
Over the past 2+ years, I have read almost 1000+ case studies from bros at all levels, all ages from 13-50+, from all over the world and i have noticed certain PATTERNS in their dating/relationship problems.

When you answer so many Qs, you will start to notice what works and what doesn’t work when dealing with women.

So I will list a bunch of observations I have made during this period when I am teaching brothers.

#1 Begging girls to do sth e.g. to date, to have sex, to like you, to love you, to give you a chance WILL NEVER work.

You must have the upper hand power at all times in a relationship. Whenever you BEG a woman to stay with you/get back with you, you are FUCKED!

Why? Because appealing to girls’ sympathy is NOT a seduction tool!

#2 Every time when you feel the URGE to save a r/p, you actually have already LOST the girl.

Why? Because it implies you’re caring too much, you are putting HER in front of yourself, you are NOT in control of the r/p. So this relationship is DONE, you’ve fucked up.

#3 Most of what your father or grandfather tell you how to get girls is WRONG. In 2019/2020/2021, buying flowers on V’s day or random day is the most UGLY thing a man can do. Stop being so ugly and 變態.

Also, stop believing what TV dramas or romantic movies say about male-female relationships including those starting from the 60s. The project of making men beta have started almost 80 years ago and those messages are all harming you.  

#4 Don’t “surprise” your girl by suddenly appearing outside her office, that’s creepy. Stop telling her I love you unless she has told you MANY TIMES in advance.

Stop calling girls on phone to “Nth much, I just want to hear your voice”. These are all SUPER BETA behaviors EVEN when you’re her bf.

#5 NEVER apologize for your actions, unless in extreme cases. An Alpha is unapologetic about himself, about his attitude, beliefs and actions.

People pleasers are betas. Be proud of yourself, be proud of your sex drive, be proud of everything you do including your failures.

#6 So called “game” is about creating an impression that she’s chasing you, even though you’re proactively leading her to do so secretly.

So “game” isn’t about doing nothing and let girls come to you, that doesn’t work UNLESS you are super high value like a famous hot celebrity. But the general rule is to do as little/obvious as possible to game her.

#7 Never give 100% of the things women want e.g. your time/your emotions/ your material stuff/ SEX!

Remember that only scarce things have value, and women only want what they can’t have. So keep them in the wanting/wishing/fantasizing mode.

#8 Self-respect is one of the biggest thing men lack nowadays. Stop being a pathetic worm cry-baby who tells me that “I really want her, i can’t live without her, I must want her because I love her.”

Shut the fuck up and listen: You can never FORCE a woman to be with you. No woman wants such a loser like you right now. If a woman wants to leave/break up, let her go and CUT all your attention.

Men can NEVER convince women to stay if her heart is there. So look at the mirror at your fucking face, see how you fucked up, learn from your mistakes and move the F on like a man!

#9 In all stages of relationship, you must remain as a KING. You are the prize, you know your value and it is HER LUCK that you choose her to date/fvck tonight.

She is the lucky girl who gets your attention, you deserve hot women and you always do things that pleases you first. NEVER put her in front of you.

So here you go bro. These are the common basic themes I get from so many MISTAKES guys are making with women right now.

Choose women who want to be with you, who will change herself for you, and who will overcome challenges to stay with you.

Only those who are putting in the effort and proves her loyalty deserves your most attention. Others are only casual playmates you fvck around once for a while.

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