Book Ref:
某人極專橫無道?偏執人檢核表(上)! [FBI教你危險人物 Ep.019]
For the past 2 years, I have received a lot of emails or DMs from bros all over the world telling me that they have understood women so much more, and some of them even got the girls they want within a few months time.
However, as you know, getting a girl is just like secondary school game. The real game starts when you decide to KEEP the girl for a longer period of time.
So some bros start to ask me “how can they maintain an Alpha upper position during a bf/gf relationship or even marriage?”
#1 Well, before we go into this, there’s a foundation you must build:
One, you always let women push for a relationship with you instead of you trying to get into a r/p.
You should enjoy non-committed r/ps as much as possible for as long as possible until she feels the URGENCY to secure you. Until that issue is brought up by her, don’t push.
Two, you should keep the non-committed status for at least 6 months before you jump into anything committed. FBI uses roughly 2 years to observe a person so even when you’re in a r/p, you should NOT make any serious decisions with her during that period.
#2 Assuming you’ve done these, understand: Women’s desires on a guy or sex frequency oftens declines after a committed relationship is formed because there is no more urgency for her to fvck you.
Meaning: Assuming you’re an Alpha, when you’re single and uncommitted, women feel that you must have a lot of options around so she feels a need to use sex to qualify herself in exchange of an Alpha’s approval and attention.
#3 However, after a committed relationship in secured, women now feel that you’ve committed to her (as a bf/husband), so there’s less URGENCY to use sex to EARN your validation.
If you understand this basic simplified concept, you will understand why so many once-Alpha males start to become betas …
because these betas start to lose their power frame, do shit stuff their gf/wife asks them to do, tries to avoid arguments, keep peace and compromises their self-interest…just to hope that his gf/wife can give them sex at night.
#4 So my intelligent MTFU fans, can you now guess how to maintain upper hand in a relationship?
Ans: To continue gain that dominant power and respect from her, you must continue put your interests first AND do NOT let her pussy control your decisions.
#5 Rmb: 有西唔代表有say, you must always be the attractive man other women want to fvck EVEN when you are in a r/p.
So you must take care of your physicality, continue to conquer your career/mission, continue to be a high status social guy surrounded by women,
continue to increase your personal value so that your gf/wife can directly/indirectly see that other women still want to compete for you AND you always have the option to NEXT HER when she doesn’t behave well.
#6 That’s how you always become the AUTHORITY of the relationship and train your main girl to behave well, eager to fvck you, treat you like king and remain loyal to you.
If you have any personal problems about your dating life or relationship that you want me to help solve,
feel free to book a coaching call with me to talk about your personal issue, or join our premium Insider community where you will get all the trainings, coaching and skills you need to become an Alpha, not just in dating but also in your work life.
That’s the only 2 places right now where I personally address a particular problem you have. If you’re interested, send an email to us.
Bros, do think that those who have girls/gfs/married now are the Alphas and those who are single are Betas?
Well, if you do, then you have fallen into one the of most common mistakes of understanding sexual dynamics because the terms “Alphas” and “Betas” actually describe the mindset and behaviors of how you interact with women,
NOT whether you have women around (or whether you are a rich famous handsome celebrity who seems to have many girls e.g. Justin Bieber, Prince Harry, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos).
So to assist you in understanding, I’ll share with you some common qualities a beta guy have so that you know if your current belief system is Alpha or Beta:
– Beta believes in romantic ideas, he always tries to find “his one soulmate” and tries to cling to one girl once he thinks he found her.
– Beta loves to support his chick and sacrifices his self-interest for her. He believes that’s what “real man” do and such sacrifice of self will exchange her love, loyalty and desire for sex.
– Beta wants to be a hero, he wants to “save a girl from her problems”, so he is eager to listen to her shit and help her solve problems
– Beta doesn’t mind to stay platonic friends with hot girls, he continues to give her attention/care in such friendship, he listens to her complaints about her bad bf, the reason is always he secretly hopes that one day “she will choose him”
– Beta has ALWAYS been loyal to girls, even before they start any relationships. He thinks that it’s “not good/unethical” to date multiple girls so he invests all of his energy/time/effort to get one girl at a time because he thinks anything other than monogamy is BAD.
– Beta AUTOMATICALLY respects women just because she is a woman, he does not screen and qualify women to see which women actually DESERVE & EARN his respect.
– Beta believes that open communication is the key to a successful relationship. They believe that women are rational human beings who say “exactly what she means” and disregards her contradictory behaviors. They use LOGIC to determine what she wants, tries to satisfies that, and expects she will then give what he wants.
– Beta believes he needs to “think/talk/behave like a girl” and stands on her side in order to attract her. He believes “rapport/harmony/common interests” with girls make girls interested in them.
– Beta tries to stand out by “I am not like most (bad/superficial) guys” and hopes the girl will choose him.
– Beta doesn’t mind long distance r/ps with girls because he believes that if he can be patient and wait for a girl to come back, the whole thing will be super romantic like a novel, she will be very touched and eventually comes back to him.
– Beta settles in a relationship. He is so scared of being alone/lonely in the future so he quickly clings to the only-girl who expresses interest in him and tries to get into a relationship asap so as to avoid “a potential loss if he doesn’t secure a r/p with her.”
– Whenever there’s conflict clash/arguments between a male and female, beta AUTOMATICALLY tries to shame the man or help defend the woman, (especially if she is hot), without paying attention to the facts of the issue.
So these are 12 common traits of having a beta mindset in regards to women, how many traits have you scored so far?
Now that you are aware of your current belief system, you might need help to eliminate these toxic beta mindset imposed on you by society.
If you need help, you can either book a coaching call with me to talk about your personal issue,
or join our premium Insider community where you will get all the trainings, coaching and skills you need to become an Alpha, not just in dating but also in your work life.
That’s the only 2 places right now where I personally address a particular problem you have. If you’re interested, send an email to us.
Bros, have you wondered why even you know the principles how to game girls, you still find it psychologically hard to date multiple girls?
Or even when you have options, you seem to have a tendency to “fall in love” immediately with just ONE girl and then get into a “serious long term r/p” too prematurely?
#1 Well… the cold hard truth why you tend to settle for a 6-7 marks girls instead of remaining single until you get a 8 or above girls … is because you are so fucking afraid of “being lonely” as a single man.
You are so uncomfortable with being alone, you don’t allow yourself to be alone, and you feel that your life is incomplete without some women to talk to (even when she is NOT sb truly arouses you).
If you have such symptoms, well, I have to warn you that the more you fear that you will live life lonely, the more fear that you won’t be loved by women …
the more BETA your mindset and behaviors will be AND THUS the LESS attractive you are as a man.
#2 Why? Because when you are scared of “being alone” and “missing out this potentially only chance you have”,
you will definitely come up excuses why you want to stay with this average 5/6 marks girls, rationalize that she is your “true love/soulmate”, eventually sacrifice yourself and do everything to please her just to keep the peace in this mediocre relationship.
E.g. you tolerate bad behaviors from your gf, you marry a fvcking bitch “to do the right thing”, you stay married with a toxic witch who treats you like shit
#3 Well bro, if you are fed up with average girls and still have ambition to NOT settle for a shit life, then you gotta kill this fear of loneliness, learn to allow yourself to be alone, independent and self-reliant.
The only man women want to fvck and love is the guy who is SO comfortable with himself when he’s single, confident with his independence, and isn’t in a rush to “get into a relationship/married just because he’s 30/35/40”.
In fact, if you know how to handle your aloneness and how to capitalize the opportunities of being a single man, you can have more girls opportunities and freedom than those in a mediocre relationship.
#4 Never chase relationships or any idealized romanticised goals.
Being in a r/p or marriage NEVER MEANS you are happy & free when you’re trapped with a wrong crazy chick who emotionally exhausts you and distracts you from your core purpose of life.
Stay free, stay independent and stay comfortable with yourself (whether you have women around or not).
偏執人格如何威脅摧毀你?[FBI教你危險人物 Ep.018]
Book Ref:
#1 極度保護自己,不會與伴侶或朋友交心
Why?=> 因為佢要你睇到佢眼中嘅敵人,要你feel到相同程度嘅恐懼,感同身受,否則你就有問題,你就係佢哋眼中嘅敵人。
你無辦法深入佢耐心世界,也不可能贏得信任,you, his/her family, therapsts or police。
#2 逼你改變現有嘅生活方式,令你不斷調整自己,改變實屈步伐去配合偏執者。
E.g. seek extreme isolation, prepare for 世界末日,force you to follow 邪教
#3 在偏執人嘅眼中,四處都係危機四伏,所以喺佢哋身上你唔會攞到熱情嘅親密關係。
任何形式衝突 = 攻擊,無法接受正常關係中的起復。
#4 約會時,佢會評估你係咪順從嘅人,願意附和佢嘅思考邏輯。
#5 要求你放棄所有社交活動,將你從家人朋友中隔絕,因為理由係『邊個都唔可以信』
#6 很多組織都有paranoid,但高功能嘅人。
#7 當踏上領導位置,佢哋嘅威脅就係超乎想像,因為歷史好多悲劇都係出自於偏執人嘅懷疑,舉行,憎恨。
E.g. 史太林Stalin,希特拉Hilter,柬埔寨獨裁者Pol Pot波爾布特;害怕不存在嘅敵人,要求支持者毫無理由地防範呢啲想像嘅敵人,否則處死。
殺害人數3000萬,超過500萬,超過120萬 respectively。
Conclusion:偏執人持續破壞人與人嘅穩定關係,撕裂信任,破壞和諧-兩性家庭/公司/社區/國家,do you have a paranoid person around you?
受害者親述:偏執人格186個關鍵字![FBI教你危險人物 Ep.017]
Adversarial, alarmist, alone, aloof, angry, apocalyptical, apprehensive, armed, aroused, assertive, barricaded, biased, bigoted, bluffer, boastful, cagey, calculating, callous, cantankerous, careful, cautious, circumspect, cold, combative, complainer, confused, confusing, contemptuous, contentious, contrarian, control freak, controlling, cracked, crackpot, crank, crazy, creepy, critical, cruel, crusty,
daft, defensive, delusional, demanding, demented, deranged, difficult, disbeliever, distrustful, disturbed, doubtful, draining, dry, eccentric, envious, erratic, evasive, extremist, fanatic, fearful, fixated, flake, fruit-cake, fussy, grandiose, guarded, gullible, hard-headed, hater, hates, haughty, hidden, hiding, high strung, hostile, hubris, hypercritical, hypersensitive,
impossible, impressionable, incredulous, inflexible, inhospitable, injured, insular, Intolerant, irascible, irrational, irritable, isolated, jealous, know-it-all, kook, lame brain, leery, liar, litigious, loco, loner, loon, loony, lunatic, mad, maniac, mean, menacing, mental, millennialist, mistrustful, mobilized,
narrow-minded, nasty, neurotic, nonconformist, nut, nuts, nutty, obdurate, obscene, obsessed, obsessive, odd, offensive, opinionated, out, overcritical, overly sensitive, peculiar, perplexing, persecuted, pessimistic, picky, prejudiced, prickly, provocative, psycho,
quarrelsome, querulous, questioning, radical, rebel, recluse, remorseless, repulsive, rigid, scary, self-Important, skeptical, squirrely, startled, stiff, strict, stubborn, survivalist, suspicious,
tense, terse, testy, threatening, touched, touchy, treacherous, trigger-happy, truculent, “truther,” unbalanced, unbelieving, unbending, uncompromising, uncultured, unforgiving, ungenerous, unromantic, unstable, unwavering, unwelcoming, unwell, unyielding, uptight, victim, victimized, vindictive, wary, watchful, weird, whiner, withdrawn, worried, zealot.
Congrats brother! You’ve done everything I told you NOT to do and that’s why you have fvcked up your relationship with your target girl!
Whether it’s you didn’t meet & attract multiple girls and convince yourself “I only fall in love with this chick”…
OR you didn’t keep things as casual as LONG as possible like half a year or even a year…
OR you’ve become needy & craving for a relationship after fvcking just a few times…
Congrats, you have officially RUINED this chance!
So how can you get her back? How can you make your SP wanna fvck you again? How can you make your EXs wanna fvck and love you again?
Well, the answer is: You DON’T.
Listen, the reason this bitch turns cold OR breaks up with you is because you have done MULTIPLE BETA things throughout the interactions with her.
The longer the relationship you have with her but you two break up, the higher chance you have fvcked things up MULTIPLE TIMES before the official break up.
So your image has already changed from the once-an-Alpha enough guy to fvck-he-is-actually-Beta guy.
How do you erase that image?
Easy, you stop hanging out with her, you create a LONG space for that image to dissolve, you focus again on reconnecting with your ALPHA,
and MAYBE one day she’ll indirectly see your Alpha self and be attracted again.
Meaning: In order to get her back, you must FIRST STOP getting her back and focus back on yourself and on other girls.
You can’t convince her to want to fvck you again, her desire to suck you must come from within and NO “I will not do this again” promises can do that.
So when you fvck up big time, cut the loss and LEAVE (for a least a while).
You’ve become complacent and your attractiveness as a man has probably declined a lot since you’ve made decisions for the girl instead of yourself.
It’s time to focus on yourself again, focus on gaming other girls again, and NOT focus on this mess … if you truly want to get her back in an attractive un-Beta way.
Have you wondered why for hundreds of years, women have been such a mysterious unknown to men and even the brightest scientists like Freud or richest successful people in the world like Elon Musk can’t figure out?
Why do you think it’s always okay for women to suddenly change her mind based on her intuition but men must be straightforward and stick to his words forever?
Well, it’s because if women can’t gain control over men on the invisible psychological underground world, they will LOSE ALL THE POWER.
#1 Understand: Most men are physically stronger than women so it’s almost impossible for women to confront/bargain with men physically.
As you might remember what I taught in the 7-day free course, men used to go out hunting animals and women stay at home with other bitches to pick cherries.
So it is evolutionarily required for women to use SUBTLE, PSYCHOLOGICAL weapons to gain power over each other (men or women) in order to have the highest chance of survival/get most resources.
#2 Do you really think men are controlling the world?
Well, on the surface maybe. But most successful beta men are motivated by their women behind the scene, and it’s women who are secretly controlling how the next move is.
The truth is that women have been TRAINED for nearly 2 million years to naturally play psychological games and their weapons are always invisible, secretive and have a layer 神秘面紗 about them.
When they add their sexual power as weapons, most men will just succumb to them and be manipulated without knowing wtf is happening.
#3 The point is: Women need to be “unknowable/hard to get/mysterious” in order to have social power between 2 sexes .
If they behave in a man’s overt 坦蕩蕩 way, they will lose every advantage they have over men and be easily exploited.
The reason why women are obsessed with 宮廷鬥爭 TVs is because that’s what they fvcking do and GOOD AT in real life!
Now that you understand this, will you STILL worship women like pure 乖乖 Goddess OR will you be more REALISTIC about why they behave in a way they do?
Do you feel frustrated that sometimes you think women say sth but actually they mean an entirely different things?
Are you angry that women mostly don’t tell you upfront what they want from you and keep letting you guessing?
Are you tired that you have to use so much energy and effort to carefully observe her behavior to find out the true meaning of her communication?
Well brother… that’s the reality of the difference between men and women.
#1 Men’ communication: Straightforward, efficient, exchange facts & information, focuses on the CONTENT, say what they mean and mean what they say, logically/rationally analyze and solve problems just like what I’m doing for you here.
Women’ communication: It’s more about sharing FEELINGS, it’s like a kids-talk driven by emotions, it’s about getting ATTENTION, so on the surface the words/content are more dumb/confusing/random/pointless.
#2 Why do we have such difference?
It’s because male and female brains are wired differently according to brain scan.
They did 1,000 brain scans -> Greater connectivity between the left and right sides of the brain in women, while the connections in men were mostly confined to individual hemispheres, and connections were typically stronger between the front and back regions.
Meaning: men’s brains apparently wired more for perception and co-ordinated actions i.e. direction, and women’s for social skills/memory, making them better equipped for multitasking.
So communication to men, content > context but to women, context > content.
Men find women’s form of communication illogical, pointless, waste-of-time, evil and hard-to-get! Women find men’s form of communication BORING.
#3 Now that you understand this: What does it mean when women are hot and cold to you?
Well, her behaviors already have told you.
She is NOT that interested in you anymore – WHETHER it’s because you’re too boring because you wait too long building rapport like a frd OR you’ve become needy & approval-seeking beta male who can’t get her wet.
Women use body languages, subtle facial expressions/look, hand gestures, innuendos, appearance to communicate with her girls, they don’t have to say it out loud to understand what each other mean.
#4 But most men don’t get what women mean by their words, so I recommend you to always observe women’ behaviors as better indicators of what they actually mean.
So yeah, she is NOT interested in you when her behaviors turn cold … because if women want to fvck you, they will always find excuses to fvck you.
For now, the best thing to do is NOT chasing for more, but to cut your attention, cut that loss, focus on other girls.
You can only win when she pursues you back, otherwise you need her more than she needs you and that means you become her bitch when you stay in such relationship!
This is just the tip of an iceberg of what I teach my MTFU Insider warriors.
If you want to understand more about women and stop being blind to what women are telling you… feel free to email us that you’re interested in the paid community.
Otherwise, check out the 7-day free course.