男女傾計最致命的錯誤!(Part 6 of 7) [溝女]

Yo! 我喺MTFU嘅Man神啊,歡迎嚟到新一集嘅ManTheFvckUp,




男女傾計最致命錯誤 Mistake #6:


嘗試扮搞笑,嘗試扮funny,而忘記咗自己享受去玩嘅過程/having fun。



Understand: Most girls don’t get guys humor, that logical intellectual humour doesn’t mean shit to them.


Comedians are funny, but do you think they are sex symbol?


Fvck no!


Trying to be funny -> make you OVERTHINK things, funny lines put pressure on you to always be stuck in your head.


-> When you think it’s not funny, you think the sentence is NOT good enough to say, and you think you don’t know what to say.



TRUTH: Women prefer FUN over funny.


=> Because FUNNY makes her laugh at the jokes, FUN gets her laughing because she likes you.


=> Jokes make her laugh at the THING,


but when you two do sth that’s FUN (roleplay, teasing her), she laughs because she is having a good time with you!



FUN is easier to transition to sexual.


-> It’s hard to get from being scarastic to sexual


-> VS you tease her, being playful, being silly,


it’s much easier to transition to SEXUAL stuff and lead to passionate romantic connection.

