EARNED by sacrificing oneself to meet her needs/interests.  

The sad truth is that most guys are really willing to give up everything 去到盡 just to have sex. They will do anything CRAZY including changing himself or his life priorities.

Again, that’s a logic fallacy.

Asking women what they want + complying with what women say they want + compromising yourself to gain women’s approval & acceptance, will NOT actually make her want to fvck you & love you.

#2 So what can you do if you want more sex and love from women?

Well, I’ve taught you many times: Women don’t like men who so easily shapeable.

Women want a masculine man who is independent and free, who has a strong self-belief about who he is, who take action to get what he wants, who isn’t an agreeable YES man listening to her orders.

#3 Saying yes to her, over-compliance to women, accommodating to her needs & sacrificing your own only mean that you will give up anything just to get pussy!

And that is the ultimate shit test you fail because women would rather want a guy who says NO to her because you need to take care of your own self-interest, THAN say YES to her and help her cum 10 times a night.

NEVER let women’s sex or potential sexual encounter control you!

When you choose YOURSELF first instead of choosing her/sex, you will be the ultimate prize every women want to win over.

I know it’s hard, I know it requires a lot of mental fortitude, but such mentality is what separates the few Alphas from the sea of Betas.

Which side are you going to choose?


Bro, you probably know that Alphas are much more sexually desirable to women than Betas, but do you know that the so-called Alphas and Betas are actually terms to describe the kind of MINDSETS & ATTITUDES towards women?

In reality, Alphas may NOT be a society-approved wealthy “success image” you may think.

Alphas can be a Mafia Boss who are now in prison and Betas can be those rich successful handsome guys who don’t understand the truth about women.

So in short, having an Alpha mindset doesn’t NOT mean you are good-virtue successful men in life and being successful good men does NOT mean you are an Alpha to women.

Now that you understand the terms, no matter how unsuccessful or successful you are in life right now, how can we AVOID thinking/behaving like an unattractive Beta to get girls?

Here are 2 big things to avoid:

#1 DO NOT make yourself “more like”women hoping that by being alike, you can connect with women easily and fvck them.

Most beta guys try to use “I am not like other guys” to try to separate themselves from the “bad guys women are attracted to” and hopefully get women to like him more.

So betas try to convince women to choose because he is more special, more different, more “goodness”, more emotionally sensitive, more caringly listen to women talking, more compassionate &loving, more respect to women etc.

However, trying to be more like women is going to make you a better FEMALE FRIEND, NOT an attractive man because SEXUAL POLARITY is what creates sexual attraction between 2 sexes!

#2 DO NOT be affected when people labels you as 大男人/玩家/食家/狗公/厭女症 etc.

Understand, when you start to discard your old Beta-self and install new Alpha mindsets & behaviors, your old self and most other people will start to put labels on you when they see you getting results.

These labels are just psychological ways women use to stand out from competition.

And betas use the same method to try to make himself more likable to women and again hopefully women will appreciate and choose them.

When you encounter these attacks, understand it’s a beta way to show that he is more special than you, and you shouldn’t get so many girls…(although this won’t change the reality no matter how hard they try)

So there you have it.

You now know what the real difference between Alpha & Beta,

You now know you shouldn’t try to make yourself more “girl-like” or “stand on women’s side as a secret attempt to make them like you and fvck you”,

You now know that when ppl start to call you names, you’re most likely on the right track…

If you want to learn more about the psychology of women, visit www.manthefvckup.com/7dayfreecourse to study it.

It’s FREE.


Bro, do you believe that “everyone always have someone in the world” and it is upon FATE for him to meet and fall in love with her?

Or do you believe that you will intuitively know when you meet your SOULMATE and you & this ONE PERFECT GIRL is going to belong to each other no matter what happens?

Well, if you have similar beliefs, I’m sorry to tell you that you are living in a over-romanticized fake world created by romantic novels/Disney cartoons/Hollywood stories/music lyrics/online dating sites promise/religious ideologies that are NOT based on reality.  

#1 This idea of “Mr. Right/ Mrs. Right” implies that there is only ONE person in the world perfectly compatible for you, and you should spend a lifetime in search of this “perfect soulmate” in order to be “happily living everafter”.

Sadly and heartbreakingly, that’s a lie.

There is no “one person” that you can merge with perfectly. No girls will be your perfect woman, and you won’t be girls’ perfect man.

There are only GOOD ones and BAD ones. And there are a fvck ton of “special girls” who can be GOOD to you or BAD add-on to your life.

#2 Do you feel sad, heart-broken or even angry that there will NEVER be a perfect one for you?

That’s okay because that’s a legitimate emotion when you discover that the real world is NOT the same as you were told.

But if you feel stuck and want to cling to the lie of “one soulmate”,

understand this dependency on ONE person is going to fvck up your psychology and ultimately your happiness & life.

Because when you are so DEPENDENT on the person “you’re supposed to be in love with”, you feel sad & meaningless when you don’t meet them…

OR when you think “you’ve met them”, you will SETTLE and STAY in a shitty harmful relationship that isn’t good for you and you fear of losing THE ONE.

#3 The point is: DO NOT idealize or romanticize any kinds of relationships you have with women.

When you mistakenly believe there’s only ONE PERFECT GIRL in the world, you will BLIND YOURSELF and overinvest your life into an IMAGE that is never based on reality.

The truth is: One, there are MANY women that could be compatible with you and can be good for you. (and of course many bad women you should avoid)

Two, so called “good women” can be created by intelligent selection, how you FRAME the initial relationship and how you SHAPE her over time to become even more “compatible to you”.

#4 Of course these are advanced concepts I teach my guys inside our Insider community, but for now just understand…

Never fear that “this ONE girl may go away OR I may lose this perfect girl” because the day you are afraid to lose a girl is the day you ACTUALLY have already lost the girl.

Some deep mindfvck wisdom here, swallow it again if you don’t understand.


Bros, what I am about to share with you is going to make a lot of people pissed off.

So if you’re not prepared to hear truths, you can leave now.

Still here? Great.

Maybe you have seen it already, there are lots of female video creators out there teaching guys how to get girls.

And very likely because that girl is cute and pretty, they always get tons of likes and beta males think they are getting golden advice from them.

They think, “Wow, girls teach me what to do to get more girls, this information is straight from the source, it must be true!”

Well, if you believe that, you’re a 100% pure naive idiot. Why?

#1 Apart from the obvious bullshit like “being yourself/be funny/ be confident/ takes care of me” mainstream approved crap,

do you really think women will tell you the exact criteria on how to get them?

Or even better, how OFTEN do you witness that women say one thing but they behave in the exact opposite way?

How many BILLIONS of stories have you heard that women always fall for the “bad guys” and they just can’t leave such relationships when they are in love?

#2 My man, I am not saying women are ill-intentioned and feeding you shit intentionally.

Some women may genuinely want to fall in love with the “guy she was supposed to love” but they also don’t understand why they keep attracted to other dudes.  

What I am saying is most what girls tell you are MISLEADING (even if they don’t intend to do so).

Even your mother who loves you most will NOT tell you to fvck more girls to gain more experience!

#3 The truth is: Women expect men to “just get it” without listening to their advice.

So if you buy into their bullshit sayings, they already know you are NOT the kind of guy she wants.

Stop asking your female friends what girls want.

Stop listening to some hot video girls about how you can fvck them.

Stop shaping yourself into a guy that women say they want you to be.

The guy she wants to fvck and love NEVER ask her what she wants,

BUT instead he is like a dominant train conquering life according to his rules and decisive actions, and only lucky women are invited to ride on his adventurous journey for as long as he pleases.

Don’t listen to women’ bullshit, because 101/100 the tip is pure garbage!!!  

(For good advice, visit www.manthefvckup.com/7dayfreecourse to study it. It’s FREE.)