[溝女Q&A] 一條很sad的年青人戀愛問題…我愛上女同學,點先約到佢?


Special back and forth. This is going to be a very sad episode.  I want every brother NOT just listen to the mistakes this young guy make, but FEEL the pain, the low esteem this teen is suffering.


J: 情聖先生,我愛上一位女同學,但佢已經有男朋友(聽講),應該點做??請你教我!!!


Me: Jimmy, Why did you “fall in love” with her? How did that start?


J: I don’t know.


Me: Are you in your teens right now? How old are you?


J: i’m13 years old ,但佢已經有男朋友(聽講)人哋講笑啫,我識佢阿哥, 佢阿哥話冇乜所謂肯幫下我,我開始撩佢傾計,佢成日都笑住同我講,








Me: Hi Jimmy,

#1 You look totally fine. As a 13 year old, you look quite mature, which is good.


#2 DON”T send her a love song, that’s a total nice guy move.


#3 The problem now is that you like her TOO QUICKLY before she has proven anything for you. Don’t do any weird things. Don’t 告白 because you know nothing about her personality. Try to talk to her normally and see how things go first.


J: thx for your help,我想問有咩話題??點樣撩佢??thx





Bro, I gotta be honest with you.


From our conversations, I am CERTAIN that your challenge is NOT about getting girls, your challenge is that your self-esteem is so LOW that you are SO desperate to have a girl to like you, to love you and to treat you well.


I feel really sad for your situation, I don’t know what has happened to you in the past…


But I could tell, for the past 13 years of your life, you had been longing for some feminine gentle love for so long….that you would 做首情歌畀佢, that you would ask her brother for help, that you BEG for a chance from the girl to let you be her bf…


I can feel your pain, what is it?


How did you grow up in the past?

Did you get enough attention and love from your parents?
What was lacking when you were a kid?


I can feel how lonely, lost, empty  you are, what is going on in your life?


Right now, I can’t give you any advice because you are in such a vulnerable state.


The best thing I would recommend you do is to go through ALL the videos I’ve created for you for FREE.


Plus, tell me your story if you want.


Otherwise, all the weapons/techniques/skills I teach you will NOT make a damn difference when your PSYCHOLOGY is so shaky and weak.