全新系列: 如何識別身邊隱藏的危險人物!? [FBI教你危險人物 Ep.001]

Name of the book we’ll discuss: <Dangerous Personalities> by Joe Navarro


Why I wanna share this book?

Because we ALL have or will encounter one or more of these DANGEROUS personalities in our life – family members, gfs, wife, friends, professional workers etc.

These ppl are flawed in character, they lack consciousness, they are TOXIC ppl who WILL HARM YOU deliberately and make you suffer.

I want this series of videos help you recognize these dangerous ppl, prevent them in your life and know how to effectively deal with them if you inevitably encounter them.

This will save you from being injured – physically, mentally, emotionally, financially – and save you from being murder, rape, thief, bully or exploit!

Why Joe Navarro wrote this book?

Because over 4 decades, he learnt that there are certain personalities that HURT PEOPLE MOSt and they exist in our daily lives!

Maybe we have heard a lot of massive killings in America’s schools, and the media might only report these massive killings,

but most of us are NOT aware of those small killing incidents where dangerous personalities kill ppl ONE AT A TIME!

These ppl exist in schools, church, home, office, governments!

殺人案、家庭暴力、 竊案、搶案,性騷擾案,這些案子很多都是這種危險分子犯下的,而且多數沒有報案,也沒有判刑。

Have you been stolen sth b4? Did sb hurtfully  exploit you?

Were you bullied at school or at work? Were you sexually abused in the past but you never mention it?



So Joe 經過努力查訪以及他人的指點,找出了幾種人格習於欺騙與操控,人品低下,以利用他人為樂,視法律為無物,對他人毫無尊重。


Hard Lesson: 危險人格極善於隱藏。他們看起來就像凡夫俗子,行為正常,而且有些人甚至相當討喜,聰明伶俐,風趣幽默,非常有魅力。然而他們的危險性格始終存在。


隨著時間累積,Joe逐漸歸納出4 種危險人格,他們每天都可能讓你遭受各種形式的損失,包括精神、肉體、財務。

Are you fully IN or NOT?

So bro, dangerous personalities people are EVERYWHERE, you will be tormented  if you don’t know how to sense the danger and observe behaviors.

Most people are blind, you can only rely on yourself to save yourself.

I want to share Joe’s expert knowledge so that you can PREVENT ppl from hurting you, whether new friends, colleagues, or the girl you just met.

In the coming episodes, you will learn these Big 4 dangerous personalities one-by-one, you’ll know how they behave and make you feel, you’ll have a checklist to look for behavioral signs of toxic people.

This book is NOT to help you become a clinical psychologist to understand the WHYs,

BUT you will have the assessment tools to identify DP’s behaviors and keep yourself and loved ones SAFE.

So do you want to get these powerful FBI tools to stay safe when you go out socializing and attracting girls?

Do you want to prevent being physically/psychologically fvcked up by true evil people?

Comment below if you have ever encountered DANGEROUS people in your life!