[成功人生] 唔係高富帥點溝女!家庭背景令你自卑?

Have you ever worried about not being able to attract girls richer, more social value, more successful than you?

What do you do if your current social skill isn’t as good as the girl?

Do you feel shameful about your family background that you don’t want to show your authentic true self?


Hello! Man神,我讀緊書,至今A0。我一直都唔敢溝比自己更有錢、條件更好嘅女仔,試過約女仔去街,但係話題唔多,


我見識同社交技巧好弱,亦唔想俾女仔知道自己太多,對自己的家庭背景感到自卑,將自己真實一面顯露出來會更自卑,點先可以克服呢樣野? thanks



#1 Your current belief system = A value of a person is determined by your income.


You think 『賺得多錢先至代表你有價值』, therefore you are INSECURE that your girl is richer/more successful/social than you.


You are trying to COMPETE with her.


This is a common problem especially for dudes from the PUA cold approach game world.


Because your values system, what you stand for in life, what’s your purpose, your ideals, what meaning in life is NEVER determined.


You just try to cover things up with PUA tricks, lines, routines.


Right now, you are trying to earn more money/learn game to FEED YOUR EGO. -> i.e. your EGO that needs women/others to like you in order for you to feel worthy and good enough. E.g. show pics to your guy friends how hot your gfs are so that you feel like “I am the man”


In short, you feel 自卑 because you are NOT born in a rich, successful, socialable family.  


That’s why you don’t feel VALUABLE as a human being in society’s value system.


That’s why you feel SHAMEFUL about your background and personal history.


Here’s what I invite you to do:


Instead of buying into this society’s value that you need to be rich, successful, famous, sociable in order to be WORTHY,


OR the PUA’s value that you must fuck hundreds of girls and have thousands of 女兵 in order to prove that you are successful with women… which is only a small % of the world population,


think and determine YOUR OWN VALUES SYSTEM!


Do you know why you feel TORN right now?


It’s because you’re trying to FIT IN into society’s values 高富帥 or PUA’s values 食女無數.


You are shirking your worldview into what is desirable in the context of nightclub or the general media propaganda of 有女有樓有車有家庭。


You are trying to give up your own values to get pussy, to get success, to get recognized.


Thus, if people value money/pussy MORE THAN being a good person, of course you are always losing their game.


***So think about YOUR OWN VALUES SYSTEM.***


Values are relative, be careful of what values system you’re adopting.


E.g. In nightclubs, hot girls always have higher value than rich men! 


So think deeply what values you stand for, what’s important to you in life and what’s the MEANING of your life is.


=> Having a Passion  


Life Purpose will give you MEANING in life, it GROUNDS you so that you don’t  feel lost.


Until you have your own values system and life purpose, you will always feel insecure/inferior about yourself and you don’t feel worthy/good enough for certain girls.


For ref: Watch “賺得少, 真係因為你對社會毫無貢獻?”