
Last time we talk about how to make a relationship PASSIONATE and have a fvcking great sex life. Today, let’s talk about how to make such relationship filled with LOVE.


#0 Understand: Healthy relationship not just needs PASSION (filled with sexual polarity + unpredictability) , but it also needs EMOTIONAL CONNECTION (where you two feel stability & connection)


Thus you always need to balance these contradictory qualities in a relationship.


After you guys have engaged a passionate sexy relationship, you can tune down for a while for more deeper emotional connection. How?


#1 Be present and listen to her softly


Women want to feel seen and understood. So if she has something to share, gently look at her and attentively listen.


Most of the times she doesn’t need a solution to her “problem”, but she just needs you to LISTEN & UNDERSTAND her FEELINGS. Be that man she can relate.


#2 Give her space when she needs it


If you are overwhelming her with attention all day long, soon she will feels TOO MUCH from you.


So sometimes you have to actively create SPACE for her alone time (and yours!), that will recharge you both and come back for each other happily.


#3 Be AWARE of her moods


While you shouldn’t be AFFECTED by her chaotic emotions, you should be AWARE of where she is at at any given time.


So read her facial expression, body language, vocal tonality and really try to FEEL what she is FEELING.  


If you can do these above apart from fvcking her well, congrats you two for having the most thriving relationship possible 😀


Everyone has their masculine & feminine energy, and each of these energies have their weakness/blind spots.


#1 Masculine energy is driven, directional, single-focused, strict.


It’s like a laser beam, it can penetrate things, but it can also burn things around.  E.g. a very driven successful businessman who makes a lot of money, but he completely neglect his wife and children


So masculine weakness = too caught up in DOING/ACHIEVING but isn’t living life fully, they aren’t experiencing enjoyment


#2 Feminine Energy is flexible, creative, nuturing, flowing.


It’s like a hurricane power, if it is not guided, it can be destructive and turn things into chaos and suffering.


Thus, while masculine energy cherish time to get shit done, feminine enjoy being in the moment without much directionality.


#3 If your core is masculine, you feel alive when ppl challenge you to accomplish a goal. But if your core is feminine, you feel alive when you relax and enjoy yourself.


The point is: Neither energy is more right/valuable than the other. We need both in ourselves (80/20) while staying in our CORE and attracting a partner in THEIR CORE.


100% masculine male can be a ruthless dictator, 100% feminine can be someone who indulge in pleasure lalaland.

Be aware of where your energy is, and be aware of why you attract the partner you have today, because sexual attraction is very much about this energy play between you two.


Whether you are a man or woman, have you heard of these phrases “Men are liars, men are so stupid, men only want sex?”


Here are 3 common myths women have about men, and if you don’t get rid of them, you will never be aware of men’s struggles in his cultural conditioning and see his pain, and he will never feel you understand him.


And for men, if you find that these 3 myths resonate with you, leave a comment below and let me know.

Full Episode Here:


Brother, do you define yourself as an introverted person? Or worse still, do you always say you are too 怕醜 to meet women?


If you do, I have a good news and bad news for you:

Good news = Introverted is okay, women don’t just want extraverted guys

Bad news = You need to get rid of your shyness


#1 What’s the difference?

Introverted = A person mostly concerned with his own thoughts/feelings, instead of external things. They gain energy by spending time with themselves.


Shy = Being reserved, nervous, 細膽 in the presence of other people


So shyness is the lack of comfort with other people -> weakness

But introversion is just a preference of how you spend time -> NOT weakness, it’s a strength in many writers/producers/leaders


#2 So how do you be more extroverted & outgoing when you feel nervous?


Simple exercise to develop extroverted muscle: When you leave your house and walk, do a mental note of the things you see.


E.g. How many 7-11/OK can you find along the way? Taxi? Suited up?


When you do this, you’re forcing yourself to look outside yourself and thus training your brain to think in a more extroverted way.


#3 Advanced Exercise: When you speak, incorporate the phrase
“I love/Iike …… + [observation based on 5 senses]


e.g. the music in this bar … + [reason] e.g. because Maroon 5 is really my favorite band!”


It sounds silly, but the point is this forces you to get out of your head to find sth in the environment! (+ being positive, talk about things you enjoy)


Try this everyday for 1 week and see how more extroverted you become!


Do you know why rejection is such a BIG FEAR for us?


If you want to study more, you can watch a Ted Talk by Guy Winch “Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid”


Reason #1 Rejection feels so bad because it PHYSICALLY HURTS.

MRI study: The part of your brain that lights up when a man gets rejected = same part of the brain that lights up when he experiences physical pain.


So rejection = being punched/stabbed, your body tells you it HURTS.


Reason #2 Our brains are wired this way because of evolution

Back in caveman days, if a man gets rejected by social circle = he is alone to defend against wild animals = unlikely to survive


So evolution makes us FEEL the rejection pain so that we change our behavior and remain in the tribe to stay alive.


Reason #3 We tend to imagine that everyone notices our rejection/ppl are watching, thus exaggerates the painful experience.


In reality, most ppl are just stuck in their own thinking, and that’s why no one actually pays attention to what you do.


Solution #1: Stop all self-criticism

Stop saying “she doesn’t like me/ damn I said sth wrong/ I am not good enough.”

=> Instead, reframe this as “Haha, she likes me and that’s why she gives me shit tests.” Have this “she likes me”frame 100% time.


Solution #2 Write down the Top 10 Qualities every day

– Reinforce and speak out aloud everyday why you are WORTH IT to build your self-esteem.


Solution #3: Proactive Socializing

– Always be meeting new people, new women. Don’t be passive and let your frds find you. Be proactive weekly so that you always find people who accepts and loves you.

Long D 真的可行嗎? (Q&A)


Q&A: Yoyo Manson,最近都不斷地重溫你既舊video同新既video,都有不斷建立更正既social life,不過呢我有時都會反思下自己,因為呢一刻既我雖然不斷去變做更加好既同時,我覺得今日既我都係未成為一個真正最attractive既自己,回想起一年前我既生活非常之乏味,但當時又有一個女仔鐘意我。


接著開始接觸你既channel,雖然用左好多你教我既F+C係呢位女仕身上,但因為始終自己既low esteems and needly失去左呢個人,差不多剛好一年,我自己既圈子真係比以前擴大左,同埋自己開始去照顧到身邊既人,靠自己既經驗去幫助我既朋友,幫佢地搵自己人生目標,亦都係圈子內唔難認識新既女性。


今日既我真係明白到兩性吸引力,但係認識左唔少女性and spark到佢地attraction 同時,我發現一樣野,好影響到我自己今日同未來。原來我仲有一種感覺,係每當認識新既女仔同佢地有講有笑建立緊sexual and rapport同時,我發現自己成日不自覺諗起個位一年前既女仔。




其實講到呢到我對呢個依然潛意識進行緊投資,我當然有聽Manson講點不斷增加options投資落自己身上,每次去玩我都係無拘無束have fun,be yourself對住任何人。




#1 It’s good to have feelings of regret, that you had been immature and said hurtful things to the girl, THAN being a cold blooded manipulator.


#2 Long D without a specific deadline is HARD to maintain, and you shouldn’t even think about it until you two have been together for 2+ years.


If the long D will be YEARS, then break up and stop wasting each other’s time. Stop exploiting ppl’s opportunity from others to give what they want.


#3 Whatsapping apology is quite a pussy move, the best way is to admit your flaws face-to-face, eye-to-eye as a man,  which requires extreme courage.


#4 But, no matter how you do it, you are doing it FOR YOURSELF, NOT for the girl or trying get her acceptance/recognition, or trying to do this to reattract her again.


Otherwise, you are not being genuine.  


Full answer here: