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小弟18歲 中四開始冇讀書 出咗來做飲食,宜家喺某名牌珍珠奶茶店做分區助理經理。最近喺某分店認識咗一位新同事,佢做野幾勤力,又中意藝術幾吸引到我。


—–> That’s normal bro, don’t worry about such small shit.


我對上一次拍咗5個,傷得我好深,同埋想問應該點樣同尼個女仔展開話題。佢中意睇戲,游水,畫畫 小朋友等等。但我驚有時無啦啦揾佢就好明顯係想溝佢咁,因為小弟喺尼間公司被認為係狗公,但我真係唔係,我究竟可以點。


As I said in yesterday’s video, you need to 顯示性意圖 in order to attract her. If you try to hide your sexual attraction towards her, you are like a 純品乖仔 who can’t arouse her. So who cares if people say you are 狗公?

Of course I never advocate you to date colleagues, and I don’t mean to chase every girl you are interested in, and immediately show sexual interest by verbalising it. But all you need to do is to DATE HER and stop chatting like a friend.

Who cares about the other guy who has broken up? If she is interested in you, she will let you date her. So to simplify everything, just get her out for a drink and see she reacts!


Man Sir!  我叫阿Tim! 自從睇你Youtube之後,去重新認識自己,希望塑造成为一個有自信有魅力嘅男人,但喺有個問题 Man Sir:  有人(男士)同我講你太型太做作系無咩用,而男最重要喺事業、金錢。其實系唔系自己問题或者其他事?每天了除睇Man Sir YouTube片段還有增值自己,希望成你最有吸引嘅成功男人。


Thanks for saying that I am 太型, I totally agree that I have a more edgy personality than ppl. They are right, CAREER & MONEY are important factors when it comes to LONG TERM attraction cues. If you want women to STAY with you, you gotta be able to provide her with resources and good lifestyle. Money gives you MORE access to girls and access to higher status people.

However, all healthy long term relationships start from short term casual fun. Why? Because as I said yesterday, 『緊張/性慾/性愛嘅急切性』,係高潮前嘅狀態;但『舒服/信任/放鬆』嘅感覺,係高潮後嘅狀態。

You must be able to AROUSE a girl and make her want to fvck you FIRST, have sex and THEN talk about relationship. Otherwise, you are just a provider where the girl isn’t excited to have sex with you.

So apart from focusing on your mission and making big money, which I strongly recommend, you should also make sure you are a hot good-looking guy with a confident + playful + challenging personality.

If you can develop these, you will get girls both in the short term and long term.


Man神, 我想問如果條女平時要番工,放工或者放假都要搞startup,日日24-7都好撚忙好撚忙,點約都真心唔得閒,佢連佢自己d friends都唔得閒見,Whatsapp又好耐先覆,咁我可以點炒起個氣氛。就算我有好玩既social events佢都冇可能會join, 咁我可以點date,係米應該move on?呢d女係米唔值得溝? – BL


If she is really that 好撚忙 and doesn’t care about everything else, there is NO WAY you can influence her at this moment.

Understand that sometimes TIMING & CIRCUMSTANCES matters. Maybe she needs big money to treat her parents, maybe she just doesn’t care about r/ps.

No matter how attractive you are, we are playing HALF of the equation. Seduction is like dancing, if a girl doesn’t want to dance & participate, you can’t force her to do so. Otherwise everything is UNENJOYABLE.

So let her go, she isn’t worth your time. Make sure you are hot enough, make yourself a priority, and then get other happily datable girls!