[溝女] 如何令囡囡想kiss你?



上一集我哋就講咗first kiss嘅意義,今日我哋就去講嚇點樣令到囡囡想kiss你!


#1 首先第一樣嘢就係,你一定要喺已經開始『無辜地』掂緊佢,大家一早已經有一啲自然嘅physical contact。


因為呢啲友善嘅innocent touches係一啲你本身平時social一早會做嘅嘢,係用嚟建立舒服互信嘅感覺。


#2 第二樣嘢就係:你係一定要開始同佢嘅身體距離越嚟越接近。


因為好簡單嘅道理就係,如果你哋距離遠嘅話,你哋係冇可能kiss到大家嘅 lol


#3 第三樣嘢就係,你可以透過呢招『triangular gazing/三角形凝視』去望住佢。


即係話首先望住佢其中一隻眼 (e.g. 左眼),跟住望另一隻(e.g. 右眼),跟住望佢個嘴,最後去返左眼。




#4 第四樣嘢,就係講以下呢九個字:『啊…我鍾意你頭先咁做。』,跟住就即刻傾後返自己嘅身體。






#5 喺呢個時候,囡囡就只會有三種反應嘅其中一種:Yes,Maybe,No。




基本上呢個情況係永遠唔會出現嘅,而我同其他學生從來都未試過;就算你可能覺得佢真係say no,好多時都只係當時個刻仲未ready好。


如果佢say yes講話『好呀』嘅時候,咁呢個時候你就唔需要諗,直接kiss佢。


#6 但係大部分情況你都係會收到maybe/或者啦嘅訊息,比如佢會四圍望唔係好知自己想做啲咩,咁呢個時候你可以有兩個選擇。










以上就係整個kissing,尤其是first kiss嘅整個流程,


鍾意今集嘅話就like,跟住留言話我知, 下集再見你!

[溝女] 做愛時點樣可以無咁早射?3招解決早洩煩惱!

[溝女] 做愛時點樣可以無咁早射?3招解決早洩煩惱!


KEY #1: Relax (physically + mentally)

1) Unclench your butt cheeks and anus: 


2)  Pay attention to her, don’t just focus on your pleasure


KEY #2 Slow The Fvck Down!  

1) Foreplay is important.Sex is NOT just penetration.




KEY #3 Biofeedback i.e. edging 留意自己高潮邊緣


Practice being aware when you are close to climax point, then CUT OFF stimulation completely.


“The point of no return”is like 85% orgasm, don’t go there

Reach 75% of climax and then stop all sexual contact with your dick.

[溝女Q&A] 溝女萬用流程!如何令囡囡投資於我?


Oh manson,多謝你既見議,我會正視下呢個朋友,我諗我呢位朋友都係無心之失,但我都會提高自己既警覺性:)








Manson我呢一刻已經好易係每個場合spark到attraction from girls,咁其實餘下時間點樣令佢地投資啦,




Mr. P



#1 Well done on taking action to meet women and getting them attraction. However, remember the seduction process is always:


– Attention: no matter how and where you “open”/meet them


– Attraction: Get her attracted without being needy/creepy. Master push pull and play with tension. Be light, playful, challenging, blame them for liking me, flirting, keep on surface stuff.


– Connection: After you both are having FUN teasing each other, then you need to make her WANT to CONNECT with you.


You do this by asking yourself “Is she really the kind of girl I like?”


You need to have REAL STANDARDS of a girl’s non-physical traits and qualities; if you only want to fuck girls because she is hot, your low standards are only getting you the immature, average girls who lack substance.


When you have standards, you give her a chance to qualify/disqualify her, and let her WIN YOU OVER and get your approval.


– Isolate and Escalate physically and logistically.


Don’t seduce her in front of her friends/ social circle or crowded environment, because they don’t want to be seen as a slut.


If you don’t touch her or 天時地利人和 you two can’t get together, you can’t close the deal. You must LEAD and go first, be the cause and pull the fucking trigger.


Mr. P, if you can use the above framework to assess where you are, you WILL know what is missing in your seduction and what needs to be done next time 🙂

[溝女Q&A] 異地拍拖work嗎?Clubbing識了台灣女仔…


親愛厲害既man神,話說小弟上個星期去老蘭一間club玩,然後嗰晚識左個台灣女仔 (感都有好似你講感玩緊既時候,行一行開再翻過去搵佢,同埋佢年紀大過我,然後講到呢樣嘢我都同佢講,『你對我來講都係太後生喇』)識了。雙方交換左contact,但去到最後我都飲醉左,自己走左冇下文。














#1 When girls go clubbing while travelling, almost ALL of them are NOT looking for a relationship. They only care about having FUN, having some ego validation that “she still can attract guys”, and if you’re hot maybe a one night stand.


#2 Good that you had teased her and disqualified her and doing some verbal game on her. But what the fuck did you get drunk!? If you want to hook up the same night OR later days, you gotta remain sober so that you know what you’re doing.


Also, whenever you meet a girl in bar/club, figure out her plans and logistics. When you know she’s leaving soon, then you gotta decide if you want to try to CLOSE THE DEAL tonight, because after that it’s unlikely anything are gonna happen.


#3 It’s hard to keep that connection going, the more you chat about random stuff, the more you’re falling into a sexless friend zone, because you’re investing so much time/effort/energy into such relationship BEFORE she is really attracted to you.


PLUS, you’re only relying on texting as a means of communication, which is super limited and you can’t use any other nonverbal tactics to attract her.


So you gotta see if you can get her to any social media accounts you have so that she can SEE YOUR LIFE going on without you actively showing to her. That’s the best way to passively let her invest in you.


#4 Then, about 2 weeks before, let her know that you’ll travelling to Taiwan, and invite her to do some FUN stuff you already plan to do for yourself. Also, if you have enough rapport, tell her to bring you around. If she accepts these, then she is definitely interested in you.


#5 As regards 異地拍拖, don’t start any long D relationship before maybe you have developed a solid 1-year relationship with her. It’s NOT going to work simply because you both haven’t GROWN the relationship beyond the attraction. You haven’t even enjoyed enough sex with each other to start loving each other fully.


#6 However, if you’re only looking for a short quick one-off bang, of course you can do so.


All you need to do is to make sure your first impression triggers are on point (style, fitness, BL, tonality, eye contact), have FUN and seduce her, and lead her to the bedroom with no strings attached.


Be clear about your intentions that you only want to have some fun, and you think any sort of romantic connection gotta start with a passionate sexual connection, be honest and ACCEPT ALL regardless of whether she convinces herself to sleep with you.


#7 Warning, you haven’t done much qualification on HER INNER PERSONALITY/character yet. I have a feeling you are starting to fall for her based on her external hotness.


Be careful, you gotta SCREEN HER properly before you allow yourself to invest more. Otherwise, you’re going to experience MASSIVE PAIN who got tortured by your own imagination.


[溝女Q&A] 一條很sad的年青人戀愛問題…我愛上女同學,點先約到佢?


Special back and forth. This is going to be a very sad episode.  I want every brother NOT just listen to the mistakes this young guy make, but FEEL the pain, the low esteem this teen is suffering.


J: 情聖先生,我愛上一位女同學,但佢已經有男朋友(聽講),應該點做??請你教我!!!


Me: Jimmy, Why did you “fall in love” with her? How did that start?


J: I don’t know.


Me: Are you in your teens right now? How old are you?


J: i’m13 years old ,但佢已經有男朋友(聽講)人哋講笑啫,我識佢阿哥, 佢阿哥話冇乜所謂肯幫下我,我開始撩佢傾計,佢成日都笑住同我講,








Me: Hi Jimmy,

#1 You look totally fine. As a 13 year old, you look quite mature, which is good.


#2 DON”T send her a love song, that’s a total nice guy move.


#3 The problem now is that you like her TOO QUICKLY before she has proven anything for you. Don’t do any weird things. Don’t 告白 because you know nothing about her personality. Try to talk to her normally and see how things go first.


J: thx for your help,我想問有咩話題??點樣撩佢??thx





Bro, I gotta be honest with you.


From our conversations, I am CERTAIN that your challenge is NOT about getting girls, your challenge is that your self-esteem is so LOW that you are SO desperate to have a girl to like you, to love you and to treat you well.


I feel really sad for your situation, I don’t know what has happened to you in the past…


But I could tell, for the past 13 years of your life, you had been longing for some feminine gentle love for so long….that you would 做首情歌畀佢, that you would ask her brother for help, that you BEG for a chance from the girl to let you be her bf…


I can feel your pain, what is it?


How did you grow up in the past?

Did you get enough attention and love from your parents?
What was lacking when you were a kid?


I can feel how lonely, lost, empty  you are, what is going on in your life?


Right now, I can’t give you any advice because you are in such a vulnerable state.


The best thing I would recommend you do is to go through ALL the videos I’ve created for you for FREE.


Plus, tell me your story if you want.


Otherwise, all the weapons/techniques/skills I teach you will NOT make a damn difference when your PSYCHOLOGY is so shaky and weak.

[溝女Q&A] 鍾意咗一個Les的女仔,點算?





係大概十日之前,我係Dating App識咗佢,佢同我交換咗電話。我地Keep住都有Whatsapp。












Glad that you’re taking proactive action despite uncertainty. Although there are many things you did wrong, it’s better than not doing anything.


#1 What do you mean by “期間我有做咗啲觸碰”, it sounds like you literally 手臂high 到佢咁。

Most importantly, you said “行下行下,正當我想拖佢隻手之際,佢縮開咗.

Although you did well by not reacting, but it told me that you have NOT YET generated enough sexual tension BEFORE you escalate.


The overall feeling of the date feels like boring, ordinary, normal; there’s zero man-to-women sexual CHARGE, no teasing, no heart thumping TENSION, no mysteriousness, no curiosity.


That’s why in such a NEUTRAL state, she couldn’t feel attraction & desire enough to start escalation with you or by you.


#2 Whether she really likes girls is UNCERTAIN.

She could lie to you because she just wants an excuse to get rid of a guy that she can’t feel attraction to. Plus otherwise she won’t get MATCHED with you in the app and go out a date with you.


But it could also be TRUE that she only likes girls, and the reason she went out with you because from DAY 1, she only sees you as a normal sexless friend.


Most likely, she just uses that as an EXCUSE to politely reject you and try not to hurt you. Maybe she is telling part of the truth, she likes girls, but she can also be bisexual, liking both men and women.


#3 Whether you NEXT her is your choice.


You could remain “friends” with her and stay in this sexless FZ that probably will not go anywhere. And if you do that, I would suggest you keeping it light and only invite her to fun group activities occasionally.


OR you could cut the losses, let it go, and invest your time/energy in mastering your seduction skills, creating a better lifestyle, and rewarding other girls who appreciate and love you.

[溝女Q&A] 囡囡再次比機會我,應否爭取溝佢!?


Hi, man .前排無啦啦發現到你個channel,覺得講啲嘢好正,啟發我好多。(跟住落嚟好長,睇曬我會愛死你)



=> Congrats on joining the Handsome Guy Family lol




我想講既就係曾經我鐘意過個女仔A 2年,開頭果陣時成個小學雞咁好明顯咁追佢chur佢,搞到全級都知,令佢反感。我feel到佢反感之後就冇再搵佢傾偈。






跟住睇你啲片令我正面咗。我啲女仔朋友都話我陽光咗,包括女仔A。我同女仔A fd咗,有試過同佢1-2-1 date(抱著純FD既心態), 有同佢Snapchat儲火(佢淨係同我一個男仔儲)。

==> 儲火 doesn’t mean shit, do you think she is NOT 儲火 with other dozens of guys or girls?


正題嚟啦,有一日女仔A同佢啲閨蜜飲酒,無啦啦打電話俾我話同我講話:女仔A話如果我追多佢一年佢好大機會會受溝,問我要唔要試多次。我既答覆係 唔會。咁我唔容易同佢fd咗,又搞啲情情愛愛呢啲對呢段友情有風險既嘢。




依家我Snapchat send埋啲無聊嘢,冇人會覆果啲,但係淨係得佢會有時會覆。我覺得我自己依家比嚟件事影響咗我,變唔返以前當佢純fd果種舒適感,搞到成日有時撩佢講嘢都有啲格硬嚟。我依家究竟點算好?


如果我要溝返佢(我知唔應該咁focus落一個女仔),你教既f+c, pushpull, challenge, coldread仲有冇用?(因為呢個對象係比較熟悉既人) 唔該你



I totally understand how you feel right now. You still like her because she says you’ve changed, and you’re hoping to 溝返佢, but you also don’t want to take risks to lose the friendship, plus you don’t want to look like a fool right?


Well, I get it. But based on your description, I have to tell you the TRUTH.


#1 She’s fucking play you bro.


She’s trying to frame you as a typical beta loser guy who wastes time to CHASE HER, and if you TAKE IT, you are fucking done while she’s bragging with her friends how CUTE you are or even laughing at your loser behaviors.


For another year? WTF? Is she a queen? Is she your boss?


She is not giving you a chance to TRY, YOU are giving her a chance to TRY to get you.


#2 She is NOT even a fucking friend.


If she is a good friend, she won’t manipulating your emotions to suck validation from you, OR playing these mind games with you and ask you to CHASE HER MORE!


#3 No techniques/skills are going to help you because your mindset and emotional maturity are fucked up now.


– As you said, “我Snapchat send埋啲無聊嘢”, “搞到成日有時撩佢講嘢都有啲格硬嚟”don’t you have better things to do in your life?


– For 2 plus years, like an annoying fly surrounding this girl, you have been trying to get this girl to like you multiple times. What does that tell me about your level of attachment to just one person who doesn’t even respect you?


#4 My Recommendation: Cut the “friendship” you have with her. The more you spend time with her, the more TORN you are because on one hand you want her attention, but on the other hand you secretly want her to LIKE you as a lover.


This is NOT gonna happen until you cut that fucking friendship, CUT all communications, minimize all contacts, create months or a year of vacuum space, and come back with a new fresh attractive personality!

[溝女] 點樣可以唔講野都溝到女!?







無論係James Bond,Ocean’s 11嘅George Clonney同Brad Pitt,定係Topgun裡面嘅Tom Cruise,




#0 點解會出現呢啲神奇嘅情況呢?









我相信你都聽過其他人講過話人類嘅communication有超過九成都係non verbal。








#1 原則一: 你喺必須透過你嘅身體感受你嘅慾望,去feel下自己嘅desire。


好多男人去識女仔或者溝女嘅時候所犯嘅錯誤,就係嘗試去隱藏自己內在嘅sexual desire。














#2 第二條原則就係: 讓女人去感受到你想要佢嘅能量。










相反,你係應該比佢意識到你對佢有性趣,你對佢有sexual interest。








#3 重點就係:你率先自己去感受果種desire,然後透過眼神交流讓佢感受到你毫不隱藏嘅desire。














鍾意今集嘅話就like,留言俾我知並且share比你值得分享嘅朋友睇啦, 下集再見你!