[溝女] 抄牌後,如何令女仔再想見你?



Have you ever had a good conversations with girls, gotten her #, but she stopped responding via Whatsapp?


Are you frustrated that you spend so much time playing these text games but only to find out that these girls will never go out with you?


Do you know the best way to make sure these # are valid to work?


#1 One of the most common mistakes men make when meeting women is that they focus TOO MUCH into getting a girl’s #,


wasting hours on the phone to attract her or get to know her, and then try to get her out UNTIL she suddenly ghosts.


How do you solve this problem?


Easy, you must do some PRE-work to make sure it is a GOOD # before you get her #.


#2 新識嘅女仔唔覆你Whatsapp/唔肯同你之後約會最大嘅原因,(就算佢當時肯俾電話你),


並唔係因為你嘅text game唔夠勁,而係因為你喺錯嘅時候攞佢電話。










#3 第一,喺你落佢#之前,請你確保你哋之間有鞏固嘅attraction。




你一定要同佢已經有互相揶揄嘅teasing,並且大家一早已經喺having fun,having a good time,




If there’s no attraction between you two and you get her #, it’s just a waste of time.


Truth: If you can’t attract her in real person with all your senses, it’s 20X harder to attract her relying on your phone.


#4 第二,喺你落佢#之前,你亦都需要建立某程度上嘅信任同rapport。










你哋之後whatsapp傾計或者約佢出嚟先至會更make sense/容易。


#5 咁做完呢啲pre work之後,你點樣攞佢電話呢?Easy, I have 2 favorite ways…


Method #1 喺你哋傾計嘅情感高潮位/emotional high point嘅時候,




『喂,我差唔多夠鐘要 [做一啲high value嘅嘢 e.g. call a client), 但係我哋keep in touch或者遲啲出嚟 [Low Pressure meeting e.g. 飲咖啡/食甜品]啦,你有冇帶電話?』


有 -> 『好呀,咁我哋交換contact啦。』


無 -> 『Ok,我有帶。』,跟住隊自己電話去佢心口,佢好自然就會入自己電話。


When it’s done, continue the conversation for just a minute or two and then end the conversation.


#6 Even better way,


Method #2 喺你哋傾計嘅情感高潮位/emotional high point嘅時候,




『哈哈,係咩?咁你遲啲whatsapp我囉,或者我哋可以[Low Pressure meeting/ invite her to your fun social event]嘅。』




Benefits: You are screening away who are not interested and only letting girls who are interested to CONTACT YOU first.


If she wants to involve in your life,


she will text you and you can invite her out for some FUN social events that you WILL be doing anyways.


This is one of the most powerful ways to screen out time wasting girls and only focus on quality leads.


#7 Conclusion: When you have built attraction + emotional connection when you get her #, you will be so much more likely succeed in getting her out!