Hi Man神,最近小弟發現左自己讀書十幾年D英文都係半桶水咁,Grammar 底打得麻麻地。
而我亦都深深明白識英文嘅重要性,無論學問又好,溝外國女又好,Build up自己d values 都好,真係好有用。
所以Man神, 有冇個基本文法以外嘅grammar list可以比我知道(例如倒裝句之類 Thx :)
Ps 雖然睇落同溝女冇關係,但係我相信英文可以有助我地成為alpha male (如果我冇錯嘅話XD
Btw 之前invite 女果封newsletter,我查完之後發現, me and my friends 好似要係object 先得?! —-某位中學生上
#1 English used to be my PASSION when I was studying, it comes natural to me but I have spent many years since kindergarten to be comfortable with this skill.
Right now, I know how to use English fluently, and I use English without any thoughts (Unconscious Competence),
but I am no longer in the STUDY MODE so I don’t pay too much attention to grammar in my communications.
#2 But what I can tell you is that great yes if English isn’t about reciting vocabs or using inversions,
mastering English is about being effective in your communication so that you can read, write, speak, listen and understand.
#3 I can’t teach you now because I really not in the exam field anymore, but here’s what I DID in the past to be the top 2% English in exams.
– Experiement a ton of English tutors until I find the right ones.
Some are more grammar-focused/old school English, some are more exam-oriented and teach you SKILLS to excel. You need both. So find your tutorial teachers.
– If you want to excel, you do ALL CE, AL, DSE past papers available.
That’s what all C grades or above students do and you gotta do them to get a feel of how English can be examined.
– The more immersion you have in English, the easier you know how to INTEGRATE it in your life.
Everyone says that they watch movies, read books and speak in English to become good.
I think I got Bs instead of As mainly because I lacked these. I missed the immersion part.
So if you could make English part of your life, there’s no reason you won’t improve.