[溝女QnA] 想利用KOL名氣溝女同工作,好方法?


Yoyo Manson,最近睇你既溝女Q n A都有好多人講關於social life同吸引女性既話題。




但我開始都覺得唔夠,因為我social media唔亂加朋友,同埋自己同身邊fd都唔係玩開ig fb既人,所以我都唔多人follow ig fb like個D既。


=>#1 I am also “not the kind of person”who plays fb/ig, because you know, most people are using it as mindless entertainment looking at stupid shit, so I don’t want to be like that.


But more recently, I realizing that social media can be used as a TOOL to help spread your message. So if you want to magnify your impact to others, whether socially or professionally, you HAVE to use social media strategically.






因為當時細過過有neediness,self doubt令佢地離開左。即使我有健康既social life同每日過得好開心,但間中都會諗起呢D令我心切成長既人。我真係好想番搵佢地,所以我專加專注自己既passion。好閒話講到呢到!


我想令到自己不斷既名聲更上一層樓、圈子更加大,有屬於自己既帝國,我更排開始想開始搞自己personal website,




=> #2 Awesome, it’s good that have fame. But remember that fame, like money/power, is another tool. Most people chase fame for vanity or ego validation, don’t do that.


If you want to pursue fame, do it strategically and purposefully. When you do it right, you will OPEN more DOORS of opportunity – whether socially, sexually, or professionally.  


=> #3 Again, before you KOL yourself, understand what is the PURPOSE of doing so. Understand your WHY and REASONS behind doing this.

Story: I NEVER want fame or become a KOL. But I understand that if I truly want to create a big positive impact to the world, I cannot do it purely by hiding behind the screen.


Yes, you can become rich and successful secretly too, but our world is moving towards a world where we NEED to market, promote ourselves in order to get some ATTENTION.


So ask yourself: What kind of VALUE are you going to bring to the marketplace?


Are you going to be an entertaining character like many KOLs? Are you going to teach certain skills that you are good at?


Most importantly, if things are going well, can you handle the pressure from inevitable haters?


Can you let go of those malicious personal attacks or random critics from people who doesn’t have a real life?


Putting your face out there is a RISKY business, it is going to test your emotional strength. It’s a good training, so ask yourself if you want that.




Ps.假設我成功左又會唔會變得太完美令女人望而卻步呢😂thx -P



#4 You NEVER approach those girls again. You paint a picture of awesome life via social media and let them approach you.


Successes/fame/money/achievements only AMPLIFIES who you really are.


If you’re a dick inside, you will be a dick when you succeed.


If you are a kind-hearted person with good intention, you will still be that person.


Again, don’t use your external shit to attract women. You never want women who only love your ACHIEVEMENTS but NOT loving who you truly are.


Use your behaviours and character to attract the right kind of women to you.