男女傾計最致命的錯誤!(Part 5 of 7) [溝女]

Yo! 我喺MTFU嘅Man神啊,歡迎嚟到新一集嘅ManTheFvckUp,




男女傾計最致命錯誤 Mistake #5:


太過親戚恭敬mode/太過謹慎小心『得體』/Being Too Safe!


Because you always want to find sth to talk about, you are attached to certain safe topics and you are AFRAID to change subject.



E.g. find that you both loved fitness, then spend 1 fvcking hour talking about health/fitness/food/nutrition/workout, THINKING the conversation well fantastic.


E.g. find that you both are passionate about dogs/cats/pets , then kept talking about pets stuff



TRUTH: You only display that you both are fitness enthusiasts /pet lovers, BUT nothing else in common.


At the end, yes you share mutual interest.


BUT you also display that OUTSIDE that mutual interest, you two CAN’T just chill and enjoy each other’s company, talking about nothing!


=> Girls want to be with a guy who they can have FUN with, being not SERIOUS all the time,


being SILLY around, talking about nth and just chilling in the moment, a guy she can lays on the couch with laughing and having fun


=> Sunday morning, laying on your chest, just FEELING, not always have to talk about serious stuff


There are 1 million guys out there who also love fitness/dogs/whatever passion you have,


but there are only a few guys whom she can imagine herself having fun with,


the two of you just enjoying each other company exploring different activities, adventures and LIFE.


Takeaway: Do NOT attach to certain topics.


As always, your goal of conversations is to have fun, help others have fun (experiencing wide range of emotions),


and then screen & qualify to see if she is the kind of person for you to bring her into your life.

