[溝女問題] 點樣溝公司新黎的女同事?


Hi Man 神!你好!! 我真係好鐘意聽你嘅youtube channel, 全靠你嘅channel 我先明白到自己以前嘅needy有幾嚴重..同埋 點樣先可以慢慢成位alpha male!! 多謝你 !!


近日, 我係公司遇到一個新嘅女同事, 我唔識佢, 亦都唔同team, 做嘢嘅地方都唔係同一個場,


我地係返工拍卡嘅時候, 擦身而過, 我就俾佢嘅外貌吸引到我望佢, 我地對望左嘅秒就各自去返自己嘅地方做嘢。


=> Did you smile at her? Could have smiled and said hi, or sth like “Oh, I haven’t seen you before, you must be the new colleague?”


係收工過陣我又再見到佢!! 我衝破自己嘅關口過去say hi!   當時我話:「hi ! 我硬係覺得唔知邊度見過你…好熟口面 」, 佢望住我呆左一陣話:「係咩?」


佢問返我:「你team 幾㗎?」我答返佢team 幾之後 , 我就問佢叫咩名, 佢就好怕醜望第度笑左一笑先答我, 因為佢好似好趕, 我冇同佢介紹自己同扼手就走左🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


=> Good action taken. Even it’s imperfect, at least you initiated contact.


果日之後, 因為大家輪班返嘅更份唔同,  我成兩個禮拜都冇見到佢….


今日返工朝早見到佢拍卡, 我走埋去哎佢, 佢呆左半秒先回應我…我都feel 都佢可能已經忘記左我…. 我個腦太緊張, 須然我冇做nice guy…


但我都feel 到自己講緊廢話, 唔知點解… 係佢面前硬係唔識得自然流露,


=>You could have said “Oh hi, it is you again.”


收工見到佢拍完卡同一兩個fd 行緊去巴士站, 我用自然嘅步伐行去佢附近, 哎佢 我以一個好似識左好耐嘅vibe 咁去問佢:「去邊呀?」


佢有呆左半秒先望過嚟… 又笑住咁答我話:「返屋企囉。」 跟住我地就覺自去返自己嘅巴士站到等車…..


=> Now, your behaviors start to be like a creepy guy who is stalking her.


Man 神!!! 究竟我可以點樣做得好d , 點樣練習可以令自己講嘢流暢d, 我有不斷去令自己social d , 不斷地同唔同嘅人去玩 去flirt 去練習… 但偏偏係佢面前就邊得好唔自然….


多謝呀Man 睇我打咁長嘅文🙏🏻🙏🏻Thx!!! 史葛!! 或者Scott !!



#1 Understand the CONTEXT of the situation, it’s in WORK environment, which is a place I don’t recommend hitting on girls.


Otherwise, you’re risking both of your careers and social reputation in case things go wrong.


#2 Whenever you try to talk to her, it’s best that you are ALREADY talking with someone.


E.g. you see her somewhere, you chat with colleague X, let her overhear what you guys are chatting about, and MAYBE just a quick hello gesture to her.


#3 Being social means you’re chatting with EVERYONE, not just this new girl.


If you can display your social side more indirectly in front of her before you hit on her, things will go smoother and more natural/subtle.