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G. Gekko: 如果初時texting至第1次興鬆見面後,都做到alpha male,感覺到係佢追我。 但第2次睇電影食飯後(由於a0,開始緊張同dead air)。之後texting之間感覺開始感覺變左beta,由感覺submissive(好呀)變左唔再被我lead(無所謂呀,ok囉)。但佢都繼續send平時出街食咩野之類d相。可以點做返alpha呢?我知道send呢段野某程度上變左beta
#1 Stop doing movie dinner date shit, that’s what FRIENDS do or already-fucked-couple do.
#2 If she says “ok lor” and still send shit to you, you still haven’t lost everything. Your goal is to get her in bed in your 3rd date. You MUST keep progressing to SEX in order to secure the attraction. If you don’t escalate, you are putting yourself into sexless friendzone.
你好我叫asd, Man神我睇你啲片應該有了一星期至兩星期,雖然我睇你的片有一半都唔明,因為我d friend 冇好似你咁樣做,他們都是叫我去同我鍾意的女仔單對單例如送他返屋企她,上她公司等她放工再送她返屋企以上我都有做,但不是單對單而是同friend一齊,所以我不知道什麼方法先可以行得通。
—> How are those methods working out for you? lol
就開始爆出嚟,之後全世界就知道了包括她。—> What kind of PK friend is that?
之後放復活節我d friend好好人,他們都幫我約她出嚟。例如一齊睇戲[一齊包括我d friend。但我問題你之前話不要約條女行街睇戲食飯,但我原本同d friend一齊去睇戲咁就應唔應該約她去。雖然最後她都冇去},最後今天她的friend好突然同我講他已有男朋友。
第一條問題咁我想問 她 是不是講大話? 第二條如果講大話我仲有冇機會?
Well bro, instead of answering your Qs, let me help you ask BETTER QUESTION.
#1 Now that you have 送佢返屋企, wait her after work, dated her for movies and dinner and she didn’t even fucking come, do YOU think this is effective?
#2 Now that you have followed what your “good friends” taught you and even asked them to date the girl, does this work? Are they really helping?
#3 Now that you realize what you secretly share with your “friend” will be exposed to the world including that targeted girl, do you still believe this friend is behaving in a way that serves your interest?
#4 Now that you’ve done everything I told you NOT TO DO, and then you fucked up big time, who actually understand how to play this game!?
Answer these Qs and you’ll know where to seek advice.
Halo,我有個追女仔既問題想請教你,我而家追緊一個女仔,但佢本身分左手幾個月未想拍拖,之前我都有拖過佢手同錫佢,不過佢後尾話唔想咁快又拍拖就叫我唔好咁急,而佢本身都有人追緊既,追佢既人佢如果約佢佢都會應下或出下街,我有表現過唔開心, 但佢就覺得未係情侶關係, 唔想人管佢亦都覺得同男仔出街無咩野,因為佢口講就話暫時對個d人無咩野。
—> How many mistakes do other brothers see here? Why the fuck are you 表現過唔開心? Who the fuck are you? You haven’t even fucked her, you really think you have authority over her? lol
—> Bro, you have a VERY WEAK mental state that I am guessing you are a 13,14 year old kid who is trying to park tor.
There are WAY TOO MANY mistakes you are making that I suspect you haven’t watched much MTFU videos in the past year. Your description reflects that you fail to grasp what I teach especially in the past 6 months.
If any other brothers listening FAILS to understand why he fucks up, I urge you and him to watch at least the recent 100 videos as HOMEWORK and level up your mindset about dating.
Without those foundations, me telling you what to do now not only wastes your time, but also WASTE MY TIME!!!