


You know me, I don’t use pickup lines to attract or flirt with women and I don’t recommend using them to start conversations.


However, sometimes I naturally repeat those lines that work so well that they have ingrained in my flirting.


So I want to share this secret line I use to attract girls.

WARNING: After I share, it probably won’t work for TOO long because otherwise thousands of girls will hear this tmr lol


Also, remember that lines are the LEAST important thing to focus on.

-> I can teach you exactly what to say, why to say it,


BUT how to put yourself in the correct mindset to come up with things to say is the most important.


So here’s how you do it:


Next time an attractive woman give you compliment, or start to give you a lot of attention, or smile/laugh a lot at what you say…


-> PAUSE, then look at her and say “Wait …. is that how you normally kau jai?”


I guarantee this girl will be speechless and ask what you said, and be instantly attracted to you because you’re “funny” in women’s language.


Why it works?

-> When a woman say this to you, you feel shy because she saw through the truth. Same to women even when she’s being interested in you.


Other scenarios:


A girl asks you for help – time, direction, borrow sth –


“Wait…is that how you flirt with guys?”


You’re welcome 😉