
Brother, have you ever wondered WHY we as men just can’t “be honest” and TELL a girl upfront that we like her, we want her and we want to fuck her?

Why do we have to play these psychological games with women in order to LURE HER INTO your world and fall in love with you?

#1 Well first off, I want you to understand this: As men, we have been socially conditioned to believe that “we must prove our worth to get a girl OR we should confess our feelings, 表白 and declare our love and loyalty to women”. We think girls want CERTAINTY, SAFETY and they will want us.

If you still have these beliefs, you will never get good with women. Why?

#2 Because there are numerous benefits when you send her confusing signals and she doesn’t know what you think about her:

1) It prevents you from appearing needy, clingy, too available (low status)

2) It gives you power and upper hand in that r/p dynamics, and feminine girls always want you to be the dominant one who takes control

3) Girls will work hard to get your attention, impress you which increase her investment, and she will tell herself that “she must really like you”

4) No girls want to catch a prize that is too easy, because easy means CHEAP

5) You are providing DRAMA to girls, and that’s what makes girls feel alive

6) When a girl doesn’t know where she stands, she anticipates to see you more. You are creating a GIFT for her to miss you and girls WANT this “fear of loss” feeling. And she will convince herself that she is in with LOVE you.

7)  She will ASSUME that you have other options, and no matter what a girl says, she ALWAYS want a man who have other girls wanting him

#3 So bro, stop thinking that sending confusing signals are BAD or UNETHICAL to girls.

Do you remember when a time a girl gives you a feeling of UNCERTAINTY? A feeling of missing her? A feeling that you are falling in love with her?

What you are doing is just merely generating feelings GIRLS crave to feel, and helping her feel the nervousness/ the butterflies in her stomach/ the 青春愛情嘅感覺。

Not every man is capable of doing that, most men don’t even know they should generate such feelings.

But now you do, that’s why you are a badass handsome dude who deserves to succeed. 😉

In case you want to take these teachings to the next level, you are welcome to…