[溝女兩難] 囡囡好少主動聯絡,點吸引佢?






但既然我要吸引佢的話,唔主動showup 聯絡佢,又點可以吸引到佢呢?





#1 First, what I hear now is that the problem is NOT that you don’t know how to contact her,


the real problem is WHY isn’t she interested/attracted enough to find an “excuse” to talk to you.


If a girl is interested in you, they often will find an “excuse” to let you know that they’re paying attention to you – whether via whatsapp, IG, SC etc.


So what concerns me now is that right now, she has ALREADY put you in a sexless platonic friendzone.


You’re not even her close FZ, otherwise she will be at least chatting with you on a regular basis.


#2  If you want to ATTRACT them passively, you gotta do 2 things.

– Build a REAL active social life where you can take a lot of pics and videos


– Then POST them in your FB/IG to let girls passively invest a bit of time/energy on you.


When you do these right, you will discover that they often will find “excuse” to PM/DM you about some stuff, and from there you can start chatting.


#3 Yes, in this situation, if you persists on whatsapping her, that’s only showing your neediness.

What you are communicating is all beta-male bahviors:

– You have so much time to waste on her = you don’t have a fvcking life apart from you

– You are so eager to get her attention i.e. chasing

– You are so desperate to get her out = Don’t you have any women in your life?


Although dating doesn’t mean you sit at your room, being passive and doing nothing,


the best way to meet girls in a high value way is that you ARE DOMINATE YOUR PATH,


doing stuff that EXCITES YOU,


and “it just happens that you meet her along the way”.


And if she is cool, you invite her out for social stuff for further qualification, in case you haven’t done much at the first contact.


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