Hey bro, do you feel sorry for girls who miss out the opportunities to get GREAT QUALITY GUYS they have around them, just because they never date their guy friends?
Well, if you feel like that, I gonna be honest with you: It is YOUR damn fault to ever end up in the sexless FZ.
#1 This might be the last time we talk about FZ, but if you ever think the power is in a girl’s hand that “she put you in FZ”or “she made a bad choice”,
you are just being a victim who pretends to have zero responsibility for ending up in such shitty situation.
you are just being a victim who pretends to have zero responsibility for ending up in such shitty situation.
#2 I want you to remember this truth forever: Whether or not you are going to be friends with a girl is 100% up to you.
Why? It’s because it is a man’s job to initiate a sexual move, and if you just sit there waiting for her to give you super obvious signal, then 99.9% of the time you will end up as “friends”.
Why again? Because you decided to be a pussy who doesn’t make a goddamn move!
#3 Let me analyze why a guy is FZed in most cases…it always flows like this:
A girl kind of likes him, and she is curious if he likes her too
-> However, he is too afraid to fvck up things so he doesn’t make a move
-> Then, the girl conclude that “he doesn’t want me, he just wants to be friends” OR “He is too chicken to express his sexuality.”
Such lack of confidence is what ultimately turns women off and forces them to fvck other guys.
#4 So how can you prevent yourself from being FZed from now on?
It’s simple. If you are attracted to a woman, during the first (at most second) meetup, you MUST escalate the vibe so that she can feels your sexual desire.
Sometimes girls might not attracted to you, sometimes they aren’t ready for an attractive lover.
That’s fvcking okay because you know you have more options than her.
#5 Then NOW, you have a decision to make: Do I want to be a platonic friends with this person or not?
If yes, you FZ her and keep it neutral. If not, you wish her the best and say goodbye. It is that simple!
#6 The point is: YOU have the ultimate authority to decide, YOU are the only one who choose to be friends with girls, YOU decide if you withdraw her opportunity to fvck you.
Don’t tell me that you get FZed again, OR complain to me that girls are stupid to NOT being able to see “great guys” besides her,
…because that only tells me that you are too chicken to let her feel your unapologetic sexual desire!