
Bro, when you are learning game/male female sexual dynamics, have you ever encountered resistance/criticisms like:

– What are you paying to these stuff, it’s so inauthentic, just be yourself!
– What? You are banging a new girl every week the past months? Don’t you think such sex is meaningless?
– What? You have 5 loyal girlfriends who are willing to do anything for you? Don’t you think such behavior is immoral and unethical? How would your future daughter sees you as a father?

Yes, these are the seemingly-good harsh criticism you receive from moral kinghts.

Actually, there’s a popular phrase in these few years called Virtue Signalling/釋放道德信號,以某種言論顯示自己站在道義一方。

E.g. 如果一個男人說「《太陽報》第三版真是低俗不堪」,那暗示他尊重女性。

E.g. 「資本主義比『伊斯蘭國』組織製造的苦難更多」, 暗示他是道德信號的終極化身,他怒得簡直要炸了,他一定是個好人!

Anyway, the point is: Many White Knights and some women will question you about your ethics when they know that you are an attractive man who gets a lot of non-exclusive sexual relationships with women.

They will say you’re superficial, 缺乏良知/自尊心, 自私自利 etc. They will say you’re a cheating asshole who uses women.

Well brother, when you are attacked by these moral warriors, understand:

#1 When people use morals/ethics to attack you online, they don’t actually care if YOU are good/bad, what they care is they are being PERCEIVED as a moralistic good person by others.

When they get likes from others, they will feel 道德優越感, thinking such virtue will make them attractive to women.  

#2 Very often, those 正義撚 white knights who are so defensive about whether your sexual behaviors are moral/good, IS those who cannot fvck women they want in real life.

So because of their heavy jealousy, all they could do is to focus on bringing down the winners to make themselves feel better.

#3 There is a balance between your primal sexual urges and your spiritual “higher-self” goals.

Of course you don’t need to fvck every hole you see like a crazy dog. But also you don’t have to impose spiritual meanings like a 宗教撚 into seduction and make sex so virtuous so big-of-a-deal.

A healthy human being is a flexible human being.

He can fucks when he wants to fuck with girls he wants to fuck. But he can also talks about quantum physics, philosophy, UFO, spiritual 虛無縹緲 new-age shit if he likes.

Don’t be deterred by those moralistic dudes as you become more sexually attractive and successful. All their criticisms are bullshit that reflect their lack of achievements.

So keep fvcking and keep going!