想請教你一d問題! 我同C小姐相識十年, 中學曾經喺埋一齊幾個月! 最近兩年先聯絡返!
我個心儀對象C小姐最緊同男朋友分手, 佢哋喺埋一齊咗接近三年!
係佢主動飛左男仔! 佢話個男仔經常望其他女,望足幾秒! 因為呢個原因經常吵架!
琴日佢去男朋友屋企執曬嘢走,晚上佢約咗我, 喺我樓下公園跑步!
大部分時間都係講佢男朋友啲衰嘢, 佢仲教我點樣追女仔!
跑完步我順便送佢返屋企, 當日嘅凌晨佢瞓唔著, 打咗畀我,
約我下個月去旅行( 之前曾經同佢講過我想去旅行,但冇人陪),
但係唔單止我哋兩個, 仲有佢媽媽同細路都會去!
唔清楚佢對我有無好感? 處女座好難捉摸!
Thank you !
#1 To be honest, if she’s angry because ” 佢話個男仔經常望其他女,望足幾秒 ” , then she is a very immature and insecure girl that you probably shouldn’t get close with.
#2 It seems that she is treating you as a GOOD FRIEND, and your behaviors are more like a good friend than a potential sexual partner/bf.
#3 Stop using the word ” 追”, it fvcks up everything.
Watch these for reference:
#4 Stop being needy, ” 隔1-2個鐘先覆我” is such a normal thing.
#5 You can’t “get her as a gf” if she’s seeing you as a friend.
Let me ask you, what’s your current social life like?
How many other girls are you seeing?
鍾意今集嘅話就like,留言俾我知並且share比你值得分享嘅朋友睇啦, 下集再見你!