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Tim C:  Hello Man,睇咗你段片一段時間,都令我對同女性相處多咗了解。我想請教一下你,想要D意見,關於我嘅情況:我依家知對象係中學識,但我同佢係畢業之後D飯聚先熟近呢一兩年比較親密。但係佢半年前轉咗新公司,識咗個best friend,就少咗約出嚟同傾計。

嗰時不自覺表現咗D Needy嘅行為,例如問佢幾時先同我出嚟。最近發現佢block咗我ig story (冇block到post),同埋覆whatsapp都好hea,想避開我咁,就知自己那野,自己變得過份監控同控制佢。

睇咗你D Video就話最好先俾真空期大家,亦唔好俾佢嘅行為影響自己情緒,改善自己狀態先,變得更alpha再搵佢。雖然可能已經Fail咗,但我都想請教嘅係

1. 改變自己之後應該點樣約佢出嚟?電話?whatsapp?2. 有冇方法重新吸引到佢?

Man如果方便的話可以拍片Youtube回應。 Thank you


#1 You’re right, from her behaviors – block IG story +hea whatsapp – she is already telling you that she is NOT interested in your advance.

She wants to avoid you. And very possibly it’s because of your creepy 『想溝又好似唔係溝』嘅朋友過渡去情人行為behaviors.

#2 Yes, you have set a bad impression of yourself and thus you need a SPACE. If you are truly changing, you are NOT doing for her but you are doing for YOURSELF. So you should even consider “how to get her back”.

All you need to do is to increase your sex appeal as a man and keep meeting new interesting girls. Keep having fun and building your lifestyle as a man and post cool pics in IG.

Then any girls in your IG, including her, will be intrigued and start to pay attention to you. When she likes/DMs you again, you know this girl is interested in you. Play it cool at first and then invite her out if she keeps showing you interest.


Johnson: 如果個女仔係A0但又覺得單身冇問題可以點算。睇完本書之後先知自己有咁多問題,獲益良多

—> Well, it sounds that EITHER she isn’t looking for a relationship, but she is having casual sex secretly with some Alphas, OR it’s JUST that YOU are not attractive enough and she just uses some bullshit to 打發你.

Whatever the case, you shouldn’t worry about such 拍拖Q and discuss with girls. What girls say are useless, just pay attention to her behaviours and you know the truth.


Mark L: 想問如果個女仔突然Whatapps寫一段嘢話想做返朋友,唔想有romantic relationship住。但我哋之間最多都係平時聚會見面傾計同埋WhatsApp,但冇講過我鍾意佢等等東西。想問個女仔其實諗緊乜?

—> That means she is bullshitting you. All she is saying is that she is NOT sexually interested in you. You are NOT arousing her desire to make her want to fuck you and beg you for a relationship.

You didn’t’ tell her anything but she SENSED from your BEHAVIOURS that you really really like her.

So that’s why she wants to preemptive strike you and PREVENT you going further and bothering her.

The fact that you’re sending email to ask me about HER shows me that you CARE ABOUT what she thinks about you, right? 😉
