[溝女人生QnA] 朋友女朋友對你冇禮貌,想同佢講,算唔算needy?


MAN 神 1.關於第一條問題 對已讀不回嘅NEEDY


我地應該着重自己控制到嘅事,例如 控制自己嘅思想 情緒 行動,

但雖然我地唔可以去控制人 但我地可以用行動去影響人。



睇件事對你重唔重要?因為已讀不回呢啲小事no big deal,所以唔洗去深究?


有啲事,例如最近我覺得朋友女朋友,有時講野有啲冇禮貌,呢啲事,我覺得重要,就可以作出行動,同佢地講, 大家去揾出原因,了解原因,深究?


因為其實我都幾唔鐘意啲人 冇禮貌 唔識尊重人


我明白世界咁大 實有人會對你無禮貌 無可能要求,但有時朋友對你冇禮貌真係唔好受 我會想同佢講 咁算唔算needy?



#1 It seems that you are still STUCK in your head OVERTHINKING when is the right time to pull back and when is the right time to take action.


Let me share with you this:


Most people spend their MAJOR time on minor things.

e.g. talk about the weather, the stock you have never invested in, the tragic accidents in some places you have never been to, the celebrity wedding, office work gossip, how suck the government it, the intentions of North Korea etc.


It’s natural to do so because everyone does that, but following the status quo is almost always a way to guarantee an average mediocre life.


These concerns 關注 you have are things you have ZERO CONTROL on, only others can do something about it.


You are being REACTIVE to life, you are a victim because you feel like there’s nothing you can do to change it.


However, successful people are PROACTIVE, they  focus their MAJOR EFFORTS on something they can do something about.


They focus on improving their health, be a better son/father/bf, mastering their wealth-generating skillsets, nurturing their relationships, training their IQ EQ etc.


So ask yourself this: Is what concerns me something I have DIRECT CONTROL (problems with your own behaviors/habits), INDIRECT CONTROL (problems with other people’s behaviors), or ZERO CONTROL (problems we can do nothing about with e.g. past realities)?


We have to WIN the private battle within ourselves before we win the public battle with the world.


Furthermore, you are not a fucking tree.


If you don’t like people’s behaviors, why the fuck are you PROACTIVELY putting yourself to endure such situations?


Change yourself before you try to change others.


Learn to ACCEPT ALL and live with problems you can’t change, even if you don’t like them. Be in peace with them.


When you have the COURAGE to change the things you can and what ought to be changed, the SERENITY to ACCEPT things which can’t be changed, and the WISDOM to distinguish between the two, you will WIN in every aspect of your life.


So to your Q, “囡囡已讀不回”, is this something you can change DIRECTLY?


If no, then have you somehow INDIRECTLY CONTRIBUTED to such situation?


If yes, how could your own BEHAVIORS change to minimize such incident to happen?


Same to the 無禮貌 thing.