
Not sure if you notice, I have not done 溝女Q&A series for almost 7 months because I was so busy in helping my private clients and students in MTFU Insider.

We had a lot of fun in our trainings, our coaching calls and FB interactions. And I love to see how they are crushing in their love life and professional life.

So if you want such 360 degrees support and live interaction with me, you should join our elite Insider family.

Anyway, I’ve decided to do some charity work and answer a few short easy Qs or 1 quality Q per week – whether I got it in YT, IG or emails.

These answer I give you will NOT be as detailed/intimate/comprehensive as those I do for Insiders. But if you like this kind help, LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to support MTFU.

If you want to send Qs to me, make them as SHORT as possible (50-100 words) for me to read.


Hi Man神, 我叫HY, 最近係Youtube發現你既channel,覺得你既哲學好岩,溝女的確係一門學問,而且需要技巧.


覺得同女仔溝通難左,自己本身講野唔太叻, 見到陌生人都有d怕羞…最近就有個難題, 希望Man神可以解答:

事緣除夕個晚跟左個fd去K party玩同倒數, 我淨係識個fd同佢女友, 其他都係再搭上搭唔認識, 所以我超級緊張..==

係party入面有個女仔俾佢吸引住, 都係個種啦 個樣唔差 斯文有禮型, 但好玩得投入 一齊飲酒猜杖玩, 我亦順利拎左佢電話,  不過我自知個晚表現麻麻 唔夠fun吸引唔到佢 傾既話題偏悶 更加冇問及佢既興趣…

問題就黎啦…….之後有嘗試whatsapp佢 佢都係例牌既hea答...試過send d可愛貓貓相 希望製造下話題 點知原來佢dislike cat….及後我都冇搵佢 唔想係甘send野俾佢chur住佢

Man神, 有咩方法可以同佢係whatsapp有多d交流? 我有唸過搞一大班人行山/踩單車,順便邀請個女仔 甘又得唔得呢? 同埋最重要既係, 我自身方面可以有咩進步? Thank you so much!! - HY


#1 You spend too much whatsapp time on talking useless shit. These rapport based chit chat won’t get you laid.

Always aim for progression in every contact you have with girls. In this case, after getting her laugh or positive response 1-2 times, get her to a quick coffee date.

#2 Your improvement in dating is to drastically MEET MORE GIRLS. I bet you don’t meet girls regularly. So you must increase the volume, whether via online, day/night game, or meeting girls via social activities you enjoy.

Until you do that, you will always operate in scarcity mindset like now, and fixating on one girl trying to get her only. No, you need a lot more experience with girls before you know what to choose and look for, even if you want a relationship.


HI MAN神. 有樣野想請教你,我想拎個新女同事電話. 因為我地24號就上完TRAINING,之後就去不同地方工作,無乜機會見番面.所以打算黎緊就行動. TRAINING果陣我坐佢附近,哩段時間都有同佢交流下上堂既內客.休息果陣都幾個同事圍內吹下水甘.

我想問點樣拎佢contact先唔會覺得唐突? 我留意到佢有抄notes既習慣, 我打算問佢借notes著手.例如借黎番去抄? 聽日還比你,留個whatsapp? 睇唔明可以問下你.  定係貼張有whatsapp紙仔入佢本notes等佢加好呢? 謝謝man神指教 – Alex H


#1 I don’t recommend gaming female colleagues, it’s a mess and anything that happens between you 2 can fuck up your career.

#2 Assuming you have another chance to meet girls in some events in future, don’t act what you did. Right now, you’re obviously shameful with your sexual intent on her, that’s why you feel the need to “secretly get her #” super indirectly and “slowly attract her”. But that’s like a beta pussy who is scared to fuck girls.

So if you intend to get girls’ #, you should first spark attraction by playfully teasing her/challenging her and build some tension. If she responds positively/negatively, good, you’re doing it right. Then have minimal chit chat to “know who she is” to see if there’s qualities you like about her.

#3 If yes, compliment on that and then say well “I like how open-minded you are, most people are like sheeps, too group-thinking. Anyway, we should grab a coffee sometime and chat more. You use whatsapp?”

Mostly she says yes, and then you say “Great, what’s the number?” Then you type her phone in. OR you can do it other ways.

These mechanics of how to do is NOT that important, the point is you should always aim for progression when you give her attention. Otherwise, you’re getting friendzoned.


Qs: What are the REAL REASONS 許志安 cheat? Is 黃心穎 a total slut? What will happen to Sammi? How about the poor little boy 馬國明?

Well brother, these are ALL irrelevant Qs you shouldn’t ask yourself. As you will see, almost 99% of articles/videos will be based on ENTERTAINMENT that adds zero value to your life.

It’s about making you feel emotional, adding drama to the mess so that there are more views. Afterall, that’s what news/media do.

Therefore, in this video breakdown, we will NOT focus on the gossip. We will NOT stand on the moral high ground to judge what’s right or wrong.

My intention of using this material is to ADD VALUE TO YOUR LIFE as a man. I want you to take this as 學術研究 to see the TRUTH about sexual dynamics between men and women, to understand the difference between sexual desire and love, and OBSERVE your initial reaction towards this incident.

Because YOUR NATURAL REACTION already reflects whether you’re BETA or ALPHA lens to see the world.

I recommend you to watch my other video <你係Alpha定Beta?留意呢10大特質!> as reference.

Now, we will breakdonw into a few sections in this video:
#1 What you can learn from 許志安 as an extreme BETA
#2 How you should choose women – NOT Sammi, NOT 黃心穎
#3 The only thing 馬國明 should do
#4 Other BETAs you should avoid becoming – taxi driver, the staff in Apple, those who attack 許志安 in front of girlfriends.

#1 What you can learn from 許志安 as an extreme BETA

1) He got oneitis 真命天女症.

Beta believes in romantic ideals. He tries to find his one soulmate. And then he justifies his clinginess by saying he “loves her so much”.

-> Therefore you can see 許志安 always come back to Sammi after breakups in the past 30 years. Because when he was ~20 years old, he already thought Sammi was the one. That’s a classic idealizing love behavior.

2) Beta always WANTS to be hero, he wants to save a girl from her problems, he wants to treat her nice and takes responsibility of HER emotions/problems.

-> That’s why my guess is another reason why 許志安 stays with a woman who is KNOWN for her crazy ups and downs personality (like Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Madonna). He genuinely wants to fix Sammi’s emotional drama. He fails, but since he believes “committing” is what good man does, he continues living in such shitty relationship.

Now, let’s look deeper in the 記者會.

3) He keeps apologizing to everyone, to Sammi, to his fans etc. “犯這個錯誤起了色心,我覺得現在應該承擔後果。”

This implies he is SHAMEFUL towards his natural sexual desire for hot woman. Not only that but he is also apologizing being a MAN who likes to fuck.


He is ugly NOT because he cheats, every Alpha leader is history had multiple women at the same time until 100 years ago. He is UGLY because he is so weak/powerless that he needs to apologise to his REAL DESIRE as a MAN and he doesn’t have the BALLS to step up to OWN AND CLAIM his manhood.

4) “因為我自己做了一件不被原諒的事。” What does this imply? This is saying in the past 30 years, Sammi ALWAYS had the dominant frame in the relationship.

But since he is a nice guy, he TOLERATES that shit and keeps going back to Sammi until Sammi is good enough but choose him. At home, Sammi is the boss so 許志安 is always being emasculated. After years of marriage like that, there’s no way BETA won’t need a break and cheat for some younger, hotter girls.

5) “我最錯的地方是失去我自己。” “我這一刻是沒了靈魂的,我是一個壞掉的人。”


He emphasises so much on being BAD person, he loses his “real self” as being a good guy, being a morally upright dude in society.

That’s what BETA do. Beta always use the “I am a good devoted bf/ husband/ citizen” in society as a CARD to attract girls. But in reality, they are just pussies who keeps hiding away from the REAL ASPECTS of themselves – the ones that are deemed “bad” by society/religion/culture. They keep living in SHAME and that’s why betas have fucked up psychology.  

Now let’s briefly mention the other parties in this incident.

#1 As I have mentioned, Sammi is known for her ups and downs emotional personality. But betas love to act like Prince to save girls’ from her shit, to take responsibility of OTHERS shit, that’s why 許志安’s mistake from day 1 is to use “i will save girls” strategy to get girls, attracted sb he shouldn’t have touched, AND kept fixing a problem he can never fix.

I am not saying Sammi is a bad person, but I am saying when it comes to choosing what kind of women you want to put next to your side, you must be RUTHLESS like you’re having a billion dollar business deal.

#2 How about 黃心穎? Before I analyze about her, I want you to notice how SOCIETY is going to slut shame her as chicken, especially women.

Why? Because that’s a psychological battle played between female species. Even a woman herself loves sex and sucks dick, she IS going to slut shame other women who are competitors. This is to ensure that the best gene goes to her instead of the other girl.

As regards choosing women, 許志安 probably isn’t the first guy she wants to hook up with. She probably has been fvcking other guys behind 馬國明, who is another extreme beta.

However, even if her reputation is tarnished, many betas will still want to be her bf or even marry her. So the best strategy to handle these girls if you meet one? Just fvck her but never be serious.

#3 Now, what should 馬國明 do? Well, he is a famous nice good guy who always seem to be ignorant of what’s happening and willing to get his balls cut.

If he’s NOT ruthlessly dumping a cheater IMMEDIATELY, you will know why 馬國明 deserves to be cheated again and again.

Finally, I want you to see the BIGGER PICTURE about the whole incident.

#1 The real reason why the taxi driver reports to Apple is probably NOT JUST about money, even though he may get a few thousands or more for this juicy story.

The real reason he does that is probably because: He is JEALOUS that 許志安 is going to fuck a hot girl he can never FUCK.

This taxi driver probably has a tiger wife at home, nagging him all day and all he can do is to cheat in mainland.

But seeing a celebrity can get better pussies? He is pissed, so he is going to DESTROY 許志安 secretly to feel better about himself.

No matter how he justifies that – feeling unjust for Sammi, hating pretty girls like 黃心穎 who never will fuck him, want to help 馬國明 know the truth – becoming a justice warrior and ATTACKING powerful beta is the only way they can do to pull down a higher status beta.

2) How about the staff in Apple Daily?

As I said, the media only cares about profiting your EYEBALLS. They are not to help Sammi or 馬國明, they are not to destroy 許志安 黃心穎, they will just find creative ways every day to get your ATTENTION and earn profit from it.  

If you want to know what the news is about, just read Ryan Holiday’s <Trust me, I am not lying>.

3) The last point of today is that: I want you to OBSERVE your initial reaction towards this incident.

Did you leave a comment to 網絡公審 許志安? Did you HATE women like 黃心穎 because they are so sexual BUT they are not sexual towards you?

Did you feel sympathy for Sammi immediately EVEN THOUGH you have no idea who is suffering in that 30-year relationship? Did you laugh about 馬國明 because he is such a naive dork who always get taken advantage of?

Most importantly, when you talk about this with other women (gf/wife) in public, are you trying to shame 許志安 like most people are doing now?

If you do, you need to be careful. This is a strong signal that you too are operating in BETA MODE, trying to stand on the side of women and trying to portray a “I am good morally upright guy” image to attract girls.

This video is NOT for you to 食花生,this video is helping you to SEE whether you actually is just another less powerful, less famous, less affluent 許志安 – who is doing similar things with a similar beta mindset in regards to sex and relationships.

Cheating in relationships is NEVER the real problem, the real problem is always CHEATING YOURSELF and not facing what you truly want in life, and then settle in mediocre relationships, UNTIL that doesn’t work and EXPLODE one day that harms everyone.

What would you do if you were ruthlessly honest about your sexual desire?

What would you do if you knew that sexual desire and love are 2 different biological things that most people are confused?

What if you never have to apologize for being a man who gets what he wants in life without worrying about ppl’s opinions?

What if you STOP buying into the lies of Hollywood/DIsney romantic love and see the truth about male-female sexual dynamics?

I share much more details on how to achieve that life in MTFU Insider, if you’re interested, send an email to support@manthefvckup.com and let us know.

I hope today’s video has enough valuable nutrition to help you grow. LIKE this video and subscribe to MTFU so that you won’t miss out the upcoming videos.

If you like this kind of breakdown, leave a comment below and let me know.


就今天的記者會的目的是真的好想親口、 衷心向大家說聲對不起。















Bro, not sure if you’ve experienced this, but have you wondered why women can “get over you or any breakups” after a few years of relationship and so quickly get another new guy?

Are you curious why a loving stable relationship seems to mean nothing to women when you break up AND she seems to have moved on so quickly?   

Or do you find it hard to understand why some girls often return to their asshole abusive BF, but you know YOU are a much better man?

#1 Well, this strange phenomenon is actually necessary for women to survive. It’s a mechanism designed by evolution.

If you had studied our 7-day free course, you understand how harsh realities were before agriculture:

Humans living 200,000 -2M years ago were hunters gatherers. Men always left their tribes to find food, fight wars, search for resources;

Women almost stayed in the tribe with others to take care of children and chit chat.

#2 Men almost always died unexpectedly because of external factors such as animal attacks, doing dangerous work or fighting in wars.

And when they lose, superior conquerors will kill the weaker men and preserved women for sex.

In such circumstances, it is important for women to evolve to better deal with psychological trauma, to have greater ability to accept emotional loss, to dissociate herself from past pain and move on quicker, in order to increase their odds of survival in face of the new situation.

#3 If you get this, you know know why women can be quickly forget about your 5-year loving relationship and start a new one with another guy in 2 weeks.

OR they start to empathize the “enemy” who destroyed her former bf/husband.

It’s because they have better abilities to cut off emotional ties from former lovers and focus on “getting what she can best get from a man” RIGHT NOW.

Don’t hate women for being so ruthless and 唯我主義. Don’t hate them for being incongruent with their words.

It’s just how evolution helps them deal with the anxiety, guilt and stresses for almost 2 million of years.


Bro, you probably know that men should always lead women in any sexual relationships, but are there any situations where you should NOT lead, and let women be proactive?

The answer is YES and it is related to how you inspire girls to become your girlfriend.

#1 The first situation where let girls LEAD is when you want an exclusive/獨家佔有 relationship with a girl.  

Most men fail to convert sexual partners into GFs because they want a bf/gf relationship MORE than the girls want it.

Thus, everytime they 表白/confess love/propose marriage, they have already LOST even if the girl says YES because at this critical moment, this man sets up a girl-approve-boy loser frame.

Why this is 100% fail situation? Because if she says yes, you are falling for her frame and it’s HER who decides to be more intimate than you, she is still the BOSS.

If she says no, you become a beta who needs to continue to “prove your worth”, do more stupid romantic shit even when she rejects you, hoping that one day she will “let you become her bf/finance/husband”.

#2 Understand: On the surface you’re leading. But the truth is you are actually pleading/begging/hoping that she can APPROVE you.

So if you truly want an exclusive bf/gf relationship, you MUST let her PERSUADE you into it, let her ASK for it so that you have the relationship upper power.

If you two are having sex multiple times, if you two are hanging out doing activities 1-2 times a week,

I guarantee you that after 1-2 months, girls who really like you AND ARE looking for a relationship WILL ask you “where we are going.”

So by NOT being the one who initiates the “relationship talk”, by NOT agreeing to be together immediately, by taking TIME and letting her continue to PROVE HER WORTH to gain this exclusive access to you,

you are acting like “being pursued” guy who has the power to say yes or no.

Don’t fvck this sequence one otherwise you will become another beta bitch she doesn’t respect!

#3 Another mistake is that you should NEVER say “I love you” before she does.

Girls must be the FIRST one to say this. Because just like the first point, when she “feels that it’s the right timing”, she will WANT to say it for you.

Do NOT do it first because if she is NOT emotionally ready, saying “i love you” is useless and is ONLY going to destroy your Alpha attraction she wants.

These are the little ways on how to get her to keep pursuing you for more, keep being attracted to you, and keep “loving you” as a devoted GF.

If you want to learn more on other advanced topics or need more personal help from me, send us an email to support@manthefvckup.com to ask about our Insider Community or book a coaching call with me.

Otherwise, use these tools and secure a woman who truly wants and loves you.

點令女友忠誠於自己?+ 應否讀大學?【溝女人生Q&A】

Not sure if you notice, I have not done 溝女Q&A series for almost 7 months because I was so busy in helping my private clients and students in MTFU Insider.

We had a lot of fun in our weekly trainings, our coaching calls and FB interactions. And I love to see how they are kicking ass in their personal life, professional life and love life.

So if you want such 360 degrees support and live interaction with me, you should join our elite Insider family.

Anyway, I’ve decided to do some charity work, by answering a few short easy Qs or 1 quality Q per week – whether I got it in YT, IG or emails.

These answer I give you will NOT be as detailed/intimate/comprehensive as those I do for Insiders. Because we won’t have any live interactions to clarify your points, and I can only give you pointers on the direction you needa go.

If you like this kind help, please LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to support MTFU’s channel growth.

If you really want to send Qs to me, make them as SHORT as possible (50-100 words) otherwise they are too long for me to read.


Yi Myth  處景題:女朋友問我鍾意佢d咩 我點答好?


#1 Why is such a difficult Q to answer? Why would such Q even bother you?

This implies your lack of frame in your relationship and I suspect you are leading the relationship at all, OR whether you had actually fvcked her at all.

#2 If this truly happens, you can do it playfully, “That’s a really good Q. Let me take some time to think about it, what do you like about me then?”

-> This implies you aren’t even thinking about WHY you like her, meaning you aren’t that serious beta longing for a bf/gf r/p, and letting her qualify you.

But also, if she really really loves you, if she is complying to every request you make during the r/p, if she has PROVEN her worthiness as a gf, then you can give her some truth on WHY you like her.

-> Tell her the external + internal QUALITIES you like about her (e.g. I like how hot you are when you dress like this, I like how obedient and loyal you are to me, I like you take care of your health and body, I like how we fvck each other every time, I like the way you suck my coack). Reinforce the behaviors you like so she continues doing those.


Andre L: man son 其實我地都交流過好多次 經過你一連串video教學同問題解答 係溝女方面雖然唔夠你咁厲害 但都足以ko百分之80既男人 係呢度真係首先多謝你先

問題來喇 好多人dse畢業都係18歲 順順利利嗰d即刻升大學 呢一大片人可以係22-26畢業然後平穩感過一生 但亦有好多人冇咁順利 有時因為好多因素 去到20出頭甚至係20幾歲先入到 而仲應唔應該去讀?係黃金時間比人地少左幾年 代表住儲首期 儲銀帳戶裡面既數字既時間亦都會比人少好多甚至係冇時間(現今香港呢d功利主義社會30歲人冇錢比首期 冇錢結婚都比人標籤成loser)係感既情況下應該如何自救?thank for your reading and explain i am A


#1 Yes, most “grade A-B” students can get a good job and 平穩過一生. But to me, their trap is settle into the predetermined life “normal job, normal wife, marriage, kids, retirement, die”. If you want that, that’s fine. But MTFU is about being the Top 1% and getting the BEST you want, so average/mediocrity is NOT our goals.

#2 Whether you should get into Uni depends on what you wanna do in life. If you want to be a professional (doctor/lawyer/accountant/engineer), then YES you need those qualifications. If NOT, I don’t see the value of wasting 4 years of time and money getting a certification, then get a mediocre job repaying debts.

Everyone has different risks tolerant, I would choose to build my own path based on my strengths, but no everyone is destined for entrepreneurship, so you need to consider your own situation.

#3 So fucking what if ppl labels you are loser? Are you really living your life according to their terms? You live because you beg for their approvals?

Fvck that. Find your own path, do things that make you happy, fvck the social norm of what’s acceptable/normal/safe path.

What do you fucking want? How can you add value to people life in exchange of money? What can you learn to increase your personal value in the marketplace? What skills do you have?

Answer these questions and you’ll know how to make money in your unique way instead of only relying on a company or JOB. (although they can be a platform to start with)


Bro, you probably have learnt many times in the past WHY being a nice guy can NEVER get you girls. But are you afraid that once you learn how to become sexually attractive, you will become a TOTAL ASSHOLE that you don’t want?

#1 Well, one of the biggest OBSTACLE why men are still remaining as their old beta self is because they are SCARED that they will become a dickhead.

They thought that by learning the TRUTHS about sexual dynamics, by learning how to attract & sleep with girls, by learning NOT to get into relationships so quickly…

they will become “someone they are not”, they will become a dark amoral unethical manipulator who is taking advantage of women, so they REFUSE to change their morally upright self-image.  

I totally get these guys’ concern, and that’s why they always are pissed that “girls only like assholes” or ask me Qs like “How to leave FZ?” or  Why can’t women just love who I am?”.

#2 So bro, if you have such concerns, I want you to picture this: There is a nice guy-asshole SPECTRUM in reality.

On one side, we have a super NC who is a doormat who spends years to befriend a girl and buy her gifts to hopefully get her approval, AND he continues even when the girl is abusing him like a doormat.

He rationalizes these bad behaviors by saying “This is love. I love her so much so I am willing to do this.”

On another side, we have a TOTAL ASSHOLE, who is a mafia or prisoner, who always fvcks different women, who physically ABUSES his gf/wife, but girls seems to keep being attracted to him.

#3 When you are NOT getting girls, it’s because like 80-90% of beta men, you thought that MOST guys are assholes and so you thought by positioning as “the rare nice man”, you will win the sexual battle.

Unfortunately you are WRONG because THAT IS NOT THE REALITY.

For the past 4-5 generations after WWII, over 60-70 years, men have been CONDITIONED by society to “accommodate to women’s needs, to be nice, to be good listeners for her, be sensitive to her needs, to believe her words instead of actions”.

After these decades, MOST men have been TRAINED to be NICE dudes who suppress his desires/impulse/intention to give way to women.

In such social change, do you really think you can STAND OUT by being NICE just like other 90% of men?

#4 Secondly, apart from you’ll stand out immediately by leaning towards the asshole spectrum “and be a bit more confident, self-absorbed, selfish & self-centered”, women are always biologically attracted to men who are in control of himself, who are decisive, who has an attitude of “I care about myself first MORE THAN her”, who has other female options.

You cannot beat human’s evolutionary programming that had been in us for 2 million years. Do you really think that by “being more like a female friend and being a supportive role in her life”, you REALLY can arouse her with your feminine qualities?

#5 I totally understand that you are AFRAID of becoming “someone you are not” in order to get girls.

But think about this: A true 100% ASSHOLE who TRULY doesn’t give a fvck about you is rare in society. Those who are are dangerous personalities that you should AVOID – whether it’s males or females.

The fact is: YOU already have enough self-awareness about “being a bad person” that you just CANNOT be a pure evil person.

Right now you are NOT getting girls you want. All you need to do is to move to the asshole-spectrum a bit more so that you are NOT like most guys.

You’re EXPANDING your personality where you can stand up for yourself, where you are NOT shameful with your sexual desires, where you allow yourself to FVCK things UP like a naughty kid and be SEXUAL like an animal, where you set up boundaries and kick bitches out if they display BAD behaviors etc.

#6 This is NOT a path to “become someone you’re not”, this is a path of self-discovery to realize that “Damn, I had been so obedient like a good kid for all these years…I just start to realize that I also have a naughty mischievous side that parents/schools/society have been REPRESSING for 20 years!”

A mature man is NOT those moral warriors who talks about what’s right/wrong but cannot fight.

A true warrior is CAPABLE of killing/destroying enemies, but he chooses NOT TO because he can control himself.

Stop worrying becoming “bad/evil”, start learning to become more “of a dickhead” where women will lovingly tell you how 賤格 you are, but actually loving that raw strong side of you at the same time.


Bro, when you are learning game/male female sexual dynamics, have you ever encountered resistance/criticisms like:

– What are you paying to these stuff, it’s so inauthentic, just be yourself!
– What? You are banging a new girl every week the past months? Don’t you think such sex is meaningless?
– What? You have 5 loyal girlfriends who are willing to do anything for you? Don’t you think such behavior is immoral and unethical? How would your future daughter sees you as a father?

Yes, these are the seemingly-good harsh criticism you receive from moral kinghts.

Actually, there’s a popular phrase in these few years called Virtue Signalling/釋放道德信號,以某種言論顯示自己站在道義一方。

E.g. 如果一個男人說「《太陽報》第三版真是低俗不堪」,那暗示他尊重女性。

E.g. 「資本主義比『伊斯蘭國』組織製造的苦難更多」, 暗示他是道德信號的終極化身,他怒得簡直要炸了,他一定是個好人!

Anyway, the point is: Many White Knights and some women will question you about your ethics when they know that you are an attractive man who gets a lot of non-exclusive sexual relationships with women.

They will say you’re superficial, 缺乏良知/自尊心, 自私自利 etc. They will say you’re a cheating asshole who uses women.

Well brother, when you are attacked by these moral warriors, understand:

#1 When people use morals/ethics to attack you online, they don’t actually care if YOU are good/bad, what they care is they are being PERCEIVED as a moralistic good person by others.

When they get likes from others, they will feel 道德優越感, thinking such virtue will make them attractive to women.  

#2 Very often, those 正義撚 white knights who are so defensive about whether your sexual behaviors are moral/good, IS those who cannot fvck women they want in real life.

So because of their heavy jealousy, all they could do is to focus on bringing down the winners to make themselves feel better.

#3 There is a balance between your primal sexual urges and your spiritual “higher-self” goals.

Of course you don’t need to fvck every hole you see like a crazy dog. But also you don’t have to impose spiritual meanings like a 宗教撚 into seduction and make sex so virtuous so big-of-a-deal.

A healthy human being is a flexible human being.

He can fucks when he wants to fuck with girls he wants to fuck. But he can also talks about quantum physics, philosophy, UFO, spiritual 虛無縹緲 new-age shit if he likes.

Don’t be deterred by those moralistic dudes as you become more sexually attractive and successful. All their criticisms are bullshit that reflect their lack of achievements.

So keep fvcking and keep going!