
When you met someone new, do you feel that everything seems moving so GOOD, life is AWESOME, birds are singing for you, and you just feel so POSITIVE every single day?


Well, that is because you have entered the infatuation phase/蜜月期,when your brain is being flooed with dopamine多巴胺/serotonin血清素/oyxtocin催產素,which means you feel is sweet and all you see is the POSITIVE.


How long is this phase? Science says it’s around 12-18 months.


And why does this phase slow down after that?


Evolutionary biologists says this chemical rush has to die down at that point because the babies that you are now presumably having would die from neglect if you were lavishing so much attention on each other 24/7.


Meaning: If you focus too much on your partner when your child is born, your child will die.


So what it means to you is that:

DON”T be so clouded by her when you first get to know each other.

Don’t make major life decisions in the first 2 years.  

Don’t mistakenly think that “she is the ONE” when everything seems to go smooth.


Keep it light, simple, fun for the first 2 years;


have great passionate sex so that “her real self” will slowly start to come out later and you’ll see her real character!