⚔️Strength. Courage. Action. 力量. 勇氣. 行動.🥊 We become the MAN she wants to f💰ck and love by penetrating our Big 3.🥇 🔥 ManTheFvckUp 的使命🔥 = 建立100,000名男士組成的勇士軍隊,打拼出人生3大範疇,成為女人想🔞又想愛的男人!
我嘗試約佢出街,但是好多次佢都冇答,會唔會因為佢係宅嘅問題?我諗住學期完時表白,我知道你講過唔可以表白,但係我哋只係中二學生,冇可能屌完佢再問佢我哋嘅關係,有冇其他方法去問佢我哋嘅關係,係唔係剩係得表白?Thx so much -Oscar
#1 She 對我好好 but doesn’t want a date? Bro, that only means she’s NOT interested in you in a sexual/romantic way, NOT about the location way lol.
#2 If you can’t fvck because you’re under 18, at least you need to kiss each other. That means you still need to get her out, get her in a private place, make things nervous/exciting, and KISS.
That’s a minimum thing you should do as a young teen. You NEVER ask about the r/p, you ALWAYS let the girl initiate!
Hi Man神,開始睇你d片既前幾日,係club識佐個女仔,我地一開始有講有笑又會互相撩下大家咁,到後尾都有小小身體接觸,我拖住佢佢趬住我,走個陣摟佐摟佢仲主動錫佐我一下。
到傾message個陣,傾傾下佢唉佐聲,我問佢咩事,掛住我?佢話有小小,傾佐陣其他野佢就冇覆我,隔佐一日我又再搵佢,之後我覺得佢係對我有feel既,可能變得有小小chur, 到之後佢就block佐我。 我想問一開始佢係味係真係對我有feel既,但到後尾就冇佐,係味佢覺得我太煩太chur 同埋覺得我d溝通技巧有問題先搞到咁。大概就係咁。thx Man 神, By PP
#1 Remember, NOTHING means shit until you have sex with a girl. Do not be fooled by the seemingly fake interest or positive response when she whatsapp you, you gotta penetrate her to lock her down.
#2 Your mistake is you keep whatsapping her AS IF she is your gf whom you have fvcked. NO she is not. So when you do that, you are overinvesting. The only purpose of whatsapp is to get her OUT and see her. Get a date and then bang. Otherwise, you are wasting your time entertaining a fantasy thinking she likes you.
#3 Many potential reasons why she blocks you. Maybe she regretted kissing you that night. Maybe you became needy just like a BF afterwards. Maybe she feels that you’re indecisive and NOT dating her. What a pussy, so BLOCK 9 you.
Learn from these mistakes above and keep gaming new girls.
Bro, watch every video I have produced in the past 6 months, you have no clue how many mistakes you have made and toxic beta ideas are in your brain right now.
All I can quickly say is that: You have ZERO chance to get her now. You are a gay friend, you were rejected and you kept staying as friend, and you still want to get her back. That’s the ultimate BETA sign.
No strategies I work will help because your software has virus. Get rid of them by watching ALL videos in 2019 and then come back to me and tell me what’s wrong with the above. Now go save yourself!