[溝女QnA] 過左咩位先叫needy?真正情緒控制是什麼?


Man 神  岩岩睇完你講解 嘅Q&A 片 覺得你用射箭去比喻真係好好


1a. 我想問  其實 對人 同 對事    嘅做法係咪唔同??

正如你所講對事物 目標 業績工作呢啲,只少你不斷行動 就會有進步  改變 ! !

就愈黎愈近你嘅目標 結果


但對人,我不停tryhard,不斷去行動 推進 又好似就有啲格硬黎  係人際關係上。

例如我唔鍾意人遲到 已讀不回 講野冇禮貌 唔識尊重人 呢啲。

如果我唔忍受,而我地應該着重自己控制到嘅事,例如 控制自己嘅思想 情緒 行動


1b. 但問題係,雖然我地唔可以去控制人,但我地可以用行動去影響人。

咁應該選擇同佢講??   我應該作出行動嗎??

用自己 嘅 情緒 行動 嘗試去影響佢  改變他人。


I have already answered these for you in the previous Q&A. One thing I will add, remember: Seek to understand before you seek to be understood.


When you’re able to do that, people will more receptive to LISTEN to you.


1c. Man神 可唔可以再講多少少關於needy


Needy 係咪 唔係淨係對人嘅感情需求 認同??

對事 例如 我對某件事嘅 結果 好執着都算係needy?

但係點釐定 我嘅做法係needy???

我要做到過左咩位 先叫needy?


Go watch my video: 點解咁多男人咁依賴 + 如何消滅自己的Neediness!


In short, neediness means you are EMOTIONALLY ATTACHED to certain people/things that you NEED them to happen in order to feel that you are worthy.  It means that you can’t be INDEPENDENT physically, emotionally and live your life.


Neediness comes from our need for something outside of ourselves to complete us. How independent are you? How much neediness do you have towards other people? How lonely are you? How many people do you need others to complete your life?


Whenever you attach your happiness to certain EXTERNAL things that you can’t control, you are begging for suffering.


  1. Man 神 我想知 如果面對 例如:朋友嘅已讀不回,,或者拒絕,或者面對失敗

我第一下反應 嘅情緒 係唔開心  咁有冇問題??


但之後我可以改變自己嘅諗法, 重新詮釋成件事,向好嘅方面諗,情緒 心情變返 正常 穩定。

但係成件事上面,我開頭第一個下反應 情緒 係唔開心 咁樣算唔算控制唔到 情緒?


As I said, NO emotions are bad.


情緒控制/ being a man doesn’t mean you repress your feelings OR close your heart and NOT feeling the juices of life!


A mature masculine man is someone who OPENS his hearts to FEEL EVERYTHING, whether it’s painful or joyful, whether you think it’s good/bad.


Emotion = Phenomenology 現象 + Judgement/Thought/Belief/Interpretation 詮釋


E.g. You see a dog, it suddenly barks you, your heart raise , you think it wants to attack you, so you feel dangerous and unsafe.


E.g. You see a dog, it suddenly barks you, your heart raise , but you know that’s Charlie, so you feel happy.


You can’t control what’s happening, but you can control how you CHOOSE to interpret that thing.


When you change your interpretation, you change the emotion without needing to change the 現象.


Don’t filter your thoughts or feelings, put them out there honestly. Say whatever the fuck you’re feeling, then there’s no GAME.


So from what you said, I think you will understand what I just said.