女人咁對你,你仲笑騎騎同佢傾計!? 初次約會規則【溝女Q&Ax3】

Welcome to another episode of weekly 溝女Q&A. As you know I only started doing this recently because I want to help as many bros as possible.

However, if you want more detailed, comprehensive, 1-2-1 interaction with me, you should consider joining our Insider family because you will get all the dating/sex/relationship management training inside, AND ability to interact with me live in our coaching calls and secret FB group.

If you are interested to get this 360 degree of help, go to www.manthefvckup.com/joininsider for details.

Any Qs, just email us.


Q1 hi,阿man,我今日同條女第一次單獨食飯,食到大約8點,我話去食糖水,條女話之後約左其他朋友,咁我就馬上埋單各自散,佢話約左朋友是否好明顯拒絕信號,second date是否冇機會 – Mr. Chan


STOP doing dinner dates as your first date. Dinner/Movies are the worst ones because you’re spending too much time eating like friends and it doesn’t have the sexy feeling.

First date must be quick and short, < 1 hr, you want to qualify the girl to make sure she meets your standards, so try a coffee date instead.


Q2 Hi Manson, 我係呀K, 之前問過你意見架 (女仔突然block咗我). 而家我覺得大家關係好咗少少, 有微笑打招呼, 亦都有傾幾句計, 過程中我就同佢分享咗自己某啲personal achievement, 佢反應唔熱唔淡咁.

不過whatsapp仍未解封, 我諗過考完試打俾佢約埋大家班fd一齊玩, 應唔應該咁做?


Girls don’t give a fvck about what you do, how much money you have, or how many countries you have travelled to. She cares HOW you make her feel when you’re there. She cares if you can arouse her and feel sexy to fvck.

Two, she’s being a bitch, blocking you. That behavior already says she is avoiding you, maybe because of your creepy beta attitude. Why the fuck are you smiling and saying hi to her? Why are you giving her attention to talk? And even tell me you want to play with her?

Fuck that bitch attitude. You fucked up before. She isn’t interested now. Cut ALL your communication. Ignore her. Move the fuck on.


Q3 我叫Marco,我今次係第一次send信比你,因為我覺得得你可以幫到我。



   佢始終無買到慈善卷,為咗keep contact我就托佢問佢阿媽,佢講ok,問問。11月,老師開始催,而我每次問佢都唔應我,終於就憤怒了,同佢講「快D la,老師催緊a」,然後佢就封鎖我(WhatsApp),

後一日,我咁啱約咗個二十多歲嘅男士,我問佢,佢就話「緊係la,人哋幫你,你催乜春」,並叫我每日打電話2次,打咗兩星期,佢無接,然之後又同佢喺訊息道歉a,bili bala咁,直到E加12月,無起息(佢其實有覆2句,不過唔關原唔原諒我事),個男士都叫我放棄但我又放唔低。



Marco, you are so young so naive, but that’s okay, we all have been stupid. Here are the facts and mistakes you’ve made:

#1 This girl isn’t interested in you at all, that’s why she gets another 2 beta dicks with you so she has 3 losers give her free attention.

#2 Is your 20+ friend on9? Tell you to call her 2 times a day for 2 weeks? He is on 9 and you are on 9 believing what he says. You’re like harrassing the girl, no wonder she ignores you.

#3 Sorry for what? Stop apologizing about your actions to women. She is being a dickhead, so FUCK THAT BITCH, IGNORE HER FOREVER, and move on.

This is not about giving up the girl, this is about NOT giving up your self-respect that is making you so beta, emotionally weak and acting so needy.

Go immerse yourself in 10 MTFU’s videos/day to brainwash yourself away from the beta mindset. You’ll learn so much from these free content in such a young age that I didn’t have.


Anyway, if other bros want to ask Qs, make sure they are in 50-100 words when you send email support@manthefvckup.com to us.

If you want more detailed, comprehensive, 1-2-1 interaction with me, you should consider joining our Insider family.

Go www.manthefvckup.com/joininsider for details. See you all in the next Q&A.


Bro, what do you think is the most effective weapon to attract girls? Is it money, status, looks, muscles, fun emotions, great connections, successful career or how good your sex game is?

Another Q: When you don’t like a girl’s certain behaviors, do you argue with her? Persuade her to change? Or care about her feelings, fulfill her needs and then hope then she will listen to what you want?

Well, the answer to all these Qs is that:

One of the most powerful tools to attract/keep girls is actually using the girl’s own imagination.

#1 What I mean is that: Most beta guys love to TELL everything about themselves to girls, wanting her to know ALL of his stories/wounds/strengths and flaws, and think that women will appreciate his TRUTH about his life and “will love him for who he is”.

Sorry bro, apart from your mum, no women on the planet want to know 100% of you. Why?

It’s because women want to figure out a man by themselves, by their own imagination, by her intuition and by her feelings about you.

#2 When you tell her everything about you, you are taking away her ENJOYMENT of “discovering a man” and she will dump you and find other men who are more like a mysterious puzzle to solve.

Women care about the CONTEXT (上文下理/背景) of the communication, they care about HOW you talk about things, they care about what is NOT being said, they care about the underlying meaning and the subcommunication.

So women don’t really pay attention to the CONTENT of what you say, they don’t really care about “the literal meaning” because they’re feeling the deeper parts of the communication.

#3 You may now ask: But isn’t being honest is an attractive trait to women? Why do they always ask me to TALK TO THEM?

Rmb: Vulnerability is only attractive ONLY IF you use it rarely, like <5% of the time.

95% of the time you must be strong-minded, hard-to-kill, firm with your boundaries, confident, self-loving and not like a cute teddy bear.

If you start out as an Alpha like that, and only “become vulnerable” and share feelings AFTER she has earned it (e.g. had sex, obey to you). Otherwise, telling women everything about yourself is UNATTRACTIVE and you’re doomed.

#4 So back to our main point: If you now know that women’s imagination is your best weapon to get her, how would you approach dating?

E.g. Don’t “tell” her how Alpha you are, but BEHAVE in certain manners/ attitudes so that she concludes herself that you are the guy she wants to fvck.

E.g. Don’t “tell” her you have many girls options, but BEHAVE in such a way that you’re always busy going out for coffees, having interesting pics with girls without face in IG, or acting so casual in dates or after sex.

E.g. Don’t argue with her about certain points that you disagree with, JUST withdraw your attention as a punishment so that she KNOWS you don’t like it.

#5 So yes, you don’t need magnificent words to persuade women about your attractiveness.

All you need is to communicate your message via your BEHAVIORS, and let her imagination runs wild and conclude why she must want you by herself.

We teach a lot of details in our Insider family.

If you wanna learn more on how to do so, email us support@manthefvckup.com and let us know that you want to join.


#1 Don’t just read/study, you must APPLY

Knowledge without application is USELESS to get girls. The whole process of real learning is to study, apply, learn from mistakes, keep adjusting.

Unless you are using these weapons on women, you are NOT even in the game.

#2 Find a type of “game” that fits your lifestyle

We all have different schedules, preferences, and strengths/weakness. So you should design your “meeting girls” habit according to what’s best for you.

If you look good on pics/paper, do online. If you are rich, have social status in certain environments, mingle in bars or clubs. If you have a lot of time, travel a lot, like talking to strangers, you can do cold approaches wherever you go.

Your goal is to be able to talk to at least 1 potential girl a day in whatever means. Only then you can start to game girls.

#3 If you must cold approach, make it as casual as possible like a side thing you do when you’re going through your day.

Personally, I don’t like going out in malls/streets JUST to approach a ton of girls and get as much as # to run game later.

BUT, if you happen to be in a gym, buying food in CItySuper, reading books in a bookstore, doing work in coffee shop, drinking with friends at a bar, exercising in a park, waiting a line in whatever places (because you’re doing stuff you’re already planned and you happen to SEE a cute girl),

then it’s perfectly good to spend 30 seconds to approach her and see if she is open to talk to.  

Again, if you’re talking to only 1 new girl a day, you will have almost 100 new experiences in 3 months. Such simple daily exercise will help you gain so much experience than most guys in 3 years.

#4 Seriously, get a mentor.

Yes, I am biased to say this. But honestly, it’s super HARD for most guys to become great with women just by his own.

Even if he has many gfs in the past, he may still be operating with a Beta mindset and doesn’t know why he FAILED.

We all need mentors to help us see our blind spots. Whatever new skills I want to learn nowadays, I always pay to learn as intimately/quickly as possible so that I can save time and many mistakes.

So whether you choose me or other guys who talk about game, if you cherish your own time, pay them so that they can 10x your speed to success.

If you recognize the value of mentorship and you like what you’ve been learning alone here in MTFU, I welcome you to consider joining our MTFU Insider brotherhood, where we provide ALL the trainings, coaching and accountability to help you succeed in dating/sex/relationship life.

Email us support@manthefvckup.com if you are interested.

#5 Aim lower at your beginner phase.

Let’s be honest: You can’t just fvck 9-10/10 dream hot girls if you’re inexperienced. At the beginning, you aren’t aware of what mistakes you’re making so you need TIME & EXPERIENCE before you can win the boss game.

So you need to build SMALL WINS by gaming girls who are just average-looking (but not ugly) ones who are maybe 5-6/10, then slowly level up as you gain experience.

Of course don’t fuck ugly fat chicks who are a 0. But aim for those you feel neutral but acceptable-enough to have a ONS. Gain small successes so that you can have huge successes later on.

So these are the top 5 suggestions for all newbie guys who are studying sexual dynamics and maybe with less than 10 lay counts.

Do you still have any challenges you’re facing you don’t know how to face? Like and comment below and let me know so I can create better content for you in future.


Not sure if you notice, I have not done 溝女Q&A series for almost 7 months because I was so busy in helping my private clients and students in MTFU Insider.

We had a lot of fun in our trainings, our coaching calls and FB interactions. And I love to see how they are crushing in their love life and professional life.

So if you want such 360 degrees support and live interaction with me, you should join our elite Insider family.

Anyway, I’ve decided to do some charity work and answer a few short easy Qs or 1 quality Q per week – whether I got it in YT, IG or emails.

These answer I give you will NOT be as detailed/intimate/comprehensive as those I do for Insiders. But if you like this kind help, LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE to support MTFU.

If you want to send Qs to me, make them as SHORT as possible (50-100 words) for me to read.


Hi Man神, 我叫HY, 最近係Youtube發現你既channel,覺得你既哲學好岩,溝女的確係一門學問,而且需要技巧.


覺得同女仔溝通難左,自己本身講野唔太叻, 見到陌生人都有d怕羞…最近就有個難題, 希望Man神可以解答:

事緣除夕個晚跟左個fd去K party玩同倒數, 我淨係識個fd同佢女友, 其他都係再搭上搭唔認識, 所以我超級緊張..==

係party入面有個女仔俾佢吸引住, 都係個種啦 個樣唔差 斯文有禮型, 但好玩得投入 一齊飲酒猜杖玩, 我亦順利拎左佢電話,  不過我自知個晚表現麻麻 唔夠fun吸引唔到佢 傾既話題偏悶 更加冇問及佢既興趣…

問題就黎啦…….之後有嘗試whatsapp佢 佢都係例牌既hea答...試過send d可愛貓貓相 希望製造下話題 點知原來佢dislike cat….及後我都冇搵佢 唔想係甘send野俾佢chur住佢

Man神, 有咩方法可以同佢係whatsapp有多d交流? 我有唸過搞一大班人行山/踩單車,順便邀請個女仔 甘又得唔得呢? 同埋最重要既係, 我自身方面可以有咩進步? Thank you so much!! - HY


#1 You spend too much whatsapp time on talking useless shit. These rapport based chit chat won’t get you laid.

Always aim for progression in every contact you have with girls. In this case, after getting her laugh or positive response 1-2 times, get her to a quick coffee date.

#2 Your improvement in dating is to drastically MEET MORE GIRLS. I bet you don’t meet girls regularly. So you must increase the volume, whether via online, day/night game, or meeting girls via social activities you enjoy.

Until you do that, you will always operate in scarcity mindset like now, and fixating on one girl trying to get her only. No, you need a lot more experience with girls before you know what to choose and look for, even if you want a relationship.


HI MAN神. 有樣野想請教你,我想拎個新女同事電話. 因為我地24號就上完TRAINING,之後就去不同地方工作,無乜機會見番面.所以打算黎緊就行動. TRAINING果陣我坐佢附近,哩段時間都有同佢交流下上堂既內客.休息果陣都幾個同事圍內吹下水甘.

我想問點樣拎佢contact先唔會覺得唐突? 我留意到佢有抄notes既習慣, 我打算問佢借notes著手.例如借黎番去抄? 聽日還比你,留個whatsapp? 睇唔明可以問下你.  定係貼張有whatsapp紙仔入佢本notes等佢加好呢? 謝謝man神指教 – Alex H


#1 I don’t recommend gaming female colleagues, it’s a mess and anything that happens between you 2 can fuck up your career.

#2 Assuming you have another chance to meet girls in some events in future, don’t act what you did. Right now, you’re obviously shameful with your sexual intent on her, that’s why you feel the need to “secretly get her #” super indirectly and “slowly attract her”. But that’s like a beta pussy who is scared to fuck girls.

So if you intend to get girls’ #, you should first spark attraction by playfully teasing her/challenging her and build some tension. If she responds positively/negatively, good, you’re doing it right. Then have minimal chit chat to “know who she is” to see if there’s qualities you like about her.

#3 If yes, compliment on that and then say well “I like how open-minded you are, most people are like sheeps, too group-thinking. Anyway, we should grab a coffee sometime and chat more. You use whatsapp?”

Mostly she says yes, and then you say “Great, what’s the number?” Then you type her phone in. OR you can do it other ways.

These mechanics of how to do is NOT that important, the point is you should always aim for progression when you give her attention. Otherwise, you’re getting friendzoned.


Bro, not sure if you’ve experienced this, but have you wondered why women can “get over you or any breakups” after a few years of relationship and so quickly get another new guy?

Are you curious why a loving stable relationship seems to mean nothing to women when you break up AND she seems to have moved on so quickly?   

Or do you find it hard to understand why some girls often return to their asshole abusive BF, but you know YOU are a much better man?

#1 Well, this strange phenomenon is actually necessary for women to survive. It’s a mechanism designed by evolution.

If you had studied our 7-day free course, you understand how harsh realities were before agriculture:

Humans living 200,000 -2M years ago were hunters gatherers. Men always left their tribes to find food, fight wars, search for resources;

Women almost stayed in the tribe with others to take care of children and chit chat.

#2 Men almost always died unexpectedly because of external factors such as animal attacks, doing dangerous work or fighting in wars.

And when they lose, superior conquerors will kill the weaker men and preserved women for sex.

In such circumstances, it is important for women to evolve to better deal with psychological trauma, to have greater ability to accept emotional loss, to dissociate herself from past pain and move on quicker, in order to increase their odds of survival in face of the new situation.

#3 If you get this, you know know why women can be quickly forget about your 5-year loving relationship and start a new one with another guy in 2 weeks.

OR they start to empathize the “enemy” who destroyed her former bf/husband.

It’s because they have better abilities to cut off emotional ties from former lovers and focus on “getting what she can best get from a man” RIGHT NOW.

Don’t hate women for being so ruthless and 唯我主義. Don’t hate them for being incongruent with their words.

It’s just how evolution helps them deal with the anxiety, guilt and stresses for almost 2 million of years.

獵食者如何玩弄你為獵物?求生不得求死不能![FBI教你危險人物 Ep.024]

By now you should understand that 獵食者為咗滿足變態慾望,佢會不擇手段將你嘅生命搞到翻天覆地,摧毀你嘅夢想與願望,因為可能你就係擋住佢嘅障礙物。


If you happen to feel 唔舒服 in front of certain ppl,可能係因為你身體發出警告訊號,話你知面前有一個侵略性嘅獵食者,令你不自主地發抖,毛骨悚然,甚至出現反胃嘅感覺。

If you feel that, you are lucky and you should BE SUPER ALERT about that person, so that you could avoid a hazardous disaster!

Rmb:唔好假設社會上每個人都係善良美麗,唔好忽略你直覺發出嘅任何警號,因為人類嘅intuition好多時會有智慧地引導你離開危險嘅領域,so pay attention。



Now,if you have to have any sorts of r/p with 獵食者, you have to understand that 獵食者與獵物(你!),係無平等可言。

因為獵食者專門取得別人信賴與滋長,好似寄生蟲一樣附係你身上吸乾你嘅血,滿足自己所有需求,然後消滅寄主,so any relationships with 獵食者 can be lethal.

Even if they have kids, they would either be absent/abuse them/harm them, OR they will train children to steal/cheat/lie/fight/break rules.

So by now, you probably know what 獵食者 are like. Where will we meet these 獵食者? Well, they are everywhere in our society.

E.g. women who are alone are easy targets -> those who got beaten up and robbed by some PK 南亞裔人

E.g. sexully rape children -> MJ, BBC TV host of children show Jimmy Savile

E.g. some are corporate predators -> 2008 financial meltdown, 獵食者製造高風險貸款,進行對沖交易,。

E.g. 希特拉,史太林,薩達姆等等極權政體,以酷刑毒氣等殘暴屠殺人民。

-》 領導人嘅使命:無所不用其極地繼續掌握大權。



You must be vigilant to OBSERVE if the person’s behaviors is TOXIC, irresponsible and intrusive. It’s your responsibility to protect yourself and your loved ones.

獵食者的194個人格關鍵字![FBI教你危險人物 Ep.023]

Abnormal, abusive, aggressive, aimless, amoral, ammal, antisocial, arrogant, articulate, bad, badass, bad boy, barbaric, bastard,  beast, beguiling, belittling, belligerent, bewildering, biker, black widow, boorish, bullshitter, bully,

calculating, callous, charismatic, charming, cheat, cheater, clever, cold, cold blooded, con, con artist, con man, conniving, contemptuous, controlling, corrupt, corrupting, creep, creepy, criminal, crude, cruel, cunning,

dangerous, deceitful, deceptive, degenerate, delinquent, demeaning, depraved, deranged,  destructive, devilish, dick, discomforting, discordant, disgusting, dishonest, disingenuous, disruptive, domineering, egocentric, electrifying, empty, evil, exploitive,

fire setter, forger, fraud, gangster, gigolo, glib, Godless, grandiose, grifter, guiltless, hasty, heartless, hellish, horrible,  hostile, hustler, immoral, imposter, impulsive, incompatible, inconsiderate, incorrigible, indecent, indifferent, infidelity, inhuman, inhumane,  insane, insatiable, insensitive, insincerity, intense, interesting, intimidating, irresponsible, irritable, irritating,

killer, kleptomaniac, larcenous, lawbreaker, lecherous, leech, liar, loveless, Machiavellian, malevolent, manipulative, mean, mercurial, mesmerizing, mobster, monster, moody, mortifying, narcissistic, nomadic, notorious, noxious, nuisance, odd, parasite, parasitic, pedophile, perverted, picky, pimp, player, possessive, predator, predatory, prick, prickly, promiscuous, puppeteer

quick, rapist, risk-taker, robber, rubbish, rude, ruinous, sadist, sadistic, sarcastic, savage, scary, seducer, seductive, seductress, self-centered, selfish, shallow, shifty, shit, sleazy, smooth, superficial, swindler, tactless, temperamental, thief, thrill-seeker, thug, toxic, twisted, two-faced, tyrant,

uncaring, undependable, unfeeling, unfettered, uninvolved, unreliable, unscrupulous, unsympathetic, untrustworthy, vandal, vile, vindictive, violent, volatile, vulgar, wicked, wild, witty.

小心!獵食者的4大特徵![FBI教你危險人物 Ep.022]

#1 獵食者不斷犯案,只是無人知下一個受害者是誰

The reason they are hard to detect is because they can be 聰明成功,交遊廣闊,有社會地位,沉靜迷人,深居簡出 just like a normal human being.

But they can also be 精於計算操弄,積極掠奪。E.g. designing crime/ follow victim and rob/rape her/ create financial scheme to scam ppl

每次你聽到某人不停觸犯法律,連續性侵犯/設計騙財局 = 獵食者

So they are experts to 犯法,背棄信義,掠奪唔屬於自己嘅嘢,令他人受苦/重傷/謀殺,騙取別人信任,and they will never 改過自新。

Why are not they discovered,逍遙法外? Coz 行事低調,極少被舉發/注意;而且很多人也不知面對著獵食者,that’s why reading this book is super important.

In short, 獵食者共同點:獵捕別人辛勞付出嘅成果,自己從不付出,陷他人與險境,無情輕率地玩弄別人信任,誰都不關心,就算親人也一樣。

#2 欠缺同情心,毫無悔意,無良心

Search BTK serial killer Dennis Rader,你會發現他形容點樣殺人嘅細節時,佢嘅用詞語氣,都有『情感平淡』嘅傾向,thye are just TOO COLD and UNEMOTIONAL.

Why?Because 獵食者無法感受正常的情緒波動,不明白他人的痛苦,佢哋嘅世界喺冇『同情』,所以情緒十分淡薄。



E.g. 2008年奧地利禁室亂倫案,費茲 Josef Fritzl監禁自己的女兒在地下室長達二十四年,並與她生下七個孩子。


#3 冷酷,無情,精算,控制


So 獵食者 are good at words and lies. 一般人用語言溝通,獵食者用語言去操控,強迫,恐嚇,欺瞞別人;善於討好說服,誘惑懇求別人,甚至透過道歉扮晒知錯,等法律社會比『改過自身』嘅機會,然後再繼續行騙。

Why 獵食者 keep doing these horrible stuff?

Because it’s not just to 操控玩弄別人,it’s about 獵食者認為自己有神一樣嘅執行力,可以決定別人生死嘅上癮快感。

#4 索求無度,毫無自制,欠缺自省


E.g. AIDS guy who actively infected other 17 women with no remorse



So to conclude: NEVER expect 獵食者 to reflect on themselves, they WON’T change for the better and you should AVOID being in contact with them asap.

第四大危險人物:獵食者![FBI教你危險人物 Ep.021]

Bro, have you been starred by sb and you felt that the person was extra calm, not blinking, and you felt like he/she is like a cold-blooded reptilian?

Or have you seen a picture of sb and you felt 不寒而慄 even though that is just a photograph?

If you have, congrats. Because it’s your brain and body instinctively recognize that this person is NOT normal, and yes this person is a 獵食者。

Your subconscious brain is warning you that you are facing a PURE EVIL, and this person is NOT a normal criminal .

What is a 獵食者?

Well, everyone of us have or WILL encounter 獵食者 because there are MILLIONS of them out there. 獵食者對法律制裁毫不在意,就算造成他人痛苦都毫無反應,屢次犯案,causes MOST HARM out of Big 4 dangerous personalities.

獵食者嘅唯一目標:乾乾淨淨地吸乾你嘅一齊,將你完全剝削,會造出一系列普通人難以想像嘅惡行 e.g. 掠奪搶劫,強姦殺人,虧空公款。






就算你僥倖避過一劫死裡逃生,你嘅心理上都受到重創 e.g. 失去對人嘅信任信心,質疑自我價值,失去尊嚴 etc.

信任獵食者 = 獵食者最鍾意的人性弱點,因為獵食者100%不受良心約束/conscience,眼中沒有情感連結/emotional attachments,無道德,無法無天。

獵食者衡量成功嘅標準 = 如何成功地利用到你。


單從你的行路姿勢或外表,獵食者已經知道誰是容易落手的目標:熱心指路的路人,背負重物的購物者,輕易信陌生人的小孩,行捷徑聽著headphone的孤身年青女子,天真嘅老夫婦,願意隨便開門的家庭主婦 etc.

In short, 所有強姦犯,連環殺手,戀童癖嘅人,偷屋企公司錢嘅人,恐嚇員工嘅老闆,欺負老實人嘅惡霸,貪腐嘅官員,販賣人口嘅黑社會,打劫偷錢嘅強盜,大屠殺嘅國家領袖,全部都係不同程度嘅獵食者。



They are just hidden everywhere,安全與否不在於地點,而是獵食者是否在附近潛伏緊你。



So that’s the general overview of 獵食者, we’ll come back for their big 4 characteristics tomorrow.

For now, rmb: 獵食者是冷酷無情,無視你嘅利益地確定你嘅下場;就算你睇唔到佢,佢都絕對會注意到獵物。



Bro, have you ever had some dudes criticizing you for “learning sexual dynamics” and said you should stop trying so hard and “just be yourself”?

Or have you tried to explain to your buddies why their way of handling women is WRONG, is leading them into a painful wrong path, BUT only to find that they defend by saying that “their girls are different”?

Well, a very sad truth is that: No matter how great MTFU becomes, there will ALWAYS have a bunch of unsavable BETAs who deeply trusts that “being a nice gentleman” is how you attract girls,

OR “patiently befriend a girl and she will fall in love with you someday”,

OR “There’s always a pure innocent good girl waiting for him somewhere in the world, it’s just a matter of time to meet her and get married”.

Yes, these are the so called 白馬王子Beta男, whose “get girl strategy” is to always side with women, protect their reputation, and try to ATTACK guys whom women are attracted to but complaining about,

IN THE HOPES THAT women somehow see “how understanding/caring/attentive he is” and will eventually choose to want him.

Do you know why these 白馬王子Beta男 are so invested in doing that?

It is because they have emotionally invested SO MUCH in the fake “assumed way of how female works” that thinking otherwise will HURT their ego.

Meaning: Their identity/behaviors have been built AROUND the belief of “always putting female first” that doing something opposite WILL makes them feel that “that’s not how life supposed to work”.

He then doesn’t even recognize the world he used to believe living in.

That is why 白馬王子Beta男 must defend his wrong beta mindset, must defend the girls who are complaining the Alphas, must repeat the same old mistakes until PAINFUL ENOUGH to wake him the fvck up.

So brother, when you’re transforming yourself into a new Alpha mindset, you will definitely encounter resistance from other majority of Betas.

They are like crabs in a barrel. As you leave the shit life inside and experience freedom outside,

they will use every way to pull you back down the hole and tell you “Just be yourself, she is just stupid not to see how good you are.”

Well, it feels comforting, but if you don’t want to settle to a random 5,6 woman who happens to fvck you when you’re drunk, don’t listen to their advice!