Book Ref:
Have you ever encountered girls who are extremely fearful, always be on the guard, super protective about herself, always thinking “world is ending”, and no matter how close you are with her, she just NEVER TRUSTS you?
If yes, congrats because you’ve met a person with Paranoid Personality, which is the 3rd type of dangerous personalities in this book.
#1 In short, people with paranoid personalities are those 充滿非理性嘅懷疑同恐懼。
#2 You are surrounded by these people:
E.g. Driver thinks you cut him off intentionally, then keep horning/headlight flashing or even follow you home.
E.g. Your friend who thinks every guy is trying to fvck his gf/wife, and keep mate guarding her.
E.g. 勁抱怨其他人升職加薪,但自己冇份嘅人
E.g. 每個星期都喺政府部門抱怨大罵,威脅要訴訟嘅人
E.g. 網上匿名嘅攻擊,指控你做某啲嘢立心不良
E.g. 過去舊同事或舊女友因為不滿待遇不公,無啦啦身懷兇器上office搞大件事嘅人
E.g. 覺得自己懷才不遇嘅知識分子,跟住向世界報復嘅人
#3 簡單講,呢啲人唔單止性情古怪,佢哋更會被非理性嘅恐懼與懷疑而驅使自己行動;
If + narcissism, 暴力就會提升,『擋我者死』地清除威脅。
So they are hard to treat, because they don’t think they have problem; and they SUSPECT people’s intentions who try to help.
That’s the intro to paranoid personality.
In our next video, we’ll talk about the 4 big traits of how they behave so that you can be ALERTED when they appear in your life!