Book Ref:
#1 永遠以猜疑眼光看待世界
These ppl are always full of suspicions. They think ppl are trying to harm him.
So when they interact with you, they want you to listen and VALIDATE his/her beliefs/信仰, and when you don’t, they suspect you are a threat as well.
They may be quiet/reserved/shy, but they can also be loud/好勇鬥狠,they may show up in demonstrations and become violent e.g. damage cars & properties.
Again, what drives them is irrational fear/毫無理性嘅恐懼。To Tthem,高度仇恨與恐懼,就係令生命有意義同目標。
#2 疑神疑鬼,怕東怕西,遮遮掩掩
They can fear anything e.g. ppl from certain countries/ethnicity, food source, neighbor, animals, technology, government, boss, new colleague, insurance company, emails etc.
#3 堅持己見,好勝爭論
健全健康嘅人 -> 可以適應新情況,擁抱新觀念,因環境改變,可以理解別人不同的立場與信念
Paranoid -> 不理會邏輯與實證,只會憑自己的洞察力去爭論;When you disagree, you are an enemy
Dangerous distorted beliefs:
E.g. If I kill enough scientists, I’ll stop the advance of technology.
E.g. 拉登 “If I kill enough Americans, the US will leave the Middle East.”
#4 難以平復舊傷患,好記仇
So these paranoids 一點一滴收集舊傷患,然後利用呢啲材料為報仇藉口。
E.g. Laden used 十一世紀十字軍東征,合理化911
E.g. Hitler used 2000年前嘅猶太人嘅歷史傷口,作為報仇。
Next week,
We’ll talk about the 關鍵字 + how they affect us.