
Remember I said that we need to create OBSTACLES in order for girls to fall in love with us?

Well today, let me teach you 2 simple words that create similar effects on girls, so that you can inject UNCERTAINTIES into whatever you say.

You can use this to compliment girls, make future plans with her, or even tell her you like her WITHOUT ever sounding needy or weird!

#1 So the method is this:

In whatever you say, try to add conditional words such as 如果 or 或者 in your sentences.

E.g. Normally “I really like you, let’s hang out!”

-> Conditional “Well, if I start to like you, I would totally invite you to this bar for special cocktails, they serve the best drinks I have ever tried.”

E.g. Normally “You are so sweet, can I get your number please?”

-> Conditional “You seem like a cool girl so far, maybe you should whatsapp me later so we can continue this fun vibe.”

E.g. Normally “You are so hot, come back to my place.”

-> Conditional “If you keep leaving a good impression on me, I might invite you to try my latest dessert recipe and watch a movie together.”

#2 Bro, can you see that by using conditional words,

you are secretly creating a SMALL GAP between you and her, but that gap is not too difficult that she will want to overcome?

What I have shared above is like superpowers, they will set up a frame that makes girls want to chase you because you are PLAYFULLY CHALLENGING her to keep the flirtatious vibe going.

#3 Tbh, women also use such technique on men for centuries:
E.g. “If you buy me a gift, I might go on a second date with you.”

“If you keep being a nice good boy listening to my emotional shit, maybe you will get a kiss on the cheek on our 75th date”

“ If you marry me and give me half of your assets, I might allow you to fuck me after 2 years”

Well, I say fvck that! Why not use their game back on them?  :p

你想長遠溝女輕鬆?別純粹依賴game! [溝女/人生]

I don’t know about you, but I don’t really enjoy spending hours everyday going out to pick up girls for the sake of picking up them,

or swiping through dating apps, or even worse spending thousands of dollars on drinks, dinners, gifts to hope that I can get laid.

I am not saying attracting girls don’t require certain effort or skills,

but what I am saying is that if you think game is the ONLY missing piece of the girls puzzle,

you might be disappointed once you have invested years of trying to find new game techniques.

#1 Why?

It is because in order to be an attractive man for both short term and long term mating, you gotta also get your shit together and build yourself and your life to be attractive, apart from understanding game.

I have said many times before, a masculine man is like a train going from one place to another while a feminine woman is like a passenger that comes and go.

Your main focus should always be dominating your own path, creating a fun passionate lifestyle for yourself, taking care of yourself first, enjoying being single and being social with people…

AND THEN, during your path, you may invite those girls you are interested to meet to JOIN YOUR ADVENTURE with total autonomy for them to come and go.

#2 The men who have the easiest dating lives, the ones who put in least amount of effort and sometimes may not even know there’s GAME… they operate exactly like that.

It might take more investment, but they understand that a man’s sexual value peaks much later than women and they don’t RUSH the dating process.

They understand that they should enjoy the casual fun in their 20s, gain more experience in their 30s, and then maybe start to look for something else in 40s.

They take their time to build themselves as a shiny prize, so that they will slowly be inundated by options as they mature and build up their own empire.

#3 The point is: You need to BOTH increase your attractiveness in the short term AND the long term.

In the short term, of course you want to stay fit, go out have fun and socialize, and learn how women operate in their mating strategies.

But in the long term, you should start investing in yourself,

shape yourself to be a strong powerful valuable human being, build your attractive lifestyle so that your future self doesn’t always need to go out to game girls.

If you could have a longer perspective towards women and attraction, you will thank yourself 5 years later for watching today’s video 😉

點知佢係咪自戀?108個自戀型人格關鍵字! [FBI教你危險人物 Ep.004]

Ref Book:

Below are the key words:

Abusive, acting, actor, aggressive, amoral, arrogant, articulate,

beguiling, bullshitter, bully, calculating, callous, chameleon, charismatic,

charming, cheat, clever, cold, con man, conniving, contemptuous,

controlling, criminal, cruel, cunning, dangerous, deceitful,

deceptive, dehumanizing, deplorable, dishonest, disingenuous,

disruptive, distracted, domineering, egocentric, evil, exploitative,

fearless, forger, fraud, glib, grandiose, grandiosity, guiltless, hostile,

imposter, inconsiderate, indifferent, infidelity, insensitive, insincerity,

intense, interesting, Intimidating, irksome, irresponsible, Irritable,

irritating, king, lawbreaker, liar, lord, loveless, Machiavellian, manipulative,

mean, mesmerizing, narcissistic, Nazi, noxious, nuisance, parasitic,

peacock, pedophile, player, predator, predatory, preoccupied,

pretender, promiscuous, radiant, rattlesnake, risk-taker, ruler, sarcastic,

seductive, self-centered, shallow, showman, slimy, smooth, snake,

sneaky, superficial, swindler, tactless, temperamental, toxic, two-faced,

tyrant, unapologetic, uncaring, uninterested, unreliable, unscrupulous, unsympathetic, vile, vindictive, witty

自戀者如何一點一點折磨你?5大特徵! [FBI教你危險人物 Ep.003]

Narcissists are not just people who loves to be in the spotlight, they are TOXIC and DANGEROUS people who ONLY care for themselves, their own needs and their priorities.

They desire attention and will manipulate people and situations to get it.

In order to succeed, they may cheat, lie, embellish truths to get ahead, WITHOUT caring how it affects others.

E.g. Cinderella’s stepmother and sisters

-> see no faults in themselves
+ despise/torment those who don’t value them as much

WARNING: Do not confuse narcissism with confidence.

True confidence = strength of personal character

Narcissism = fake confidence, they are arrogance, their character flaw lead to grandiose ideas and desires, AT THE EXPENSE OF OTHERS

Confidence -> happiness for all

Narcissists -> seeks adoration and happiness for HIMSELF, sacrificing others

Big 5 Character Flaws

#1 Egocentric, 一副高高在上,我有權要求一切,我就是世界中心嘅嬰兒心理態度

E.g. make dramatic entrance in events, they tell you they are the smartest, they namedrops to let you know which “high status famous important people”they hangout with

Narcissists MUST look good to others so they are pay extreme attention to their physical appearance.

They love to present themselves as super accomplished, but when things aren’t as smooth, they BLAME others for making him fail.

When they don’t enjoy privileges, they get angry , they berate others, and sometimes become violent.

#2 Overvalue self, devalue others. 踩低人哋抬高自己身價

Because Narcissists see others as inferior, they have no problem becoming a bully, putting ppl down to elevate themselves.

So whenever you witness school bullying or cyberbullying, BE WARNED! Because no matter how charismatic these bullies are, they are the dangerous ones who have narcissistic traits.

Narcissists are good at identifying your weakness/insecurities and ATTACK you to gain superiority. They just don’t care how you feel, they NEED to put you down to “feel good about themselves”.

Q: Have you seen people berating their partner/kids as stupid/incompetent in public places? You found one narcissist.  

#3 零同情心,傲慢,充滿entitlement

Most of us learn to understand ppl’s feelings and will think how our actions affect others, but Narcissists have NO SUCH ABILITY to empathize because their needs/wants/desires are always No.1.

However, some narcissists can PRETEND to empathize. They may seem caring about you at first, but after they have used you as FUNCTIONS, they don’t give a fuck about you anymore.

In short, narcissists just don’t care about you. What they want is that you PAY ATTENTION to them, their needs/desires. They OVERVALUE themselves, UNDERVALUE others, and will do harm to get that without remorse.

#4 行捷徑,扭曲規則,違反界線 Bend Rules

Since narcissists believe they are SUPERIOR like an inborn king, they don’t think they have to work hard to get what they want. They think all rules don’t apply to them and they may take illegal shortcuts.

Narcissists see themselves as the utmost important, they will keep pushing & challenging ppl’s boundaries. So as long as he is happy, he can do anything he wants and he doesn’t care “No or stop” signs from others.

They don’t think this is wrong, they feel ENTITLED. They are pissed when people criticize their inappropriate behaviors and will attack back by berating them.

Most horribly, these narcissists can be successful, famous leaders e.g. priest, basketball coach, teachers who sexually molest kids…

#5 控制狂 Control Freaks

Narcissists seek positions to control others – whether in work or relationships. They use their ranks and status to take care of themselves.

And they exist in the legal, medicine, politics world because they want power/authority to use others to help themselves.

If you get into a relationship with narcissists, they will TORTURE your emotions because you are just a piece of shit that he’s using to make himself feel superior.

Classic example: Neil Strauss in <Game> with his ex gf, hosting a party and saying to each other “look at how much superior we are as a couple”.


I am sure you have heard from your friends, parents or even women advice that “as long as you just be confident, girls will like you…”

But WTF is being confident actually mean?

#1 Well, I once taught that you need to be having FUN in your own life and being a CHALLENGE prize girls want to win over, and that worked very well.

However, I noticed that a few bros sometimes misuse the advice,

and they start to act too inchy, too cool, too indifferent that they seem like using those techniques to overcompensate their lack of security.

So let me today make it even more simple to follow so that you won’t seem like trying too hard.

#2 In short, the so-called confidence many women tell you is actually just this simple thing…

It means that you already ASSUME that she wants you and you have a FRAME that interprets everything she says/does as to mean “She is trying to win you over!”

#3 So you caught her looking at you? Damn she likes me…

She touches you in any shape or form? Damn, she is trying to get me hot and want to fvck…this little dirty girl…

She teases you? Haha, that little devil is flirting with me…

She isn’t texting you? I knew it, she is playing hard to get…

She giving you shit tests? Fantastic, she is feeling the sexual tension and she wants to see if I am an Alpha…

#4 This is the so-called confidence that women find sexy.

When you can ASSUME her interest on you,

you win half of the battle already because most guys condition themselves to assume the worst and their default is to look for approval/permission to act.

Fvck that shit!

Develop this “I knew she wants me” frame of mind and you will exude so much confidence that you never need confirmation from a girl that she likes you.

This is the secret trick that will help you in the long run!


Bro, if you have been watching MTFU’s videos and studying our free content, you should understand that sexual desire and love are 2 different powerful emotions.

Without sexual desire, women won’t genuinely want to fuck you even if she stays with you.

Without love, some women will continue sleeping with you even when you are an asshole that hurts her.

So when you understand that this human dilemma that we both want separateness to feel aroused and closeness to feel love, how can we make a woman become obsessed with us ethically?

#1 Firstly, let’s revise this core concept:

If you want her feel aroused, you must master creating sexual tension.

ST is the magic ingredient when she feels both excitement and fear when she is with you, because she knows that you are a potential mate.

So that primal sexual excitement will make her want to get fvcked by you to allow her to reproduce.  

So your job as a man is to grow that ST until she can’t resist that feeling of lust.

#2 As long as you intend to leave her better than you found her, how can you truly make her fall for you?

Well, once you have made her feel attracted & aroused, you need to create OBSTACLES for her to truly fall in love with you!


Because in every romance novel women are addicted to, the storyline is ALWAYS that the woman overcome obstacles to find, win the heart of, and marry the ONE MAN who is right for her!

If you want a girl addicted to you,

it is your duty to create difficulties/ challenges/ uncertainties for her to overcome even when she feels attraction to you.

#3 Why do Romeo and Juliet/Titanic/梁山伯與祝英台/嫦娥與后羿 are the most romantic stories in human history?

It is because there are OBSTACLES, challenges between the man and the woman that prevent them to be together, and women WANT THAT kind of story in their lives!

The point is if you can create a context in which the girl put more effort to win you over,

she will naturally justify herself that she likes you and she will slowly fall in love with you, as long as you maintain that arousal and attraction.

Obstacle is the way.

The Q is are you being that challenging yet attainable guy or are you being too easy?

當女人對你失去興趣,你要做呢三樣嘢!!! [溝女]

One of the common challenges guys face is that they meet a pretty girl that is exactly their type, they got her # and meet her 1-2 times thinking everything went well…

tried to get her out again but now she loses interest to respond to him or doesn’t feel like to meet him again.

Why did she lose interest and how can we reignite her interest in us? That’s what we will talk about today.

#1 Firstly understand: Using logic to explain women’s behaviors rarely work.

The only way to attract women is by making her FEEL certain emotions,

making her feel that you are a free, independent, confident, passionate man who loves himself and having fun in his reality.

So the first step is to EXAMINE how your previous behaviors might made her think that you are the beta provider guy.

Did you overinvest and try to do her favors like a frd?

Did you try to agree with her on stuff you disagree with just to be smooth and hope to get laid?

Were you too eager/enthusiastic/available to communicate/see her?

See how you fvcked up and you’ll notice the failure patterns.

#2 The second counterintuitive thing is to understand that you reignite her interest by putting yourself back as the center of your focus, instead of putting her as your focus.

Women want a guy who is passionate about his life,

who feels good about himself,

who is already having FUN enjoying his life,

who is actively pursuing things he loves to do,

who has a mission/purpose to dominate every day.

Most guys fvck up because once they start to get a woman, they stopped doing the things that made him attractive at the first place and started to focus all his attention on her.

Thus, in order to get her back, you must ensure  your foundations are in place.

#3 Finally, you should have known this:

Women want to see you having other girls desiring you so that she can compete for you!

Women want to see you having other girls desiring you so that she can compete for you!

A big reason why you are so concerned with “a girl losing interest” is because you don’t have enough options.

Therefore, when you drop all the options you once had just for some girls you have just met for a few times, naturally your attractiveness will drop.

So stop limiting yourself with a scarcity mindset, explore the market and always make yourself an object of desire.

If you do just these 3 things, not only this girl but multiples girls will continue to DESIRE YOU!

膽小勿進…揭露4大危險人物特徵! [FBI教你危險人物 Ep.002]



4種危險人格: 自戀型人格(narcissistic personality)

情緒不穩型人格(emotionally unstable personality)

偏執型人格(paranoid personality)


Book Reference: <Dangerous Personalities> by Joe Navarro

#1 自戀者,一點一點折磨你,偏偏法律難以約束: 控制狂、霸凌者、糟蹋人、詐欺犯、宗教領袖

自戀型人格(narcissistic personality)











#2 敢愛敢恨?其實是情緒炸彈: 瞬間變臉、耍賴、威脅自殘、打我卻說愛我
情緒不穩型人格(emotionally unstable personality)








#3 認為誰都不可信的偏執人格: 你的看法他都貶抑、對每一份工作都不滿、日常行蹤總是搞神祕

偏執型人格(paranoid personality)









#4 持續犯案,毫無悔意的獵食者: 黑心商人、慣犯、啃老族、吃軟飯、騙錢的親友



欠缺同情,毫無悔意,沒有良心 -》獵食者與獵物,沒有平等可言






#5 複合型危險人格 – 兼具兩種的人可怕,三位一體更要命!






#6 面對以上這四種危險人物,我們該如何保護自己?

◎ 每天可以做的準備:利用本書內附的危險人格查核表、關鍵字表,提醒自己該觀察什麼。







A lot more details will be revealed in coming episodes!

全新系列: 如何識別身邊隱藏的危險人物!? [FBI教你危險人物 Ep.001]

Name of the book we’ll discuss: <Dangerous Personalities> by Joe Navarro


Why I wanna share this book?

Because we ALL have or will encounter one or more of these DANGEROUS personalities in our life – family members, gfs, wife, friends, professional workers etc.

These ppl are flawed in character, they lack consciousness, they are TOXIC ppl who WILL HARM YOU deliberately and make you suffer.

I want this series of videos help you recognize these dangerous ppl, prevent them in your life and know how to effectively deal with them if you inevitably encounter them.

This will save you from being injured – physically, mentally, emotionally, financially – and save you from being murder, rape, thief, bully or exploit!

Why Joe Navarro wrote this book?

Because over 4 decades, he learnt that there are certain personalities that HURT PEOPLE MOSt and they exist in our daily lives!

Maybe we have heard a lot of massive killings in America’s schools, and the media might only report these massive killings,

but most of us are NOT aware of those small killing incidents where dangerous personalities kill ppl ONE AT A TIME!

These ppl exist in schools, church, home, office, governments!

殺人案、家庭暴力、 竊案、搶案,性騷擾案,這些案子很多都是這種危險分子犯下的,而且多數沒有報案,也沒有判刑。

Have you been stolen sth b4? Did sb hurtfully  exploit you?

Were you bullied at school or at work? Were you sexually abused in the past but you never mention it?



So Joe 經過努力查訪以及他人的指點,找出了幾種人格習於欺騙與操控,人品低下,以利用他人為樂,視法律為無物,對他人毫無尊重。


Hard Lesson: 危險人格極善於隱藏。他們看起來就像凡夫俗子,行為正常,而且有些人甚至相當討喜,聰明伶俐,風趣幽默,非常有魅力。然而他們的危險性格始終存在。


隨著時間累積,Joe逐漸歸納出4 種危險人格,他們每天都可能讓你遭受各種形式的損失,包括精神、肉體、財務。

Are you fully IN or NOT?

So bro, dangerous personalities people are EVERYWHERE, you will be tormented  if you don’t know how to sense the danger and observe behaviors.

Most people are blind, you can only rely on yourself to save yourself.

I want to share Joe’s expert knowledge so that you can PREVENT ppl from hurting you, whether new friends, colleagues, or the girl you just met.

In the coming episodes, you will learn these Big 4 dangerous personalities one-by-one, you’ll know how they behave and make you feel, you’ll have a checklist to look for behavioral signs of toxic people.

This book is NOT to help you become a clinical psychologist to understand the WHYs,

BUT you will have the assessment tools to identify DP’s behaviors and keep yourself and loved ones SAFE.

So do you want to get these powerful FBI tools to stay safe when you go out socializing and attracting girls?

Do you want to prevent being physically/psychologically fvcked up by true evil people?

Comment below if you have ever encountered DANGEROUS people in your life!


Bro, do you realize that what women THINK they want or what they SAY they want is 99.9% never what they ACTUALLY want in their behaviors?

Do you know that science has discovered that narcissists are attractive to women because of their delusional confidence?

#1 Well, according to some British researches in a paper <Should have known better>,

they found that “women wishing to get married were more attracted to the narcissistic male personality than those not desiring marriage.”

This means that all women, whether single or not, just CAN”T resist narcissistic bad boys. They just can’t out-logic themselves to prevent feeling attraction.

So if you want to get girls, forget what women tell you verbally, just trigger the right emotions for them to FELL.

#2 In the study, researchers found that women agree with statements like “Confidence in a male is more alluring than modesty;”

“Male vanity is an attractive attribute;” and “I am attracted to men who take pleasure in being the center of attention.”

Although these don’t sound political correct, you should now understand why some self-centered assholes just keep getting girls …

it is because they have BALLS to pull the trigger and get shit done.

#3 Now you may ask WHY women are attracted to male narcissists?

Well, it is because they are seen as higher status man with “the ability to acquire resources, and that they are entertaining and self-assured.”

So whether you like the truth, if you wanna attract girls,

you have to more self-centered, more self-loving, care yourself more than her, and be more self-entertaining THAN YOU THINK YOU SHOULD BE or how the political correct society tells you to be!

Attraction/Arousal is NOT about being a moral virtuous man, it is about being flexible enough to be “display bad boy qualities” even if you are a good-hearted man.

The Q is: If you want more girls, are you going to stop being so Vanilla, so tight and upright, and thus so fvcking boring!?