巴打,是咁的,我近期先開始睇你YouTube channel 啲片,先發現原來自己溝女一直做錯晒。
除咗對住塊鏡同自己講「我鐘意自己⋯」之外,仲有咩方法可以逐步提升自己嘅confidence, leadership 呢?
Btw, 阿Man,你啲片真心唔錯,期待你出到更多更精彩嘅片。 Kelvin
In short, confidence comes when you develop competence.
So ask yourself: What SKILLS do I want to develop personally and professionally?
Next, to lead others, you need to first lead yourself.
So ask yourself: What kind of values do I want to stand for? Am I standing for these values?
In what areas of my life do I want improvement in?
If I could only accomplish one goal in the next 12 months, which goal will have the greatest ROI (Return of Investment) in my life that will make me feel fully satisfied?