


Q&A: Hi   Man 神

1.我記得之前有一集講過 男人其中有一種好重要嘅特質 就係 being edge!

我想問點為知 being edge? 有冇一啲具體做法?

Challenge  , Teasing 呢啲 算唔算?

呢一兩個月我keep 住咁做  

我發覺自己咁做 好似唔係好太理人感受

有時仲會得罪人  整到人嬲 系臉

覺到依家個好似 有啲 針鋒相對  好勇鬥狠

咄咄逼人  不斷係咁同人challenge  teasing 有時可能由講下笑語氣 會升到做大家火藥味濃

同埋我咁做 好似多左人唔鐘意我, 可以點解決???


因為以前無論同男女朋友相處 我自己做法大家相處都係平淡啲  加少少fun 無細水長流果隻



所以就算真係有啲野唔認同 我都會笑下扮認同   自己知到自己點諗就算

除非係一啲 唔可以退讓 或者超越左自己底線嘅野 我就會say no


但都唔係 會主動走去挑人機  撩是鬥非果隻 因為我覺得係自卑嘅人先會咁做


所以我應該點平行 being edge 呢樣野??


1b.  Man 神 其實上面講果樣野 關唔關氣場強弱問題 。

我發覺 氣場太強 冇人埋身 冇乜朋友 就算有 人地都會好驚你 就算相處落都功功敬敬  


太弱 就會得唔到人 尊重

有冇啲咩標準去 做好佢


1c.  雖然人係群體生物

我發覺有時有太多獨立思考  同人唔同

又會比人 唔接納  排擠

一有意見分歧 就否定人   繼而同發生好多衝突

但又要互相幫助去生活 成長

係群體 生活 又要有獨立思考 唔從眾

我應該表達?  一旦發生衝突又應該點?



2 . Man 神  呢排最近都不斷意識去 要自己同不同嘅陌生人 講野 交流 have fun

但我發覺自己 背後嘅動機 唔係咁好???

因為想改變自己  好似揾呢啲人黎過橋

黎training 自己


2b其實細個小朋友 個時係咪冇咁多自我意識   思考 ?? 小朋友 做事有冇動機??

細個嘅性格  行為模式 做事手法 好似都係人地叫我 做從而形成    今日我嘅性格


依家我要刻意改變我嘅行為 同思想

去令佢變成一種信念同集慣  從而重新塑造自己理想嘅性格特質


我發覺自己呢家大個左成日會探討自己 或者人地 做事背後個動機


Full Answer Here:



Q&A Hi man神,睇完你d片之後,我既人生的確有好大轉變,我好容易同囡囡玩到。但同時我發覺自己開始比人背後中傷,比人話我中意食女,我feel到開始有人對我反感,我怕再係咁落去會畀人話我狗公,排擠我。


究竟我係咪做錯d乜?我只不過係ocamp同d組mate玩,ocamp本來就係用黎玩架啦,我又唔係淨係同女玩。究竟我應該點做?繼續去同女女玩?定收斂d好? Thanks! By rex


#1 Are the girls MORE or LESS attracted to you now? If it’s MORE, then who gives a fvck of what other jealous dudes say? You’re not pleasing to suck their dicks, so who cares?

Don’t let the fvcking crabs pull you down.


#2 That’s good that you’re playing with EVERYONE, not just girls. So you’re good, keep that action momentum going and let haters hate you. Withstand that pressure and you’ll become an even more attractive man!

Full answer here:




Q&A: Hello Man神, 有一個問題諗左好耐都諗唔通。








好多人都話結婚果個唔會係你鐘意果個,其實呢句說話係咪真既? 依家呢個年代有幾多人會係咁? 會揾一個唔係自己最鐘意既人結婚?


同一個適合自己既人結婚真係咁重要? 但如果同一個我鐘意既人結婚,為左少D嗌交,所有野就哂佢、最多自己辛苦少少咪得囉,起碼呢個人係自己鐘意,每日都想見到佢。另外,Man神如果你係我,你會點揀呢? 好多謝你既解答~ Eric


Q: Hi Manson,

I’ve fallen in love with my colleague but she obviously isn’t interested.

Everyone tells me it’s unlikely she’ll ever be interested otherwise she would’ve shown some hints before notwithstanding the fact she’s had boyfriends all the time we’ve known each other.

Should I write her off as a lost cause or work towards wooing her?  If the latter, what can I do? Thanks in advance. – CL


Answer is below:




Q: Hi! man神 今日想問關於人生QandA。


小弟睇左man啲片一段時間,獲益良多,知道要進步就要踏出first step同埋要take action。所以我就喺大學宿舍申請做導師(同時我自己都係大學學生),喺黎緊9月開始工作。


呢份職位主要目的係帶動新住hall嘅同學,令佢地多啲參與同投入hall既活動,可以喺hall認識更多朋友,最後有個難忘既hall life。


而我作為宿舍導師,就要結合一班各自唔認識既同學(情況有啲似orientation camp既組爸媽)。


正因為呢個任務咁有意義,所有我就申請左呢個post,希望可以幫人add value。不過實際上嘅我,都未有信心去勝任呢個post, 所以以下有幾條問題想問:


1 因為我冇乜信心,一直擔心黎緊會做得唔好,覺得自己能力未夠。所以想知可以點消除心中恐懼,去做一件自己冇信心勝任嘅任務?


===> Every NEW task makes you nervous and doubt yourself.

But you just DO IT despite of fear because then you’ll realize you didn’t die at all.


2 我本身係個內向既人,有時同唔識嘅人傾計,會有唔知有咩話題既尷尬情況出現。所以想問可以點對住一大班人進行fun同埋有內容既對話,防止尷尬嘅moment出現?同埋點自然地結合呢班各自唔認識既同學?

===> Don’t take about religion or politics


===> Best is Not to just talk, but to engage them with fun GROUP activities.


===> Alos, deadair only means TENSION is increasing, use it as a tool for great vibes/atmosphere.


3 點建立召喚力去帶領呢班同學去投入hall life?


===> Lead by example. Be social yourself first and invite people to join you, and show people that they can have a great fun life if they follow what you do.


===> Also understand that NOT everyone will want to have a fun social life in halls.

===> Figure out the MOTIVATION of why they join hall life, have a 1-2-1 chat to see what they NEED or want.


4 另外,如果比宿舍學生開玩笑,而踏到底線時,應該點作出回應?

===> Tell them in PRIVATE that certain things are NOT COOL.

Don’t confront them in public to help “save their face”.



Video answer is posted here:


Hi Manson My name is Chester,  I need ur advice, Please help me


Q: I was a pua in tst and I picked up much girls as I could

.Sts when I saw some paki guy and white guys pick up and touching th girl.I feel jelous extremely since I can do it exactly. And sts when I saw some asian girls with a white guy. The girls act like looking down at me and Made me feel so bad. Can u give me some advice?Manson


Sorry I am afriad that U received too many mails so I reply you here in case.Long story short . I have been lving and discriminated against in US and I know the trick they made fun of asian. So I was so extremely jealous when the white guy carries asian girl and the girl seems not nice to me or looking down to me. I am a PUA for 5 years and still cant get out of that.

Sts when I saw a girl that I could pick up but got picked up by paki guy or white guy, I kept thinking negatively and tryna block them.Am I half crazy for that.I feel like my weakness is a white guy as my enemies and girl is a weapon. I feel like I need advice otherwise I will go crazy. Please give me a advice Manson. I am looking forward to see u – Shing S Li


#1 Every guy or girl has their sexual preference or fantasies, stop trying to please EVERY girl.


#2 Being attractive = polarizing = have your own standards = pissing of certain people (HATE) while having fans who LOVE you.


#3 PUA doesn’t help because of the idea of fvcking all girls and using the number of “conquered pussies” as success metrics.


#4 Your real enemy is your insecurity as a Chinese man.

Embrace yourself, expand your strengths, focus on people who isn’t discriminatory.




Q: Hi Man, 最近開始留意你嘅分享,非常支持!加油!



但佢用好奇怪既方法避我(避得黎又比我見到佢閃開,有時又當我透明,又群起佢嘅小圈子杯葛我),其實佢會係d咩心態,我又應該點樣處理先洽當? 謝謝你的意見


=> An obvious immature response from an immature young girl, detailed answer please find here:




Q: 話說我係一個啱啱入職既part time, 今日舖頭gathering完後,我同個已經有boyfriend靚女同事搭車返歸,佢問我有冇追緊女仔。



==> Needy behavior.

You want to vomit your history to her & get her to know you BECAUSE you want to earn her VALIDATION, LOVE and ACCEPTANCE!







但當對住有feel,靚女就會緊張,然後失控,我真係好想克服尼個問題!以後遇到緊張既情況下應該點放鬆?同埋可以點解決尼個問題? – Andy


Being nervous is not a problem, being not in control is.


#1 Nervous = Excitement = Same biological response (Adrenaline)

#2 You’re idealizing her, you want her to LIKE you, which is NOT an attractive male attitude.

#3 Deep Breathing = activate parasympathetic nervous system = CALM you down!




Q: Hi Man神,我係Dee,長話短說,最近工作壓力大,精神攰令自己冇心情同人傾偈,唔太想向人提供價值,感覺被吸走能量而不斷抱怨






#1 Life Experience

#2 Train your body & mind for strength, protect your mindset everyday


Oh Man,原來領袖係要開放對每個人都要對話交流,我仲好似「活在自己世界中」,只跟有興趣的人說話,難怪我在團體的受歡迎程度唔太高



Man神多謝你用心解答我的問題 – Dee


#1 The more strangers you talk to, the higher chance you will be successful

#2 Attractive Social Mindset is always:

– Have FUN for yourself first

– Bring that FUN and positive emotions to others

– See who’s OPEN to connect with and see if they meet your STANDARDS (i.e. You QUALIFY them).