
Hey bro, are you worried that you don’t know how to handle girls shit test to you? Are you concerned that you choose the wrong attitude to hit back?

Well, if you are caught up in shittest, you shouldn’t.

Because just like a girl throwing tennis ball to you, shit tests are great opportunities for you to hit that shit and elevate your value/attractiveness in the girl’s eyes!

#1 So what are shit tests really? Simply put, they are when a girl accuses you of sth or subtly insults you.

E.g. “Aww, 我頭先係咪hurt到你呀?』『你簡直係一個玩家食家!』『我唔會同你上床囉…』『我有男朋友㗎喇…』『我哋可唔可以淨係做朋友呀?』『幫我攞住個袋一陣呀。』

There are hundreds/thousands ways girls can suddenly shittest you, especially during the initial attraction stage when she is just not too sure if you are a weak supplicative beta guy OR a real alpha dominant man.

#2 Now, how do you know when you fail ST?

Well, when she sees you 口窒窒 struggling to respond, get embarrassed/upset, or when you immediately try to defend yourself…then you fail ST.

E.g. When you’re flirting with her, she looks at you and says “我哋今晚唔會上床㗎啦”… and you were surprised, 跟住好7地同佢講 “下你講咩呀?我淨係想同你傾計㗎咋喎,我諗住同你上床喎。”

Then her attraction level will drop at least 2 pts.

#3 So, how should we respond? I want to teach you a simple formula that can handle most tests: 認同誇大法

E.g. “我哋今晚唔會上床㗎啦”

–> “係呀,梗係唔會啦。你淨係會喺梳化上面攬住我跟住睇鐵達尼號。”

E.g. “你係咪用緊咩溝女skill落我度呀?”

–> “哦,梗係啦,啱啱出個招好勁㗎;我一出招嘅話,通常啲女仔就會即刻下跪ai我做佢男朋友架啦”

E.g. 你問佢攞電話,佢同你講『好呀,我哋可以做friend嘅』

–> 『梗係啦,之後你就可以晚晚聽我訴苦,我出trip嘅時候你就可以車我去機場,我出去蒲嘅時候你就可以幫我一齊溝女…但係辛苦你喇,因為我知道你將會暗戀我,希望我某日會揀番你 lol』

When you can 認同 + 誇大 whatever shit test she gives you, her attraction level towards you will at least raise 2 pts from a normal 5/6 to ⅞.

So let’s fall in love with shit tests, and be excited when you spot them!

If you want to learn another dozens ways to handle ST,

you’re welcome to email our support team support@manthefvckup.com for a full training I have created before. Have fun shit testing!