Yo Man, 終於有個機會可以問你野 XD
自從新識左一個女仔以來一直謹守你的教導,例如be an Alpha male﹑少text﹑push & pull等等。
然而,唔知係咪因為佢上星期出TRIP 大陸,我show太多關心,或者其他原因 (費事估啦,我情願將焦點放係solution)…
尋晚收到佢msg,大意係: 覺得同我相處好有壓力,普通朋友唔應該咁之類blahblahblah。
佢之前一D表現 (例如佢會qualify自己﹑特登比佢去end text轉頭又會撩返我 << 算唔算呢?) 令我相信佢應該對我有好感 (或者學你講,assume佢有!)。
我的問題係,我應該點回應 (或唔回應)? 佢咁講,係咪都係一種shit test? 定有其他用意?
BTW,好多謝你的教導! 應該真係有好多兄弟需要呢類教戰! Thanks,Marty
#1 There isn’t enough information on why you fucked up.
But one obvious thing is as you said “唔知係咪因為佢上星期出TRIP 大陸,我show太多關心,或者其他原因”…
it shows that you show too much SWEET CARING as a friend and LACK sexual tension.
If she says “覺得同我相處好有壓力,普通朋友唔應該咁”, this implies that she really sees you as a FRIEND.
At some point, you tried to escalate to a more sexual relationship from a foundation of FRIEND, it rarely works that way and that is why the girl feels your advance and feels pressure.
Remember: It’s hard to use a normal “caring friend” image to seduce her, it rarely works that way.
It’s much better if you come out as a “I am sexually interested in you, I want to see who you are, but it’s cool if you don’t want that and I will move on” frame.
#2 You have 2 options now:
Either hang out as a normal just-friend, OR cut that communication for now.
It’s not a shit test, it’s just the TRUTH that you haven’t made her feel SEXUALLY DESIRED first before you establish so much emotional rapport as a friend.
So learn from this experience, pick an option,
watch more MTFU’s videos and move on to the next girl.