[溝女Q&A] 鍾意左女同事?再三嘗試約女仔佢都推咗?身邊有好多女性朋友的囡囡點交往?



Liauw Ivan





過左一個月我同女朋友分左手,我嘗試whats app 同佢傾計,但只係回好短既回覆.


我無把握約佢出街,但返工都係有講有笑,我想問我應該點做? THX


Hi Ivan,


It seems the timing isn’t right when she wants you, while you have a girlfriend.

But now, her interest seems to have lost.


Since she is your colleague, I suggest you NOT to develop anything serious with her if you cherish your job.


Otherwise, it can hurt both of you.




蔡宏傑:  阿man啊,我想問點解我再三嘗試去約女仔出街佢都推咗我




”我再三嘗試” implies that ur behaviors are very NEEDY, which repels women.

How old are u? I bet you only recently discovered MTFU?




Tim Li: 我想單獨同個女仔交往但是佢身邊成日都有好多女性朋友在、



我有冇佢電話、 就算有佢電話我都想係面認識佢同佢交往


How old are you and her? How do u know her?

Also, define  交往 for me thanks.
