親愛厲害既man神,話說小弟上個星期去老蘭一間club玩,然後嗰晚識左個台灣女仔 (感都有好似你講感玩緊既時候,行一行開再翻過去搵佢,同埋佢年紀大過我,然後講到呢樣嘢我都同佢講,『你對我來講都係太後生喇』)識了。雙方交換左contact,但去到最後我都飲醉左,自己走左冇下文。
#1 When girls go clubbing while travelling, almost ALL of them are NOT looking for a relationship. They only care about having FUN, having some ego validation that “she still can attract guys”, and if you’re hot maybe a one night stand.
#2 Good that you had teased her and disqualified her and doing some verbal game on her. But what the fuck did you get drunk!? If you want to hook up the same night OR later days, you gotta remain sober so that you know what you’re doing.
Also, whenever you meet a girl in bar/club, figure out her plans and logistics. When you know she’s leaving soon, then you gotta decide if you want to try to CLOSE THE DEAL tonight, because after that it’s unlikely anything are gonna happen.
#3 It’s hard to keep that connection going, the more you chat about random stuff, the more you’re falling into a sexless friend zone, because you’re investing so much time/effort/energy into such relationship BEFORE she is really attracted to you.
PLUS, you’re only relying on texting as a means of communication, which is super limited and you can’t use any other nonverbal tactics to attract her.
So you gotta see if you can get her to any social media accounts you have so that she can SEE YOUR LIFE going on without you actively showing to her. That’s the best way to passively let her invest in you.
#4 Then, about 2 weeks before, let her know that you’ll travelling to Taiwan, and invite her to do some FUN stuff you already plan to do for yourself. Also, if you have enough rapport, tell her to bring you around. If she accepts these, then she is definitely interested in you.
#5 As regards 異地拍拖, don’t start any long D relationship before maybe you have developed a solid 1-year relationship with her. It’s NOT going to work simply because you both haven’t GROWN the relationship beyond the attraction. You haven’t even enjoyed enough sex with each other to start loving each other fully.
#6 However, if you’re only looking for a short quick one-off bang, of course you can do so.
All you need to do is to make sure your first impression triggers are on point (style, fitness, BL, tonality, eye contact), have FUN and seduce her, and lead her to the bedroom with no strings attached.
Be clear about your intentions that you only want to have some fun, and you think any sort of romantic connection gotta start with a passionate sexual connection, be honest and ACCEPT ALL regardless of whether she convinces herself to sleep with you.
#7 Warning, you haven’t done much qualification on HER INNER PERSONALITY/character yet. I have a feeling you are starting to fall for her based on her external hotness.
Be careful, you gotta SCREEN HER properly before you allow yourself to invest more. Otherwise, you’re going to experience MASSIVE PAIN who got tortured by your own imagination.