Long D 真的可行嗎? (Q&A)


Q&A: Yoyo Manson,最近都不斷地重溫你既舊video同新既video,都有不斷建立更正既social life,不過呢我有時都會反思下自己,因為呢一刻既我雖然不斷去變做更加好既同時,我覺得今日既我都係未成為一個真正最attractive既自己,回想起一年前我既生活非常之乏味,但當時又有一個女仔鐘意我。


接著開始接觸你既channel,雖然用左好多你教我既F+C係呢位女仕身上,但因為始終自己既low esteems and needly失去左呢個人,差不多剛好一年,我自己既圈子真係比以前擴大左,同埋自己開始去照顧到身邊既人,靠自己既經驗去幫助我既朋友,幫佢地搵自己人生目標,亦都係圈子內唔難認識新既女性。


今日既我真係明白到兩性吸引力,但係認識左唔少女性and spark到佢地attraction 同時,我發現一樣野,好影響到我自己今日同未來。原來我仲有一種感覺,係每當認識新既女仔同佢地有講有笑建立緊sexual and rapport同時,我發現自己成日不自覺諗起個位一年前既女仔。




其實講到呢到我對呢個依然潛意識進行緊投資,我當然有聽Manson講點不斷增加options投資落自己身上,每次去玩我都係無拘無束have fun,be yourself對住任何人。




#1 It’s good to have feelings of regret, that you had been immature and said hurtful things to the girl, THAN being a cold blooded manipulator.


#2 Long D without a specific deadline is HARD to maintain, and you shouldn’t even think about it until you two have been together for 2+ years.


If the long D will be YEARS, then break up and stop wasting each other’s time. Stop exploiting ppl’s opportunity from others to give what they want.


#3 Whatsapping apology is quite a pussy move, the best way is to admit your flaws face-to-face, eye-to-eye as a man,  which requires extreme courage.


#4 But, no matter how you do it, you are doing it FOR YOURSELF, NOT for the girl or trying get her acceptance/recognition, or trying to do this to reattract her again.


Otherwise, you are not being genuine.  


Full answer here: