

Q&A Hi man神,睇完你d片之後,我既人生的確有好大轉變,我好容易同囡囡玩到。但同時我發覺自己開始比人背後中傷,比人話我中意食女,我feel到開始有人對我反感,我怕再係咁落去會畀人話我狗公,排擠我。


究竟我係咪做錯d乜?我只不過係ocamp同d組mate玩,ocamp本來就係用黎玩架啦,我又唔係淨係同女玩。究竟我應該點做?繼續去同女女玩?定收斂d好? Thanks! By rex


#1 Are the girls MORE or LESS attracted to you now? If it’s MORE, then who gives a fvck of what other jealous dudes say? You’re not pleasing to suck their dicks, so who cares?

Don’t let the fvcking crabs pull you down.


#2 That’s good that you’re playing with EVERYONE, not just girls. So you’re good, keep that action momentum going and let haters hate you. Withstand that pressure and you’ll become an even more attractive man!

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