點解女人同你講佢有男朋友? (三種處理方式!) [溝女]

If you have been meeting and attracting women, you will have heard the 『我有男朋友㗎喇』phrase.


Most guys view this as a rejection, some guys think it doesn’t worth the time to talk to girls who are “in a relationship”, and some good men just feel guilty stealing another man’s gf.


However, there are 3 different scenarios on WHY women use the BF excuse and WHY you shouldn’t give up so quickly.


Scenario #1: If you hear this line at the beginning of the conversation, it means her guard is up and you might be doing sth wrong.


That line really means she wants you to go away. Maybe you are a bit annoying. Maybe you are too direct/strong. Maybe she isn’t in the mood  to meet guys.


So if you hear that in the first 30 secs or minute, you can gracefully exit by saying “Aww, that makes sense as you are quite cute. Anyway, it’s great chatting with you, I gotta go/chat with my friend/do stuff”


Scenario #2: You hear this at the middle of the conversation (2-5 mins),


that might mean she starts to feel ATTRACTION to you and her subconscious mind wants to break that TENSION.


She is saying that line because she can’t stand the sexual tension, and she needs to stop you logically. Thus, the trick is NOT to respond logically back to her.


You can EITHER slow down your escalation for a few minutes, ignore the shittest, and build attraction slowly.


OR you just say sth like“haha I don’t want to hear your problems, anyways…”


Scenario #3: If she says she has BF at the latter stage of conversation (10 mins – few hours late at night),  then this means she is implying there must be SECRECY between you two if sth is going to happen.


Maybe it means she does has a BF, but she isn’t satisfied so she is looking for sth else.


Maybe she is letting you know she can silently have fun with you, but she doesn’t want anything SERIOUS regardless her real reasons.


So in this scenario, you can decide if you want to escalate or not, depending on what you are looking for that day/night.


#4 Final Note:  I know many men proud themselves as the “good guys” and that’s why they feel unethical  to STEAL & fuck a guy’s GF.


But I want you to understand this: Almost every hot girl is at least seeing some guys and is being 曖昧 with him/them.


Also, the level of intensity/seriousness are different in different relationships.


#5 So do NOT assume that you can’t talk to a woman because she has BF, OR that you talking to her is hurting her r/p.


I don’t propose stealing other men’s GFs, but we should also understand that it is NOT guaranteed that the woman is currently in a happy r/p with her BF,

OR that she isn’t already looking to end that bad r/p.


When you understand that, you will have a more objective view on whether you proceed further with this girl who is clearly attracted to you.

It’s up to you 🙂