[溝女問題] 何謂型男cool guy?點樣做一個搞笑嘅人?

Have you wondered what a real 型男 is?


Have you tried to act COOL but only to find that the girl got scared away or lose interest because you care too less?


What would you do if you find that the girl you like already has a bf?


Hello man神 ,我最近發現到你既影片,然後我發現失去左好多溝女既機會,因為我分人經常扮COOL講野就呼呼喝喝既人。


=》There’s a difference between a COOL guy and a fake cool guy.


A real cool guy is a LEADER who is not only ASSERTIVE/堅定自信 about himself with confidence,


but also an EASYGOING individual who confidently let go of things out of his control and doesn’t stress out about small stuff.


So, a cool guy is sexual and adventurous who is passionate about life,


but he is NOT being a DICK to people or being an asshole fake alpha male who tries to put down of other people.








=> Let me clarify again: Being a cool guy is NOT about being RUDE,


being ASSERTIVE/堅定自信 and CERTAIN about yourself doesn’t mean you need to 亂咁屌鳩人跟住令啲年輕巴打覺得你好似好有霸氣。


Yes, I did tell you to be more EDGY, 刃, less nice, say whatever the fuck you want,  and be a little bit 寸.


But what I mean is to value your own OPINION without FORCING others to buy into your ideas.


When you stop trying so hard to PROVE to the world that you’re right, then you will naturally attract people to you in a magnetic manner.




我一向講野都唔好笑冇人想笑但佢會笑, 有時有互相寸吓大家,佢同我妹妹經常有野講好好傾既,所以我問我妹妹佢有冇問有關我既野,阿妹話有, 佢問我點解講野咁惡平時係屋企係點樣架?佢仲話我好霸氣。


=》#1 Do you know why people don’t laugh at what you say?


It’s because you aren’t even laughing at what you say and you don’t think it’s funny.


The trick to being a funny is you must say things in a SELF-AMMUSING manner.


When you say stuff because you genuinely find it funny and you say it just to self-amuse yourself, your good emotions will naturally transfer to others and make them feel good and more likely to laugh.






=》#1 Girls giving you signals DO NOT always mean they are single.


Every girl wants MORE attention, that’s the feminine nature and it never ends,


and that’s why the entertainment attracts so many young girls who CRAVE to be SEEN, it’s hard for them to resist the temptation.


#2 Why do you feel frustrated when they have BF?


You should celebrate it because that only means their BF is NOT satisfying her feminine needs and that’s why she is seeking elsewhere.


Of course you can try to beat that guy by presenting yourself as a better option, and it’s totally possible to sleep with this girl and make her CHEAT…


but I won’t recommend you STEALING her for your ego boost and indirectly hurt another human being who is making relationship mistakes.


If she still flirts with you and desires you, and you desire her and want to be a man,


it’s a masculine way to tell her that it’s YOUR RULE NOT to sleep with women who are in a committed relationship.


If she wants to be with you, she needs to break up first.


That’s what a real man does, instead of being a sneaky value-sucker who sleeps around in a dishonest way that is doing the world no good.




好難搵佢講野,加上我係內向怕羞既人,但我真係好想得到佢,man神我應該點樣做先可以溝到佢阿!求你幫吓我 – Kit


=> I think I have shared with you the path you need to take. In order to attract her,


#1 Stop being a creepy guy who feels shameful about your sexual desire.


If you want to LOOK at her beauty, look right at her eye as a man and behold her.


#2 Be edgy but NOT an offensive person who uses RUDENESS as a disguise of your lack of true confidence.


#3 Let her feel your desire but also STRENGTH as a man, that you desire her but you have a rule NOT to sleep with women who are in a committed relationship.


The last one is just my recommendation for you to man up, it’s up to you to choose what you want to do


– as a man with an abundance mindset who CHOOSES which women to sleep with OR scarcity mindset who NEEDS to sleep with every girl available ASAP.