[溝女問題] 女仔邀請我追佢,點樣同佢單獨出街!?







=> #1 Why didn’t you chat with her in real person? You’ve wasted your opportunity because REAL PERSON interaction is what matters.


#2 Constant Whatsapp communication afterwards, what does that communicates?


You are a boy who is afraid to talk to her in REAL PERSON, and rely on this “safe platform” to try to seduce her.

PLUS, you are overcommunicating, which means you are already in FZ.








=》#1 Why the fuck her friends know you are interested in her? That’s fucked up already.


#2 Even that girl knows you like her and verbally says so?


Oh boy… that tells me that your behaviors have been too nice, too sweet…


And you even ASKS her “if you should date her?”, is that what a man do? Ask girls permission to date her!?






所以我都開始混亂,成日覺得自己可以付出好多不過做左女仔又冇咩感覺咁,所以都開始反思緊、應該點做呢,所以希望man神可以幫下手、比啲意見 唔該你


=> 『成日覺得自己可以付出好多,不過做左女仔又冇咩感覺咁』, You are good guy with heart, but you don’t fucking understand how attraction works.


You are also a typical nice guy, who hopes to DO STUFF FOR GIRLS and logically hope she will like you.


Ok bro, I bet you haven’t watched much of my videos.


There’s so much foundational concepts you aren’t getting e.g. teasing, challenging, having FUN


My challenge to you:


If you want to understand why you fuck up, go watch my past videos on nice guys, challenging, teasing, neediness.


That’s the most urgent thing you need to do now.