⚔️Strength. Courage. Action. 力量. 勇氣. 行動.🥊 We become the MAN she wants to f💰ck and love by penetrating our Big 3.🥇 🔥 ManTheFvckUp 的使命🔥 = 建立100,000名男士組成的勇士軍隊,打拼出人生3大範疇,成為女人想🔞又想愛的男人!
Jun T:Hey Manson, 我想問你既問題就係如何同喺職場上識既女仔相處?我知道你講過唔推薦喺公司亂搞男女關係、搞到自己又搞到人、咁係咪即係對住佢地要保持non sexual? Thanks.
#1 Yes, because if you care about your work or income, screwing with female colleagues only harm you. One, it’s impossible to separate private matters with company matters, any problems in r/p will cause problems at work.
Two, your other male colleagues or bosses are always a threat. Especially if you got a hot colleague, they are going to tease you and bully you at the work level. Your boss is NOT going to promote you as revenge. Too much drama, doesn’t worth it.
#2 Yes, just treat the girls as strictly colleague, nothing more. In fact, don’t even think she’s your friend because she is just a competitor.
You should always get girls elsewhere, most guys resort to female colleagues because they DON’T meet girls outside work. Just let other desperate dudes to chase while you make bigger money and meeting girls outside.
J: 溝 (吸引)條女時點樣可以係Neediness同暗示對條女有興趣取得平衡?
太needy, 條女會覺得個男仔太低價值太易得到。太non attach, 時間拖太耐唔表示對條女有興趣, 條女又會覺得個男仔對佢無興趣而move on
Good Q. General rule is that you NEVER show interest verbally, but you keep escalating via your actions/behaviors.
E.g. Verbally, you can tease her for being stupid/weak, challenge her for being a boring girl with no passions, tell her why you don’t think you guys are good fit, When escalating joking say that “Hey be nice, you can’t get me on bed with that attitude.”+ takeaway.
But PHYSICALLY, when you’re on the surface NOT showing too much interest, you are getting her to dates, you are ESCALATING – touching her + isolating her + trying to fuck her + flirting with her sometimes.
That’s the kind of communication women enjoy. It’s okay to let girls feel that you’re trying to fuck her AS LONG AS you’re smoothly escalating, BUT also calibrating according to her reactions to see if you need to step back sometime for a while, and try it again.
Daniel W: 最近同女朋友分咗手,一直以嚟我太focus自己 無乜點去care佢 到最後佢同我講話好大壓力好辛苦 想做返朋友 有feel再做couple
#1 Damn bro, you actually ARE doing things right. You SHOULD be focusing on yourself, and the fact that she is PISSED that you don’t 挽留佢 means that you ARE doing the right thing.
HOWEVER, what did she specifically do for you? You said she loves you a lot, why did she sacrifice at all? Girls who REALLY love a guy almost always cannot leave him at all.
#2 Her friends are fucking you up. “can follow her Ig” WTF? Sounds that you are begging for that and she PERMITS you to do that?
DO NOT fall into this trap. She and her friends are trying to change the game. You had the upper hand before, but now you are losing. You should not have told her “thank her, respect her stuff”.
#3 If you now chase, you LOSE EVERY attraction point. Keep ignoring her, and let her follow your IG LATER, and IGNORE her friends toxic advice.
If she wants to be your gf, she NEEDS to obey and comply to your rules. Maybe you should pay more attention to her slightly, but DON”T make her your focus.
Keep focusing on yourself, that’s how you attracted her on day 1!
#1 You’re right, from her behaviors – block IG story +hea whatsapp – she is already telling you that she is NOT interested in your advance.
She wants to avoid you. And very possibly it’s because of your creepy 『想溝又好似唔係溝』嘅朋友過渡去情人行為behaviors.
#2 Yes, you have set a bad impression of yourself and thus you need a SPACE. If you are truly changing, you are NOT doing for her but you are doing for YOURSELF. So you should even consider “how to get her back”.
All you need to do is to increase your sex appeal as a man and keep meeting new interesting girls. Keep having fun and building your lifestyle as a man and post cool pics in IG.
Then any girls in your IG, including her, will be intrigued and start to pay attention to you. When she likes/DMs you again, you know this girl is interested in you. Play it cool at first and then invite her out if she keeps showing you interest.
—> Well, it sounds that EITHER she isn’t looking for a relationship, but she is having casual sex secretly with some Alphas, OR it’s JUST that YOU are not attractive enough and she just uses some bullshit to 打發你.
Whatever the case, you shouldn’t worry about such 拍拖Q and discuss with girls. What girls say are useless, just pay attention to her behaviours and you know the truth.
Mark L: 想問如果個女仔突然Whatapps寫一段嘢話想做返朋友,唔想有romantic relationship住。但我哋之間最多都係平時聚會見面傾計同埋WhatsApp,但冇講過我鍾意佢等等東西。想問個女仔其實諗緊乜?
—> That means she is bullshitting you. All she is saying is that she is NOT sexually interested in you. You are NOT arousing her desire to make her want to fuck you and beg you for a relationship.
You didn’t’ tell her anything but she SENSED from your BEHAVIOURS that you really really like her.
So that’s why she wants to preemptive strike you and PREVENT you going further and bothering her.
The fact that you’re sending email to ask me about HER shows me that you CARE ABOUT what she thinks about you, right? 😉